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Additionally, stakeholder management theory suggests that top executives behave in either instrumental or normative ways in organizing the firm (Donaldson & Preston, 1995).

The distinction between instrumental and normative values can best be described in terms of economic choice and moral responsibility.

2 Under the instrumental perspective, CEOs are concerned with the achievement of corporate objectives, and in doing so may pursue socially desirable activities, such as managing diversity, to achieve market place success.

On the other hand, the normative perspective is concerned with the identification of moral or philosophical guidelines for the operation and management of firms (Donaldson & Preston, 1995).

CEOs recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility, are committed to non-financial causes, and may simply doing what is right even in situations where this runs counter to corporate objectives (e.g., such as,providing employment) (Singer, 1994).

Research has shown that issues of diversity have frequently been linked to ethical issues and stakeholder management (e.g., Berman, Wicks, Kotha, & Jones, 1999; Burns & Schapper, 2007; Donaldson & Preston, 1995; Hillman & Keim, 2001; Wiegand, 2007).

In sum, the normative perspective essentially argues that diversity initiatives are not focused on the business case or achieving corporate objectives, but instead because it is 「the right thing to do.」


Affective commitment

A third motivation behind top executive motivation for managing diversity has to do with personal identification and 「patriotism of benevolence.

」 This concept is borrowed from public service motivation literature (Perry &Wise, 1990), which states that indivials may be motivated to public service because of a genuine conviction about its social importance.

Frederickson and Hart suggest that 「patriotism of benevolence」 represents a moral position but it is also an emotional state (cf. Perry &Wise, 1990).

Under the identification approach, an indivial becomes committed for its own sake rather than for instrumental reasons (Wiener, 1982).

Consequently, top executives may be devoted to issues of diversity because of personal identification or have a desire to be associated with and become involved because of personal convictions.



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