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發布時間:2021-12-14 06:01:22

⑴ 英美民商法中嚴格責任(strict liability)和絕對責任(absolute liability)的區別最好能舉例子 謝謝



















⑵ 我想提問一下,中國侵權責任法,主要借鑒德日觀點,還是借鑒英美侵權法(哪一個方面多)

英美的 不是小*日的。。。這裡面主要是美國的 侵權法的發展與美國相似 看看 中國侵權法現狀:考察與評論

⑶ 我國侵權責任法與英美法系侵權責任法的差異是什麼


⑷ 英美法上常見的故意侵權行為有哪些

在特定情況下。 如日本民法通說認為; (686~690)有三個要件的, 也為我們研究侵權行為的概念提供了依據,

⑸ 關於英美侵權法的一個問題。急救。。。。

The rule of this case is: even if opposing player breached a ty owed by striking him, the football player assumed the risk of such injury e to the level of violence and the frequency of emotional outbursts in the league and, therefore, could not recover for injuries.

This authority is no longer a good law in Ferderal Court jurisdiction. In 601 F.2d 516, Court of Appeal reversed the trial decision and held no law prevented the application of tort concepts to football, plaintiff had right to have his tort claims adjudicated and evidence of plaintiff's prior football conct was irrelevant to claims and improperly admitted. The Supreme Court of U.S. upheld the Appeal decision and the Certiorari was denied.

You had better read the relevant textbook more carefully.

