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發布時間:2021-10-04 09:37:58

❶ 樹脂發光字招牌製作為什麼需要的時間比較久



❷ 高手請進,翻譯 吸塑字 LED ,英語

(1) attracts models the character series is attracts with the Asian gram force kneading board models becomes: Because it has the good diaphanous performance, the color is pure, the color is rich, artistic smooth, has both the day and nights effect, the service life is long, anticorrosive rainproof, is not easy to fade, is not easy to distort and so on characteristics: Widely utilizes in the advertisement manufacture, the estate management, the square, the botanical garden plot, the tourist scenic zone, the office, the administration, the financial system, the guesthouse restaurant, the market, the school, the hospital, the transportation, the petrochemical, and so on professions will follow our country city bright project the trend of development, the Asian gram force attract model the proct to become our country the advertising agent strength to recommend the customer first choice from now on the proct.
Specification: Decides according to the customer request and the erection bay or the design font size

2) attracts models the illumination character the characteristic:
1. ultra long life: Attracts models character use superelevation brightness LED to take the photo source, but uses normally in 5-10, avoid maintenance.
2. ultra province electricity: The green illumination, uses the DC12V safe voltage low pressure power supply, will attract models the character not to give off heat, avoids all hidden dangers which, because the high temperature high pressure will cause, all gate shop advertisement may install. Each even square cards only consume electricity 15W--30W, compares the neon light node above 80%-90%
3. the viewability is good: The uniform source of light is gentle, the color is sharp, does not dazzle, moreover the identical typeface may manufacture seven color jumps using the controller, the gradation, the chase, the running water, the expansion, effects and so on compression

Attracts models the character seven color series: May have many kinds of color transformation changes, the color gorgeous gorgeous, has the fashionable person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project, daytime the effect and general attracts models the character to be equally attractive, night the effect is attracts ordinary models the character not to be possible to compare favorably with.

The plane hollows out the lamphouse character: Is undergoes the roasting formation in the proction process, the trimming, the dry glue, the bottom box luminophor processing, the painting, the overall contour is not artistic, evening the effect is bright-colored eye-catching, sharp moving.
Saves the electricity energy conservation: Conserves energy above 80% compared to any section of same level brightness's advertisement character,
Seven color LED illumination character (gradation, jump, color twinkle, color change)
The technical parameter (imaginary color uses technical standard)
Crystal character technical process: The crystal character manufacture needs the Asian gram force plate, the carving, the intaglio, silk India, double-decked two-sided, the relief, the bevel edge and so on, many kinds of craft manufactures, the outward appearance is natural, the service life is long, has the crystal sense of reality.
Crystal character characteristic:
The crystal character through the crystal board carving, polishing becomes, the typeface is fine, bright, light-conctive is good, crystal character under optical fiber illumination glittering and translucent carving, splendid luxurious, passes the long crystal character thickness is 5MM,10MM,15MM,20MM, the color may according to the request manufacture. Crystal character semblance glossiness is high, the color is bright, above the color rability ten years, this point is the metal character or spurts draws is unable to achieve, the special depth of color saturation and the rability as well as the extremely good glossiness under the sunlight that kind of glittering and translucent carving, the sparkling feeling is the customer chooses one of Asian gram force quartz character substantial clauses from the sense organ.

❸ 發光字製作一般需要幾天時間



❹ 樹脂發光字耐黃變時間一般多長


❺ 發光字製作需要幾天時間


❻ 水晶發光字製作,發光字招牌製作需要多長時間

發光字報價一般在450一個平方 白光比別的貴

❼ 店鋪門頭字一般要做多長時間。在哪裡做。吸塑發光字那種。


❽ 發光字壽命大概多長啊


❾ 樓頂發光字的製作時間需要多久




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