1. 法律英語翻譯。急!
American tort law of strict liability from the United Kingdom, has now become the mainland legal scholars often use the concept. European countries have been integrated into the principles of tort law system of Liability. In recent years, the scope of strict liability for the widening trend. Strict liability is based on the absolute obligation of security breach, although when it is done to the most careful of people's attention, but any damage caused by their actions and take responsibility. Defense against strict liability is very limited, reasonable care not among them. Strict liability for abnormally dangerous most frequent activity or proct liability cases.
The essential characteristics of strict liability
(A) the fault of the non-strict liability
Strict liability is undoubtedly the responsibility of following the fault which occurred after a new milestone. It is the advent of the fault is to determine the factors responsible is no longer the ultimate basis for liability, which is concive to protecting the innocent victims and vulnerable groups.
(B) the risk of strict liability
Looking at national tort law, strict liability and risk are inevitably linked. German civil law countries, said strict liability for hazardous ty. Some scholars would risk liability and strict liability common law equivalent. Similarly in France the use of a dangerous activity as the basis of strict liability. [20] but in fact Anglo-American tort law, strict liability apply to animals in addition to causing the infringement, workers compensation, proct liability, the most unusual is for harm caused by hazardous activities.
(C) Strict Liability of
Offenders in their fault liability for damage arising in, the reason is because the liability of the perpetrator can be a moral disapproval of. However, the perpetrator of strict liability without fault, will still be liable, the attribution of the basis for intriguing. The western half of the 20th century's most influential jurists of Pond from the maintenance of social security obligations generally off, demonstrates the rationality of strict liability. He believes that since the late 19th century, the legal interests of the community rather than focus on the protection of personal interests.
(D) strict liability causality
Responsibility for the fault is the fault element of the final decision is to determine whether the establishment of the key fault liability. In the composition of the elements of strict liability, regardless of whether the offender's fault. Therefore, the causal relationship has more significance, it is the ultimate constituent elements of strict liability element. Strict liability in the causation and damage are only two elements, namely, proof of causation by the plaintiff as long as the damage to these two factors and can get relief.
(E) of strict liability Juzheng
Strict liability is based on the absolute security breach of its obligations, regardless of whether the defendant to do the ty of care to the most cautious, as long as it should be responsible for the damage occurred, if the defendant can not be reasonable to defense (and defense is very limited), you can not remove responsibility, that is part of the plaintiff's burden of proof shifted to the defendant, the plaintiff only to prove causation and damage had been sufficient.
(F) defense of strict liability in the Restrictive
1, the third behavior, animal behavior and the forces of nature cause damage can not be the defenses.
2, the victim can not be the fault of defense.
3, the victims of people, things and animals, abnormal sensitivity can be used as defense.
4, the performance of public ties as defense.
Comment on the strict liability
(A) availability: American tort law is rooted in the philosophy of pragmatism in the soil, advocating people-centered, knowledge and human experience claims can not be separated, emphasizing the unity of theory and practice. On this basis, the case law system is the empirical wisdom of judges and logical reasoning with the proct. The strict liability from the case law through evolution, widening the scope of its application, this fact itself proves the rule dynamic and practical.
(B) Transcendence: whether scholars have the responsibility of strict liability is equivalent to what different opinions, but no doubt that it goes beyond the French law "presumption of fault liability" and the German law, "dangerous ty," and broke through to abstract known for speculative and logically coherent system of civil law tort theory of barriers to a unified system to a al responsibility principle or the principle of diversity attributable to system development, and thus the world had a profound influence legislation.
(C) justice: perpetrators and victims of strict liability emphasized to achieve a balance of interests, reflecting the protection of the weak instead of the new concept of equal protection, and to achieve substantial justice. This is in the field of proct liability and workers compensation in particular stands out.
2. 救助英語高手解答法律英語翻譯題。 行為人因過錯侵害他人民事權益或利益的,應當承擔侵權責任。
Acts who through their fault infringe upon the civil rights or interests, he shall assume the tort liability.
3. 法律英語翻譯
大多數人不同意,認為被告的養牛場不構成妨害。大多數人反對侵權行為重述(第二次),即第826條(b)款,,若損害「嚴重」,且支付損害賠償「可行」,企業也不會被迫停止,即使損害嚴重性超過了行為效用,該款允許認定損害。Carpenter v. Double R. Cattle Co.
4. 求華東政法大學 法律英語 第九單元 侵權法 譯文
教科書中經常採用的分類方法是:(1)有關人身安全和自由的侵權,比如企圖傷害罪和毆擊、非法監禁等;(2)有關個人名譽的侵權,比如誹謗;(3)有關財產方面的侵權,例如非法侵入土地、侵犯財產、公害和敗壞生活作風;(4)妨害家庭關系、合同和商業關系,包括共謀、針對財產所有權的誹謗訴訟;(5)欺詐;(6)過失行為(有關人身或者財產的);(7)濫用法律程序,比如惡意控告。即使我們涵蓋所有的這些有特定名稱的侵權,我們的分類也不能概括所有的侵權方式,因為有些侵權方式沒有名稱,還有一些不法行為不能確定是否屬於侵權。「因此,」 Winfield說, 「作為一個小組,侵權行為可以劃分為一出現就有名稱的、在發展的過程中獲得名字的、以及那些身份不明以至於不能確定是否屬於侵權的行為。
5. 跪求法律英語翻譯。。。急急急急!!!!
1.A valid contract usually includes the following four elements: (1) the contract both sides agree (2) the price (3) contracts required agreement (4) each party hereto with legal qualifications.
2.The jury system refers to a group of vowed of people gathered to debate the fact that the referee, make justice in the jury to perform the ties of the members which is juror.
