導航:首頁 > 投訴糾紛 > 醫療糾紛英文


發布時間:2020-12-10 11:41:39

『壹』 司法鑒定與醫療事故技術鑒定論文摘要 懇求用英語幫我翻譯。。謝謝


『貳』 關於醫生和患者的醫療糾紛寫一篇150字的英文作文

On weekends ,i usually help my mom with some housewoke,so is today.First of all ,i decided to mop the floor,while my mom was doing the laundry,it's really tiring but i enjoy it.After i finished cleaning the floor ,my mom began to prepare for the dinner,i can't cook ,so i just helped her wash the dishes.when we enjoy the dinner together ,i feel happy from the bottom of my heart,doing housework is really beneficial



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