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① 什麼是權力管理信息


② 在網路環境下,權利管理信息專指什麼出現的信息


③ 林權證管理信息系統


④ 網路上權利管理信息專指以什麼出現的信息它們被嵌入電子文檔


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The right system is proced with formulation of the art of printing. And, are destined to be developing constantly with development of science and technology since the right system is proced . Camera work , recording video technology , propagating technology , computer technology etc. wirelessly and wiredly, not merely make the target of right protection expand day by day , has increased works kinds , such as photography , film , recording video procts , computer software ,etc., and has expanded the way that the works spread, for instance the broadcast , TV , satellite spread etc.. In recent years, with the rapid development of technology of the computer , digitized technology and network technology, make the spread form of work the great change has taken place, its speed of spreading is faster , the range spreading is more extensive (even already go beyond our imagination), therefore the right protection on net is more difficult. With the appearances of different dispute cases of encroachment of right in the network, the right system faces the challenge and improves again. Especially to the informationalized goods , involve the income of the right and buy and sell the question in the electronic commercial activity, reach the very urgent stage especially, wait to solve urgently.
Main basis " digitized era right law " of U.S.A. this text, and combine two new treaties of World Intellectual Property Organization and relevant legislation of European Union, probe into some questions of right protection in the global e-commerce environment; This includes, the right owner controls the right that the works spread on the net, ensure technological measure and right that the net can be realized while propagating right to manage information, and the law changing or removing the right and managing information is relieved etc..


First. Works spread and right on the net
While regarding as the proct and spreading to the public through the network, the right owner should have the right to control this kind of spread , and the economic benefits obtaining certainly therefrom. Particularly, it is the right owner that uploads the digitized works, then browsed through, read, watched, listened through the transmission of the network by the visitor , even download and plicate the works. Meanwhile, right people obtained the economic benefits through controlling the transmission of the works. This is when similar to traditional printing and publish, right people, through controlling the plicating and issuing but obtain the economic benefits of works.


Two. Technological measure
The works which enjoy the right spread on the net, on one hand enable the work to be accepted by the public in bigger range rapidly , conveniently, have even increased the degree of difficulty of right protection on the other hand. Because it is very easy for the works of digitization to be plicated simply and conveniently illegally fast by others, then spread illegally in the world through the network , cause the obligee's great losses. So, it is still not enough that obligees only enjoys rights of controlling the works and transmitting on the net. The still necessary technological measure realizes one's own right. This can be that the measure of restraining others from visiting one's own works can be the measure of preventing others from exercising one's own right too, if demand to register , set up the password , add and has electronic watermark , restriction or forbids others to visit etc.. However, with the development of technology , the technology of analysing and explaining others' technological measure has appeared again. Some persons or purposes out of curiosity, or out of the purpose of the profit, design, even offer and analyse and explain others' facilities or services of technological measures. So, the law must protect the technological measure that right people set up , forbid others to analyse and explain relevant technological measures illegally . In this way, the law should not merely protect the right that persons control the works and spread on the net of the right, must also protect the technological measure that right people control the works and spread .
During very long time, the technological measure has nothing to do with right protection. However, as computer software , satellite propagate the development of technology and network, technological measure and right protection are connected, include in the protection system of the right progressively .


Three. Manage information in right
Manage information , is had another name called the right and managed information in right, it is the name , right protection period , right people , works service condition and information required about the works that can show with transmission on the net of works, indicate works present legal state and terms or request used to others. Obviously, the information is very important for obligee to realize its economic benefits.
To be strict , it is not until the thing that has networks to emerge to manage information in right. The information about author , publication date, can be regarded as a kind of right and managed information on the printed matter colophon. However, managing information in right in the environment of the network has its unique meanings. This is because manage information and mean the information that appears in the form of digitizing specially in right in the environment of the network. Though the realization of obligee's economic benefits is very important for this kind of information, but very easy to be forged , distorted and dispelled by others, thus cause the great harm to the obligee.

