⑴ 專利先用權的英文論文
The assignment of the patent right how to write in English
⑶ 不受專利許可權制英文怎麼寫
[詞典] in the public domain; Not subject to patent rights; Free from patent restrictions
The content of this document is in the public domain, but pleasebe polite and attribute any quotes.
⑷ 有沒有現成的比較正式的外觀設計專利證書的英文版,非常感謝!
Design Patent Certificate
The name of appearance design :
The patent No. :
The date of applying for the patent:
The legal holder of the patent:
The date of authorized proclamation:
The appearance design has been primarily verified by the Intellectual Property Department according to the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China. The Intellectual Property Department has decided to grant the patent right and the certificate as well as help to register the patent. The patent right has take into effect since the date of authorized proclamation.
The valid period of this patent right is ten years since the date of application. The legal holder of the patent has to pay annual fees in accordance with the Patent Law and detailed regulations. The annual fee of this patent shoud be paid before December 5th each year. If the legal holder of this patent couldn't pay annual fees according to regulations, the patent right would become invalid as long as the annual fee expired.
The legal status of registering the patent right is taken down on the patent certificate. The related items are written down on the register, such as transfering, pledging, expiring and regaining patent rights as well as changing name, nationnality, address and so on.
Director General : the Intellectual Property Department
⑸ 侵犯專利權行為英文怎麼寫
patent infringement
[例句] 假冒他人專利、冒充專利與侵犯專利權專行為辨析&兼談專利法第三次屬修改
Discrimination between Counterfeiting Other 's Patent , Imitating Patent and Patent Tort & Concurrently Talking About the 3rd Revision of the PatentLaw
⑹ 專利申請的三個階段(實質審查,公開,授權)用英語分別怎麼說
3 proceres of patent application: substantive examination, publication and grant
⑺ 以下這三個在英語中怎麼翻譯啊 實用新型專利證書 計算機軟體著作權登記證書 合作案例
Utility model patent certificate
Computer software right registration certificate
Cooperation case
⑻ 關於專利權的幾個問題 1、專利權設置的目的 2、專利的三個特徵專有性、時間性、地域性的英文是什麼
2Exclusive, time-efficient, regional
⑼ 英語學習軟體是有著作權還是有專利權
⑽ 專利權人放棄專利權英文怎麼寫
disclaimer by patentee