導航:首頁 > 專利知識 > 授權期限翻譯


發布時間:2021-10-16 15:11:15

1. 請各位高手幫我翻譯一下授權書的幾個關鍵詞變成官方日文版!不勝感激!

代行授權書ライセンス期間は、2010年3月2日~ 2015年3月2日のライセンス證番號:000001備考:この證書だけを効率的に證明書、影印件原本を受けないようにすることができる塗改として件だった!


ライセンス時間:2007 - 8 - 10年3月2日


2. 英文授權書翻譯,在線等

Letter of Attorney
This is to grant A Corporation the right to use the three patterns under brand T created by B Corporation in K, which is only limited to develop seersucker proct and use brand T of B Corporation.
Deadline of attorney:

3. 用英語翻譯一下「授權有效期至2012年6月20至2018年6月20日。」


The validity of the authorization will runs from June 20 ,2013 to June 20 ,2018

The authorization will remain effective from June 20 ,2013 to June 20 ,2018

The authorization will take effect from June 20 ,2013 to June 20 ,2018

The authorization will stay valid from June 20 ,2013 to June 20 ,2018

The authorization will remain valid from June 20 ,2013 to June 20 ,2018

The valid term of the authorization will run /last from June 20 ,2013 to June 20 ,2018

4. 授權期限為一年.的翻譯是:什麼意思

The authorization period is one year

5. 出版社買了外國作家的作品翻譯版權,時限一般是多久




6. 授權書翻譯

The company is authorized b Corporation for Our company in the Chinese area (including Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan) own business agent, I takes charge of the proct by the b Corporation responsibility the complete sales related work. Specially authorization. authorization deadline: 2008-01-01-2009-12-31

7. 英文日期怎麼填寫 授權期限:2009年6月1日——2010年6月1日

Duration of Authorization:1 June,2009 - June 1,2010

8. 幫助翻譯一個授權書

Company A hereby authorize Mr.B to negotiate with Person C(Company) for the pp matters that relative to the cooperation and clause of the contract and report the content to Company A.For the content of the cooperation clause ,it could not be operative until the approval and final confirmation by signature of A company.The validity of this letter of authorization is commence from the arrival of this letter of authorization to the day of the signature of the contract between the two Parties.

9. 授權有限期:自授權之日起10年的翻譯

Authorization of limited ration: from 10 years from the date of authorization

10. 求授權英文翻譯




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