導航:首頁 > 投訴糾紛 > 關於醫患糾紛的英語短文


發布時間:2021-11-22 14:42:10

Ⅰ 求關於醫患關系的英語情景劇,角色4人,全英文台詞對話。

A: Good morning,doctor! A:早上好,醫生!
B:Good morning! What's the matter? B:早上好!怎麼了?
A:I feel sore all over and I have a headache.I am afraid that is a cold. A:我感到渾身酸痛,並且頭痛。恐怕我是感冒了。
B:This is a thermometer(θəəmɔmɪtə(r)).Here you are! B:這是體溫計,給你測下體溫。
A:OK. A:好的。
B:How long have you been like this? B:像這種情況多長時間了?
A:About Since last night.I was trembling with cold. A:大概從昨晚開始吧,我冷得發抖。
C:She also has a runny nose. C:她還不停的流鼻涕。
D:she also can』t stop sneezing lastnight. D:而且她昨晚不斷的打噴嚏。 B:Oh,Iknow.Give me the thermometerB:哦,我知道了,給我體溫計看一下。 (C幫醫生接過A的體溫計,順便看了一下。)
C:Oh,my god.It』s 40 degrees. C:哦,我的天啊,竟然燒到了40度!
D: You actually are hanging on! D:哦,你竟然還活著!
B:Let me look you over carefully. B:讓我給你做個仔細的檢查。
A:Is it serious? A:我病的嚴重嗎?
B:Not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three times a day and drink more water. B:並不怎麼嚴重,你得了流感,拿些葯就好了,一天三次,並且要多喝水。
A:Thank you very much! A:非常感謝!
D:How soon can she be all right again? D:她多久能轉好啊?
B:If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days.B:如果你能好好休息,最多三天就能好了。
C:I hope you can recover as quickly as possible. C:我希望你能盡快好起來
B:Good luck! B:祝你好運!
A、C、D:Thank you!Goodbye! A、C、D:謝謝,再見!
B、B:Bye! B:再見!


Ⅱ 急求。醫患矛盾應該怎樣解決英文作文

醫生為了拿到更多的利益 給病人大肆做很多沒必要的檢查 從而賺取額外的前 這種現象進一步導致醫患關系緊張 醫生與病人之間相互不信任 病人付了本不該付的費用 給家庭平困的帶來了經濟壓力 進一步影響了社會的穩定發展 醫生醫德的喪失 無法從自身去提高醫術水平和對病人的責任心 我們以後將成為醫生 我們要謹記 醫德比醫術更為重要 好的醫術無法為病人服務毫無意義
The picture reflects the fact that the doctors often order exceeding checks for extra income(這里語意有重復,更多利益和額外錢是一回事), which contributes to the tension between the doctors and the patients and distrust between them. They may compel the patients, or threaten them to do some rediculous items, making advantages of the asymmetry information and knowledge and the mind of the patients that they cannot afford any results on the health which is led to by refusing the doctors. The patients' having to pay more, which stresses the pressures on their tight budgets. Sometimes even the stability of the society is harmed would they finally find the truth or the therapy fails, and they decide to block the hospitals. There has been even more incidents that the relatives of the dead gathered a gang to go to the government in order to gain public attention, sympathy and support. (這里加了不少)The moral's deteriorating makes it less important for the doctors to enhance their technique for the immoral method allows more profit and their belief that saving lives first may be replaced by money first, which will undermine their reputations.(這句話改成提高技術不重要,這樣就比較合理了)As we are going to be doctors, we should remember that saving lives and recing others' pain is our obligations. Money can never dim the shine of humanitarianism.

