導航:首頁 > 投訴糾紛 > 糾紛的蘋果英語故事


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① 蘇格拉底 蘋果的故事 英文 盡快!!!懸賞

Socrates, Plato, one day ask the teacher what is love. Socrates named Plato to take a wheat field, or else go back to go on the way to the greatest and best Zhai a wheat, but only can pick one, Plato found it easy to go out with confidence, who After a long time know that he is still not back, finally, he was crestfallen teachers appeared in front, and tells Kongshouerhui reasons:
It is difficult to see a seemingly nice, but I do not know is not the best, a last resort because it can pick only one, had to give up, and then see if there is no better, to find when you come to an end, only to find that the hands of a wheat are not ......
At this time, Socrates told him: That is love!

Plato's teacher Socrates one day asked Bo what is marriage, Socrates asked him to take a fir forest, or else go back to walking. On the way to get the best and most applicable to be used as a Christmas tree, but only can take time. Plato had the last lesson, go out with confidence. half a day, he dragged a weary look of a stretch out, and green, but a bit sparse fir. Socrates asked him: This is the best timber trees do?
Plato answered a teacher: Because you can only take one, finally saw a seemingly good, also found that the time had been almost not enough physical strength, and also bugger is not the best, so Take the back .. ....

② 用英語寫一個關於蘋果的小故事

apple apple apple apple
apple apple apple apple
apple apple apple apple
apple apple apple apple
apple apple apple apple
apple apple apple apple

③ 求故事《蘇格拉底的蘋果》英文版!


④ 英語小故事蘋果窮人和蘋果怎麼讀

poor apple
[pɔː; pʊə] [ˈæp(ə)l]
[pʊr] [ˈæpl]

⑤ 能用英語談談"adam's apple"的故事嗎

adam's apple 喉結

The Adam's apple is usually more prominent in alt men than in women or prepubescent girls or boys. Note that the growth of the larynx itself ring puberty is responsible for the vocal instability in teenage boys, not the Adam's Apple. The Adam's Apple is merely the protrusion one sees of the thyroid cartilage making up the body of the larynx. Some suggest that the reason for the Adam's apple usually being more prominent in males is that the two laminae of the thyroid cartilage that form the protrusion meet at an angle of 90° in males but that angle is usually 120° in females. However, this doesn't explain why in some women with large Adam's Apples, they appear no different than what one would see on a man.

A prominent Adam's apple is commonly considered a male secondary sex characteristic though this is more of a perception than anything pointing to scientific fact since not all males have Adam's Apples and there are quite a few women who do.

For some women and a few men, the Adam's apple is more prominent than desired, and this is sometimes remedied by a chondrolaryngoplasty (thyroid chondroplasty), a type of plastic surgery to rece the size of the Adam's apple. This surgery is not without risk as it can adversely affect the voice and cause permanent damage as well as leaving a visible scar.

⑥ a mouse and an apple tree英語故事

a mouse and an apple tree

⑦ 蘋果故事英語100字


The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.

⑧ 用英語寫一篇關於蘋果的短文,還要翻譯,急,急,急!

Apple is the king of the fruit, vitamin C, alkaline substances, etc.
Apple's appearance is very cute, looks like a small fat doll face, red and tender. Apple's color is uniform, mostly in the red. Not bad apples taste, chomp, taste sour and sweet, but delicious! My favorite fruit is an apple.

An apple is a kind of fruit .I like eating it very much.An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It smells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is full of vitamin in it,it is good for us.So we say,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

On Apple
Apple is a kind of fruit. Apple lets people think of George Washington, whose honesty story is still inspiring the young.Apple is healthy because it is said that one apple a day is better than a good doctor.In China, there is a story titled "Story of an Apple", which is about some brave Chinese soldiers in bad living conditions sharing an apple and reflects their great spirits.So apple is not simply a kind of fruit, it may mean a lot.

參考資料: 網路知道

⑨ 蘋果英語小故事


The hostess apologized to her unexpected guest for serving an apple-pie without any cheese. The little boy of the family left the room quietly for a moment and returned with a piece of cheese which he laid on the guest's plate. The visitor smiled, put the cheese into his mouth and then said: "You must have better eyes than your mother, sonny. Where did you find the cheese?" "In the rat-trap, sir," replied the boy.



由於客人在吃蘋果餡餅時,家裡沒有乳酪了,於是女主人向大家表示歉意。這家的小男孩悄悄地離開了屋子。過了一會兒,他拿著一片乳酪回到房間,把乳酪放在客人的盤子里。 客人微笑著把乳酪放進嘴裡說:「孩子,你的眼睛就是比你媽媽的好。你在哪裡找到的乳酪?」 「在捕鼠夾上,先生。」那小男孩說。

2.A Useful Way

Father: Jack, why do you drink so much water?
Jack: I have just had an apple, Dad.
Father: What』s that got to do with it?
Jack: I forgot to wash the apple.






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