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㈠ 求英語翻譯!!!

Usage description: only one discount coupon can be used for each buy over 18 S$

Please note:

  1. Use it when you pay, but can not be cashed.

  2. Please use it before expiring date. Otherwise it will be unvalid.

㈡ 此券不和其他

This volume is not available with the hotel and other discounts to promote their procts using bothThis volume is only used within the validity period,or it will be forfeited

㈢ 本券只可於前述有效期使用 百度翻譯

你好。這句話翻譯成英語是This certificate is valid only for the preceding period.


㈣ 幫忙檢查一下這幾句翻譯的對么,如果不對應該怎麼翻譯更准確。高分懸賞


This coupon is valid only at the western restaurants and one coupon for one guest only.

This coupon may not be used with other discounts or offers by the hotel.

Please present this coupon before ordering.

This coupon cannot be exchanged for cash; no change is allowed and may not be reissued if lost or damaged.

This coupon is valid only before the expiry date.

LiTai International Hotel reserves the right of final interpretation.


㈤ 英語翻譯,今天有效,過期作廢

Article 1
Today, I will talk about the benefits of taking notes in class.
The benefits can be summarized as the following:
1) Taking notes can make us focus and concentrate better.
This is because we are able to follow what the teacher is trying to teach throughout the lecture. Therefore, taking notes can help us focus.
2) Taking notes can help us have a deeper understanding on the subject.
The reason why is because taking notes is also a thinking process. Therefore, taking notes can help us have a deeper understanding of our studies.
3) Taking notes can help us review on what we've learned.
This is because if we don't take notes, we would need to reread all our textbooks and studies; which is a waste of time. If we take notes however, everything will be in order and coherent when we review. Thus, taking notes can help us review our materials.
4) Taking notes can help us store information and expand our knowledge.
This is because we can take notes on things that are not in textbooks. Therefore, taking notes can help us store information and expand our knowledge.

Article 2
My Dream
Everyone has a dream, and I would like to share mine now.
Ever since I was small, I wanted to become a scientist or a famous person.
Now that I've grown up, I have a new dream: to become an Engineer. Why did my dream change? This is because a long time ago, I was always hearing famous people being talked about all the time. Since then, my goal was to become a great scientist or somebody famous so people could envy me like how I did. Now that I』ve grown up however, I』ve realized becoming famous is not an easy thing. It seems too unrealistic. Therefore, I used my professional (Electronics major) to set a new goal: to become an Engineer. I believe I am not far from this goal and will definitely succeed. That』s all, thank you.

"能夠讓家人都過上好日子" 一定要寫嗎?如果要的話就這樣寫:
"Now that I've grown up, I have a new dream: to become an Engineer so that my family would have a good life."

相信我,我可是沒用翻譯軟體翻譯哦~ :)

㈥ 英文翻譯(專業) 代金券使用說明 1◆ 本券每人每次限使用一張,一次性使用。 2◆ 本券不兌現金,

1、This coupon is used only once per person for a one-time use.
2、This coupon can not cash, does not have the change, alter the torn invalid.
3、This certificate is not in use with other preferential activities at the same time.
4、This certificate is valid for permanent.
5、This certificate is the final interpretation of the right to the shop.

㈦ 「此卷不可與酒店其他折扣及推廣產品同時使用」和「此卷僅於有效期內使用,逾期作廢」用英語怎麼翻譯

This volume is not available with the hotel and other discounts to promote their procts using both
This volume is only used within the validity period, or it will be forfeited

㈧ 英文翻譯(專業) 代金券使用說明 1◆ 本券每人每次限使用一張,一次性使用。 2◆ 本券不兌現金

This coupon is used for one time per person.
This coupon can not cash, does not have the change, alter the torn invalid
This certificate is not in use with other preferential activities at the same time;
This certificate is valid for permanent
This note the final interpretation of the right to the shop all.

㈨ 在和包支付客戶端中 活動領取的和包券有使用期限嗎過期了怎麼辦




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