Ⅲ 我需要一篇關於醫患關系的英文文章,最好是中英的,不要太短

醫生為了拿到更多的利益 給病人大肆做很多沒必要的檢查 從而賺取額外的前 這種現象進一步導致醫患關系緊張 醫生與病人之間相互不信任 病人付了本不該付的費用 給家庭平困的帶來了經濟壓力 進一步影響了社會的穩定發展 醫生醫德的喪失 無法從自身去提高醫術水平和對病人的責任心 我們以後將成為醫生 我們要謹記 醫德比醫術更為重要 好的醫術無法為病人服務毫無意義
The picture reflects the fact that the doctors often order exceeding checks for extra income(這里語意有重復,更多利益和額外錢是一回事), which contributes to the tension between the doctors and the patients and distrust between them. They may compel the patients, or threaten them to do some rediculous items, making advantages of the asymmetry information and knowledge and the mind of the patients that they cannot afford any results on the health which is led to by refusing the doctors. The patients' having to pay more, which stresses the pressures on their tight budgets. Sometimes even the stability of the society is harmed would they finally find the truth or the therapy fails, and they decide to block the hospitals. There has been even more incidents that the relatives of the dead gathered a gang to go to the government in order to gain public attention, sympathy and support. (這里加了不少)The moral's deteriorating makes it less important for the doctors to enhance their technique for the immoral method allows more profit and their belief that saving lives first may be replaced by money first, which will undermine their reputations.(這句話改成提高技術不重要,這樣就比較合理了)As we are going to be doctors, we should remember that saving lives and recing others' pain is our obligations. Money can never dim the shine of humanitarianism. 謝謝 你啊~~~以後還找你幫忙呢哦 。醫患關系 四方有責
主題詞: 政策 醫方 患方 媒體
再說病人:八十年代以後出生的人群中由於經濟思想"武裝"上很少有"尊醫或尊重知識,尊重別人勞動這個概念,出了錢就得治好病,死了人(不問青黃皂白)先鬧事再說,小鬧小得錢,大鬧大發財.根本不考慮科學查原因,(有些是目前科學尚不能解決的問題,有些則由於醫護責任問題.)打人,砸醫院,心懷莫測,無理或少理取鬧者比比皆是,索賠數萬數十萬「螄子大開口」,狠不得把對方象敵人-樣整死要垮,在很多人的眼裡,將給他治病的大夫只是一個"應該幹活的勞工或工具",毫無一點人情味道,這又形成了醫生「該賠時就賠,能掙時就掙"的惡性循環。這樣下來把一些很有道得的醫生也漸漸「變了味」。同樣把許多老實善良的「患者」也「遭了怏」。醫患關系陷入了不可自拔的「爛泥譚」。真讓人痛心。好的醫生受冤枉者有之,善良百姓受害者有之,有些把死人抬到醫院,造成醫院不能正常上班,許多該治的患者不能及時治療.再加上當媒體,偏面站在一邊,不多報道醫務人員救死扶傷,舍掉節假日,不避傳染病,不怕擔風險,攻克醫學難關主流,而大篇的,連續的,"生動的"驚人的,負面的報到醫療事故的巨額陪償.兩者顛倒,加劇了醫患關系的矛盾.且不可「公說公有理,婆說婆公道」。兩個方面都有難處,都有「不良的」因素,均有受害的一方,多麼需要互相理解和尊重呀?可這真不是一件簡單容易的事呀!觀看大氣侯,誰能讓國家全額發放醫生工資,讓醫生看病不為「糊口養家」為主要目標呢?那一個能讓醫生在社會上辦事也平等去辦呢?因醫生也是人,他和家人都要在社會生存。你要打官司,子女上學,找工作,啥不化錢能行,有許多貪官貪了多少你鬧過人家嗎?只把救你的醫生當「敵人」(因為他在為你治病)良心過的去嗎?我看倒不如互信互任,調動醫生極積性倒有利於治癒自己的病。當然,有些醫療單位和個別醫務人員(只能是個別,不宜將一些一般問題的醫院和醫生均包在內,難道你本人給別人辦事也完全都是那麼完美與高尚)個別胡來的醫生中敗類也確實存在(如值班離酗酒, 人為診斷治療失誤等造成嚴重事故),但應根椐事實依照法律進行懲除。

Ⅳ 急需關於醫患之間的英語對話,兩個人的,三到五分鍾的

Doctor:Good morning. What's troubling you?

Patient:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.

Doctor:All right, young man. Tell me how it got started.

Patient:Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.

Doctor:Done worry, young man. Let me give you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say "ah".


Doctor:Good. Now put your tongue out. All right, let me examine your chest. Please unbutton your shirt. Let me check your heart and lungs. Take a deep breath and hold it. Breathe in, and out. By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis?

Patient:No,definitely not.

Doctor:Look, your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.

Patient:What am I supposed to do then?

Doctor:A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. I'll write you a prescription。

Patient:Thank you very much.

Doctor:That's all right. Remember to take a good rest.

Patient:I will. Goodbye, doctor.


單詞 Words

temperature n. 溫度,高燒

examination n. 檢查,體檢

chest n. 胸部,胸膛

unbutton vt 解開扣子

lung n. 肺

tuberculosis n. 肺結核

definitely adv 確定地,肯定地

inflame v. 發炎

symptom n. 症狀

influenza n. 流行感冒

prescription n. 葯方

短語 Phrases

have a running nose 流鼻涕

a sore throat 喉嚨發痛

get a temperature 發高燒

take a look at 檢查

take a deep breath 深呼吸

be supposed to 應該

write sb a prescription 給某人開葯方

句子 Sentence Structures

What's troubling you?

Now my nose is stuffed up.

By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis?

Ⅳ 「醫療糾紛」的英語作文

the improvement of living standards,people pay more and more attention
to their body health.With the pollution of food,water and water,people are
weaker and weaker in their health and they will get many diseases.Then they will
go to hospital with the hope of recovering.But hospitals can't do everything and
not all patients can be cured well.Maybe some patients died in hospital,some
patients can't be cured well of diseases or may be charged too much and so
on.Thus,the arguments between patients and doctors will always happen.As we all
know,in the countryside,when a patient died in the hospital,the family members
would gather in or around the hospital to ask much more compensation.However,the
hospital didn't want to pay that much and as a result,a dispute would come
about.During the process of curing diseases,the patients want to pay less while
the hospital may charge more,which always irritate both.So the government should
set up a special organization to deal with the disputes between patients and
hospitals.Only by doing so can we find a reasonable solution to the

Ⅵ 關於醫生和患者的醫療糾紛寫一篇150字的英文作文

On weekends ,i usually help my mom with some housewoke,so is today.First of all ,i decided to mop the floor,while my mom was doing the laundry,it's really tiring but i enjoy it.After i finished cleaning the floor ,my mom began to prepare for the dinner,i can't cook ,so i just helped her wash the dishes.when we enjoy the dinner together ,i feel happy from the bottom of my heart,doing housework is really beneficial

Ⅶ 求一篇英語作文,關於醫患關系的,如何改善醫患關系。

To improve doctor-patient relationship from the medical service quality, as a hospital doctor should constantly improve the medical level, improve the level of diagnosis and treatment for patients. As a nurse in a hospital fromthe high-quality service, the responsibility to the people, go out into the ward, nursing station, into a heart patient, to provide satisfactory patient care services, only in this way can improve the relationship between doctors and patients.

o(∩_∩)o 如果我的回答對您有幫助,記得採納哦,感激不盡。
★★★★★請及時給予好評或採納,萬分感謝! (*^__^*)

Ⅷ 如何處理醫患關系英語作文


Ⅸ 英語高手幫幫幫忙。英譯漢關於醫療糾紛的外文翻譯,謝謝!




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