⑹ 英美法中的民事侵權是什麼啊

英美侵權行為法實質上指的是普通法系的侵權行為法,以區別於大陸法系的民事侵權行為法律。就一種具體的侵權行為而言,英美法系和大陸法系就相似的侵權行為事實可能有近似的判定結果,但是就侵權行為訴訟的方式、形式、法律理由等等而言,兩種法系具有顯著不同的特點。這里要講的內容主要是普通法系侵權行為法的規則。 「普通法」的含義是多方面的。一個方面是指英國的一種法律淵源,與衡平法和制定法相對。從這個意義上講,普通法中的侵權行為法僅指英國法院依照普通法程序對侵權行為受害者提供的法律救濟。這種理解的缺陷是過於狹窄。從英國法發展的情況看,1875司法法令頒布後,普通法體系和衡平法體系的區分逐漸消失,現在再去區分普通法對侵權行為受害人的救濟和衡平法對不當行為受害者的救濟已沒有實際的意義。而且,隨著英國法成文法的增多,英國法的侵權行為法已大大超過了普通法對侵權行為的救濟。「普通法」的另外一個含義是指普通法系的傳統,它既包括英國法傳統,又包括美國法傳統,以及原英國殖民地法律制度,這個含義與羅馬日爾曼法系相對。從這個意義上講,普通法中的侵權行為法實際上指通行於普通法系傳統國家侵權行為法的共同特徵。這種理解的缺陷是過於龐雜,況且就目前的情況而言,英、美、加、澳、新等普通法系國家畢竟是具有統一完整法律制度的主權國家,在具體的侵權行為形式,侵權行為訴訟和侵權行為救濟方面等等都有自己的特點和具體的差別。這里,只是一般地探討一下普通法中的侵權行為法所共同涉及的幾個問題。 從原告的角度說,侵權行為法可以為其受到的損害提供一種補償;從被告的角度說,侵權行為法可以保護他的一種行動的自由,即並非不當的行為不發生什麼責任;從社會的角度說,侵權行為法可以防止損害行為。侵權行為法提供一種法律的救濟,但是在整個法律體系中,它只是法律救濟中的一種,其他救濟的方法還有:私人保險,社會保險,刑事傷害補償,以及各種健康服務性質的國家福利。一般地說,侵權行為不存在一種公認的定義。普遍的看法是侵權行為可能存在一種趨向,但不能說有一種有效的侵權行為的一般原則。在這一點上,侵權行為法不同於契約法。在契約理論中,一個有效的合同必須有第一,要約和承諾;第二,約因形式;第三,當事人責任能力和第四,形成法律關系的意圖。但在侵權行為法中,不存在類似的一般規則。按照美國的權威看法,侵權行為這個詞,「我們作出了許多的努力去定義,但是,我們所謂的成功之處,要麼是擴大了它的含義,因而包含了超過侵權行為范圍的東西,要麼是縮小了它的含義,因而漏掉了許多屬於侵權行為范圍內的東西」 。 但是,一般認為,一個「侵權行為」是一種民事不當行為,而非一種合同違約,對此,法院將以賠償訴訟的形式提供一種救濟。侵權行為的性質可以歸納為如下幾點: 第一, 一個侵權行為導致一個可能要求賠償的民事訴訟。對侵權行為的法律救濟有各種方法,比如強制令,比如賠償,這些救濟可以由當事人一並提出,也可以獨立地提出。然而,原告的債務問題不屬於侵權行為法的范圍。 第二, 一個侵權行為產生於法律的運作,而不是當事人的協議,專門源於違約、信託違約等的行為,不發生侵權行為事實。 第三,專門涉及國家的懲罰行為,不是侵權行為,而是刑罰。 第四,侵權行為、違約和犯罪不必定是完全獨立的。侵權行為也可因違約、犯罪或兩者而發生,比如出租司機撞了路燈,他可能對乘客承擔侵權行為責任,對計程車車主承擔侵權行為責任,對任何其他受傷的人或財產承擔侵權行為責任,可能還要因未能將乘客運到目的地承擔違約責任,而且還可能因違反道路交通法承擔刑事責任。 侵權行為的定義因此可以這樣表述:「主要產生於法律運作而非當事人違約的違法行為;它是對未清償行為的一種典型性賠償;而且,它不是專門性的違約,或專門性的信託,或其他衡平的責任或一種犯罪的結果。」 從歷史上看,梅因認為,侵權行為法是最古老的法律制度之一,甚至犯罪也起源於侵權行為法。不過,現代意義的侵權行為法,起源於英國14世紀的令狀(Writs)制度。沒有國王的令狀,任何人都不能在王國普通法院里提起訴訟。在沒有令狀的地方,就不存在權利。每一個原告只能在已認可的形式范圍內提起訴訟,而訴訟形式的關鍵要素始於原始的令狀,因這個令狀才發生一個訴訟。這種情況持續了500年,到1832年和1833年法律改革之後,這種情況發生了變化。到1852年,英國「普通法律程序法令」(Common law Procere Act )規定,「在任何傳喚令狀中,沒有必要提及任何訴訟的形式或原因」。盡管如此,「英國法院規則」(English Rules of court)最近版本還說,即使沒有必要陳述令狀中的訴訟原因,但也非常希望這樣去做。因此法律史學家梅特蘭(F.W. Maitland)說:「訴訟形式在墓穴里在制約著我們」 ,他的意思是說,侵權行為訴訟形式的區分在現代已經沒有現實的意義,但是在法律實踐上,這種區分仍然制約著我們現代人。 歷史的原因導致了英美侵權行為責任的體系,這種責任體系最原始的區分是「不法侵害」(trespass)和「其他的不法侵害」(trespass on the case),前者不要求具體的權利要求和損害的證明,而在後者,具體的要求和損害的證明通常至為重要。隨著時代的發展,這種劃分不再能夠滿足侵權行為法的發展。到現代,對於侵權行為的責任范圍,存在兩種不同的學派,一種是抽象的侵權行為法學派(a Law of tort),典型代表是溫斐爾德(Winfield),這個學派認為,如果不能被證實為合法,那麼所有不當行為都可能構成侵權行為。只有這樣,法律才能更好地保護人們的權利;另外一種是具體的侵權行為法學派(a law of torts),典型代表是英國著名的薩爾蒙德(J.W. Salmond),這個學派認為,侵權行為包括各種具體的侵權行為形式,比如不法侵害(trespass)、侵擾(nuisance)、過失(negligence)、名譽損害(defamation)等等。原則上講,如果原告不以上述一種訴訟形式提出訴訟請求,那麼他不能獲得法律的救濟,但是如果一旦有了新的侵權行為,那麼就可以產生一種新的侵權行為訴訟形式,比如侵犯隱私(invasion of privacy)、脅迫(intimidation)等等。 在理論上,對於侵權行為責任的劃分則無統一的說法,甚至可以說,在英美侵權行為法的著作中,沒有完全相同體例的兩本書。這里主要介紹兩種較為典型的體例。 第一種體例是美國法律協會編纂的「法律重述·侵權行為法」,具體內容包括:第一編,故意對他人身體、土地及動產之傷害;第二編,過失;第三編,嚴格責任;第四編,不實說明;第五編,誹謗;第六編,侵害之虛偽不實;第六編A隱私權;第七編,無正當理由之訴訟;第八編,家庭關系之干擾;第九編,就優越之經濟關系之干擾;第十編,以故意過失侵入土地以外之其他方式侵犯土地利益;第十一編,其他法律規則;第十二編,得適用於所有侵權行為賠償請求之抗辯;第十三編,救濟。

⑺ 誰能給我個共同侵權的案例,要有分析的





⑻ 誰能幫我翻譯一下呢,謝謝!

