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發布時間:2021-10-16 00:50:14

1. 關於商品質量投訴的英文情景對話

"where is your boss?I'll complain!"
"I am the boss. what can I do for you."
"look, this is what you have done. How dare you name yourself a laundry expert?"
"I'm so sorry!I just forget to ask my employees not to wash ropes.
"Good, but the most important thing is what I brought here is a sheet!"

2. 求大蝦指點英文投訴郵件怎麼寫 貨物因供應商延期交貨,現貨物已到達,但對方不肯承擔空運費,如何寫

To whom it may concern,
Although the goods just arrived, our supplier had already delayed sending out them for a long time. And they even objected to taking their responsibility to afford the shipping expense. Therefore, we wrote this mail to request a refund from them for our loss.

3. 外貿英語:如何處理對貨損的投訴

Dear Mr. Jones:
We have received your letter of 18th July, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing.
Upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. We have studied your surveyor's report very carefully.
We are convinced that the present damage was e to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you. We are therefore not responsible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree.

4. 投訴翻譯成英文

complain 動詞
complaint 名詞

5. 急~求一篇英語投訴信,題目是投訴快遞公司超時未發貨 強調合同和時間

英文投訴信如下,供您參考 (最好根據自己的實際情況,可以考慮用谷歌翻譯修正一下。
Dear Sir/Madam,

I recently bought something from your website and sent to a freight fowarder called XX-XX (此處填轉運的英文名稱) asking them to send to my relatives who are in China.
But by now, the parcel still didnt' arrive. During this period, I have
sent many emails to them asking them to send asap, but without any
positive feedback.
I have a lot of friends who also used this forwarder; they have suffered
the same problems. From the information I know, there might be hundreds
or even thousands victims.
I am afraid this company might be a cheater who is using US territory to cheat buyers' property and money.
I have written to BBB and other US agency who might help on this case.
If there is still no help, I am going to report this crime.
I am writing this email to you to inform about this dishonest and
cheating behaviors, hoping you to block this forwarder to prevent them
from further cheating.
This forwarder's full information is as below:
(此處填這個無良轉運的英文名稱) (freight forwarder)
2401 Ogletown Rd (suite number is different for identifying different buyer),
Newark, Delaware, 19711.
More buyers might write you emails about similar problems. Please block this address to prevent more cheating to happen.



6. 投訴,舉報,封號的英語都怎麼翻譯

投訴,舉報,封號的英文:complain;tip-off;Sealed account

complain 讀法 英[kəm'pleɪn]美[kəm'plen]

1、vi. 投訴;發牢騷;訴說

2、vt. 抱怨;控訴


1、complain about抱怨

2、complain ofn. 抱怨;抗議


1、Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfil their promises.


2、He complained of a headache.




beef 讀法 英[biːf]美[bif]

1、n. 牛肉;肌肉;食用牛;牢騷

2、vi. 抱怨,告發;發牢騷

3、vt. 養;加強


1、dried beef牛肉乾

2、corned beef咸牛肉

3、beef sausage牛肉香腸

4、stewed beef紅燴牛肉;清燉牛肉;紅煨牛肉

5、braised beef燜牛肉


Ihave noodles,beefandtomatoes.


7. 如何處理產品質量投訴英文郵件


8. 「全球投訴服務熱線」用英文怎麼翻譯

先手一句 投訴的英文是complaint,但是國外說投訴熱線都是只說support,他們的意思就是這是專門幫版助顧客的熱線,不會說權complaint
Global support hotline.


9. 貨物賠償,怎麼用英語婉轉的表達

下面的可以,補充一句,只有polish一點,就是比較書面,比較拽文,優雅一點,但是商務英語太婉轉不好,還有,如果考慮到要作為有法律效率的記錄,吃得準的話可以換個詞說說,防止SB無意或故意歧義、聽不懂之類的。然後可以加一句Pleases do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions. (如果是對方是Native Speaker可以考慮用should you 代替 if you, 這樣顯得文縐縐一點,當然前面的文風要匹配。然後你別忘了要取得確認回復。

10. 幫幫忙寫封英文電郵,大概是說你收到的貨物與你收到的貨物不符,你要進行投訴索賠的

Dear sir,

I had received the goods you've delivered. However,on checking the goods we found that the goods didn't meet our requirements. Nevertheless, as you have sent us the goods, what we can do now is to accept them at a rection of 30%.If there is any further repetition of this we will be forced to look for an alternative supplier.
It would be appreciated if you could give us a prompt answer to solve the problem.

Yours sincerely



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