3.The United States constitution stipulates the congress is the main lawmakers, but congress of law must obey the President's veto. Administrative agencies responsible for foreign affairs, but the treaty concluded with foreign governments need to pass the senate approval.
4.Tort law aims to compensate the person or property by others illegal act of infringing upon man, damage compensation is usually money compensation.
5.In our country main punishment have the following kinds: (1) control (2) criminal detention (3) fixed-term imprisonment, (4) life imprisonment (5) the death penalty
6.In the United States, the court has the authority to examine congress, the state, and the laws of the region, aimed to determine whether these laws consistent with the constitution.
7.A country's property law reflects his personal and collective right basic attitude, the American constitution recognition and protection of private property.
8.Citizens from birth till death, has civil rights, shall enjoy civil rights and assume civil obligations.
6. 侵權責任的英語翻譯 侵權責任用英語怎麼說
[法] liability for tort;tortious liability更多釋義>>
侵權責任回 tortious liability;liability for tort;Tort Liability
醫療侵權責任 medical tort liability;Medical liability for tort;malpractice tort liability
輔助答侵權責任 contributory liability;Contributory Copyright Liability;contributory infringement liability
7. 法律英語翻譯。。各位大哥大姐幫忙翻譯下啊
1 直到被證明有罪,被告應被視為無辜。
2 The major differences from the common law 【adversay】 model are the judge is less a passive arbiter between the parties, while the prosecutor is less partisan.
3 Contract are classified as to how they were formed. They can be expressed, implied, or in the form of a 【quosicon tract】.
4 【Derivatively. Through sale ,gift or compulsory acquisition by law ,e.g. where goods or land are compulsorily ,acquired by statute ,or taken by distress in execution of judgement.】
6 術語『法律規定【legal rules】』究竟該如何界定,一直是被法律哲學家所探討的問題。
7 包括司法准則,pleading discovery【訴狀發現,好像是說在開庭前控辯雙方可以申請看對方的資料什麼的】審問方式,判決執行力度。
8 比如一個人如果神智不清到都不明白自己的行為那麼他也不能簽一個有效地合同
9 A finder of goods is entitled to them as against all persons other than the true 【goods】.
10 【It』s also common to include in the subject matter of the conflict of laws various related matters pertaining to the jurisdiction of counts and to the degree of respect e to foreign judgments.】
12 We call such a 【tort one】 which is actionable 【per se】, since it is actionable without proof of damage to the plaintiff
13 如果合同中的條款相互矛盾的話,法院的採信度依次下降 手寫 > 列印 > 復印 【列印,復印咋個區分就不知道啦,沒說】
14 【Disclosure is a central prerequisite for the grant of a patent and it must be total, with nothing of substance withheld.】
15 A non-negotiable instrument is one which, though capable of transfer by delivery (with any necessary endorsement) in the same way as a negotiable instrument can 【never confer】 on the holder a better right than was vested in the transferor.
8. 法律英語翻譯,不要網路上的在線翻譯,高手幫忙!
9. 法律英語翻譯,誰能幫忙啊
1. To infringe the right to life and health as a cause of action
2. Can been urging people to drink on a man made civil compensation
3. The drinks upon infringement of a person as a legal basis. Advising people to drink alcohol should bear some responsibility for the accident. Drinks upon the basis of tort liability to bear, is "a behavior as the obligations of the former" rule, such as the obligation is not fulfilled, constitute as violations. Urging people to drink will be drunk people, shall bear the proper placement and rescue drunk as obligations. According to "Civil Law" the second paragraph of Article Six states: "Citizens and legal persons fault encroach upon state or collective property, invasive of another property or person, shall bear civil liability."
4. Civil compensation, according to circumstances.
5. The defendant to prove he did not urge somebody to drink, a drink is to take the initiative themselves into the rescue obligations and so forth. Certificate and a key is excessive drinking and his behavior is not causation case, you can defend.
10. 法律英語短文翻譯
傳統的第一年計劃提供了幾乎所有美國法學院包括合同,侵權,財產,刑法和民事訴訟。鄧肯肯尼迪描述了傳統的第一年課程教學的基本規則19世紀末自由放任資本主義。第二年和第三年的課程闡述溫和改革派新政計劃和行政結構的現代監管state.The periphrral主體,如果他們提供的,包括法律哲學,法律史,法律的過程,臨床教育, ¡ °種游戲或學習畢業的社會藝術自我介紹作為律師¡ ± 。
在教學中的傳統課程,教師法的幾乎所有法律學校在一定程度上使用的情況下方法或蘇格拉底方法。發達國家在1870年韓國的克里斯托弗哥倫布蘭德爾在哈佛大學法學院,案例法期待普通法的源泉法律priniciples並側重於教學中的一個抽象的概念,法律作為一門科學。引起的法律原則要教脫離¡ °骯臟的世界的實踐¡ ª ,也從政治,歷史,經濟,和社會背景¡ ± 。這種狹隘的形式主義的方法是合理的,理由是它教導學生如何狀態,分析,評估和比較具體的事實情況從而發展自己的權力和能力的分析,推理和表達。
然而,這種學習過程¡ °如何思考像律師¡ ±已經被批評為有不利影響的學生都和質量的未來律師。學生,教師法,和其他人指出,異化,焦慮,敵對和侵略所造成的情況下使用的方法或蘇格拉底方法。狹隘的和破壞性的相互作用,這種對話,或經常¡ ° nondialogue ¡ ± ,有助於受損的能力關心其他人,專業unemotionalism和犬儒主義的一部分法律專業的學生。它不僅是法律專業學生誰遭受這種縮小其專業自我。的工作,涉及律師與客戶的不斷接觸, associatea ,其他律師,法官,證人,其他受影響的法律,涉及到律師韓國自己的目標,態度,表現,感到滿意。