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⑴ 發票開出日期起60日之內付款,用英語怎麼講

英語是:Payment is e within 60 days of the invoice date.

payment 英[ˈpeɪmənt] 美[ˈpemənt]
n. 付款,支付; 報酬,報答; 償還; 懲罰,報應;
[例句]Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments

e 英[dju:] 美[:]
adj. 由於; 到期; 適當的; 預定;
n. 應有的權利; 應得到的東西; 應繳款;
adv. 正向; 正對著;
[例句]The country's economic problems are largely e to the weakness of the recovery

invoice 英[ˈɪnvɔɪs] 美[ˈɪnˌvɔɪs]
n. 發票; 發貨單;
v. 開發票; 記清單;
[例句]We will then send you an invoice for the total course fees

⑵ 付款結賬所用的時間,這個用英文怎麼表

付款結賬所用的時間,這個用英文翻譯是:Le temps de vérifier le paiement,

⑶ 希望貴司遵守承諾的付款期限,英語翻譯

Your company are required to pay the 30% deposit of the total payment ASAP,so that we could be allowed to deliver the goods after our finance department receiving the money.Please understand.Thanks !

⑷ 付款期限 英文怎麼說

payment term 這是專用財務術語,其他人說的都是不專業的說法,別人會理解,但是合同里都是專payment term,就如果極屬限運動/不可抗力都是專門的說法,你用unlimited sports當然別人也能猜到但是估計會覺得比較好笑,而whacked out sports老外一看就知道了。

⑸ 應付日期, 實付日期,分別用英語怎麼講啊


⑹ 請問,付款期限一個月,英語怎麼說

地道點,應該是這樣的,You have one month to pay for your bills.
There is one month for you to pay for your bills.

⑺ 延長付款期限英文怎麼寫

根據情景, 可有幾種說法:
extend/postpone the deadline for payment
request an extension of the payment deadline

⑻ 付款日期英語怎麼說

deadline of payment

⑼ 英語翻譯:因為A公司和本公司存在付款期限的問題,A公司表示在問題解決之前都不會再出貨給我們,

Since there is an ongoing problem of payment deadline between Company A and our company, Company A informs that they will not deliver any goods to us before the problem is solved.

payment deadline - 付款期限
deliver - 出貨

Therefore, please be informed that we have to deliver the current goods in stock to you, which may cause the tariff problem as we mentioned before.

please be informed that... - 請知悉,請了解
goods in stock - 存貨
tariff - 關稅


⑽ 的英文說法30天付款跟月結30天分別用英語怎麼說

30 days and 30 months
付款payment; pay a sum of money



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