"The invasion" is in the English America abuse of authority law one kind of independent right infringement form Some people select "the harassment", some people directly use English name (NUISANCE) Chinese transliterates, namely "the state of mind", here is general "the invasion" a word. "The invasion" is generally divided into two kinds, one kind of invasion is the public invasion, one kind is the personal invasion. The public invasion is generally defines as "not reasonably interferes regarding the public right one kind", for example stops up the road and the route, the air pollution and the water pollution, waste gas discharging. The personal invasion defines for and enjoys on the land regarding other person personal use the benefit one kind of unreasonable infrigement, or is either holds the person to land all people (namely plaintiff) to use or to enjoy "" the illegal hindrance which "the land" occurs and "the harm", the tree root long arrived in the neighbouring home land, unreasonable noise, vibration and so on. Invades actually why? Looked from the history, public invasion origin criminal prosecution, for instance regarding road freedom and safety handling crime. This kind of abuse of authority lawsuit occurs to 16th century, at that time, suffers indivial which the public invasion specially harms to be allowed to obtain the court to compensate the determination, but personal invasion then some, it origins from the English law of the land, is regarding the land non- direct illegal violation one kind of abuse of authority form. The invasion took the English America abuse of authority method one kind of independent right infringement form, starts in 13 centuries the leaf. In the English America abuse of authority lawsuit practice, the massive cases are one kind of personal invasion, here specially inspects the personal invasion. The invasion involves the land neighboring both sides benefit relations, namely so-called land all people or hold the person with his neighbor relations, therefore, only has under some kind of behavior unreasonable condition, the hindrance is illegal. According to the English common law, deals with when this issue has the following several standards: 1. rationalities are a fact question. A behavior is whether reasonable, this decided to the concrete environment, like the time, the place and the behavior way, the evil intention presents or lacks, the effect is temporary or permanent, then scientific knowledge condition and so on. 2.th, the property and person's abnormal sensitivity is not the decisive factor, this must depend on the concrete condition to decide. 3. hindrances period also are determined whether constitutes the invasion, generally says, the majority personal invasion is to the property rights long-term hindrance, but this is not absolute. Sometimes merely may constitute one kind of invasion for temporarily now and then the intermittent hindrance, sometimes permanent or the continual hindrance also possibly is legitimate. One new analysis method. The invasion behavior lawsuit is an ancient abuse of authority lawsuit, has formed it principle and the rule, its essence is regarding land enjoying. In England, whether constitutes the invasion for the standard, is accommodating the life custom and the proposition, but must weigh the behavior person's effect harm result in US. Looked like from this aspect, England and US or have some differences in this question, English more one tradition life style, but as if comes up in US from the economy the consideration. To the 20th century 60's, the 70's, along with the US economic analysis legal science proction, had one kind of new year grammar regarding the invasion behavior analysis, this is the economic analysis legal science regarding the invasion behavior economic analysis. The law economic analysis method general premise is: In the legal relationship litigants all are the rationalism which the greatest degree obtains the oneself benefit, no matter he is the contract litigant, or a criminal, all is so. Summary: 1. in the mainland legal system, does not have one kind of corresponding abuse of authority form and the English America method center invasion as if corresponds, looked from the content, in the English America method invasion and the mainland legal system believed the relations is somewhat similar, but the male invasion involves to the environmental pollution aspect law. 2. looked from the history that, the invasion and in between the English America method other abuse of authority form discrimination is explicit. One of 3. English America abuse of authority method characteristics is the case occupies to the leading status, the legal precedent has legal the potency, this characteristic is more remarkable in the invasion abuse of authority lawsuit. Between 4. presses the traditional common law, the invasion essence is the defendant behavior freedom and the plaintiff comfortably lives the balance. 5. in the English America abuse of authority law, invades into one kind of independent abuse of authority form, some one kind of historical reason, it has already developed the nearly for more than 650 years, has it some specific principle rules, although US'S economic analysis legal science attempts with one kind of pure economics grammar reto carefully examine this kind of abuse of authority, but this kind of academic on view not yet achieved fully affects the degree which judge decides a case.

⑼ 英美法系侵權責任法的特點是什麼




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