⑥ 什麼是信息版權管理IRM

版權管理電子信息(Electronic rights management information)
版權管理電子信息(Electronic rights management information)有兩種基本分類方法。依管理權利的不同種類劃分,可分為著作權管理信息和鄰接權管理信息。根據《世界知識產權組織版權條約(the WIPO Copyright Treaty)第12條第2款規定,版權管理信息是指識別作品、作品的作者、對作品擁有任何權利的所有人(rightholders)的信息,或有關作品使用的條款和條件的信息和代表此種信息的任何數字或代碼,各項信息均附於作品的每件復製品上或在作品向公眾進行傳播時出現;根據《世界知識產權組織表演和唱片條約》(the WIPO Performance and Phonograms Treaty)第19條第2款規定,鄰接權管理信息是指識別鄰接權主體(如表演者、錄音製作者等)、鄰接權保護對象(如表演者的表演、錄音製品等)或對鄰接權保護對象擁有任何權利的所有人的信息,或有關使用鄰接權保護對象的條款和條件的信息和代表此種信息的任何數字或代碼,該信息均附於鄰接權保護對象的復製品上或在這些保護對象向公眾提供時出現。依版權管理信息的存在形態劃分,又可分為版權管理電子信息和版權管理非電子信息兩類。前者又稱為數字形態的版權管理信息,應用於網路環境;後者又稱為非數字形態的版權管理信息,體現為文字編碼,主要應用於非網路環境下的著作權或鄰接權管理。我國著作權立法規范的版權管理信息僅指版權管理電子信息,其根本立法宗旨是解決網路環境中的著作權保護問題,協調網路環境中作者、其他著作權人、鄰接權人和網路用戶之間的利益關系。
版權管理信息源於傳統著作權制度下的著作權標識制度(Copyright notice)。其基本內容是,法律允許權利人對作品加註著作權標記,以向公眾彰顯著作權主體權利存在及權利狀態。其立法體例分為自願和強制兩種。大陸法系國家和主要的版權保護公約奉行著作權自動保護制度,即著作權產生於作者的創作活動而不取決於是否履行任何手續和完成特定的形式,當事人可以自行決定作品的著作權是否公示以及公示的方式,除行政管理規則(如出版物)要求之外,著作權公示並不產生任何法律後果。如世界知識產權組織《保護文學和藝術作品伯爾尼公約》(Berne Convention)第5條第2款規定:「這些權利的享有和行使,無須履行任何手續,並與作品的來源國給予的保護無關。」英美法系國家曾實行著作權強制標識制度,但隨著英美法系的主要國家如英國、美國、澳大利亞等加入伯爾尼公約,著作權強制標識制度逐漸被自願標識制度所取代。我國著作權立法承襲大陸法系國家的立法精神,沒有著作權標識的強制性規定,在新修訂《著作權法》之前也無版權管理信息的任何法律規范,只是在有關出版管理的行政法規中有「行政管理信息」,(如2001年修訂的《出版管理條例》第28條規定,報紙、期刊、圖書、音像製品、電子出版物等出版物必須按照國家的有關規定載明有關作者、出版者、印刷者或復制者、發行者的名稱、地址、書號、刊號或出版號,出版日期、刊期以及其他有關事項。)這些行政管理信息客觀上也具有標示權利的作用,在發生糾紛時這些信息甚至還具有證明權利主體的證據價值,但這些信息與現行《著作權法》中的版權管理信息仍有重要區別:首先,標示這些信息的主要目的在於查處非法出版物、制止倒賣書號、版號、制裁盜版活動,信息標示也是出版者的義務,而非出版者為了保護自己的權利而主動採取的措施;其次,這些信息絕大多數都是非電子形式出現的。

⑦ 權利管理電子信息是什麼


⑧ 網路上權利管理信息專指以什麼出現的信息它們被嵌入電子文檔的


⑨ 在網路環境下,權利管理信息專指什麼出現的信息




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