導航:首頁 > 投訴糾紛 > 某人投訴某物


發布時間:2021-11-06 11:43:41



Ⅱ 表示阻止某人、某物做某事的三種用法!

1.prevent...from doing sth
2.stop..from doing sth
3.keep..from doing sth

Ⅲ 英語中某人是sb,某事是sth,某物是什麼

somebody, someone, something. 某人,某個,某物
例子:something happened yesterday(something,指某事)
get me something, I'm gonna kill that fish. something(指某物)

Ⅳ 某人有某物

sb own sth
sb have sth
sth belongs to sb
sb possess sth
sth pertain to sb
sth remain with sb

Ⅳ 1、向某人投訴某事,用英文怎樣講(不要抄襲百度上的翻譯,求高手指點一下)。

make complaint to sb. about sth.

Ⅵ 投訴某人准確表達 英語

第一個不太清楚,但complain後加to sb,不能直接加sb
第二個是因為這句話中the boys stealing his apples.是作為一個名詞短語版的成分,所以用ing.當然權了同一個句子不能出現兩個謂語動詞除非是從句

Ⅶ 某人欠某人某物

owe sb sth/owe sth to sb

make me owe you even more money/make me owe even more money to you

Ⅷ 向某人投訴某人 英語怎麼說呀

1,I will lodge a complaint against sb
2,I will comlain of you to my manager that your sevice is terrible.
3,could you low doan your voice a little when answering the phone?
4,everytime he speak loudly when ansering the phone.
5,respecting the old and loving the young is the traditional virtues in China.

Ⅸ 在英語中我們把中文解釋為什麼什麼的表示某人或某物屬於某某的詞叫做

表示某人或某物屬於某某的是:所有格,它又有形容詞所有格(如my , Your等,後面必須接名詞)和名詞所有格(如mine,後面不用接名詞了,就是「誰的」意思!)

Ⅹ 某人某物出現毛病用英語怎麼寫

There something wrong
Sth/Somebody wrong



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