❶ 周政先是不是大傻子
❷ 周政的出版著作
Representative Referred Journal Publications Poppo, L andKZ Zhou(2013), 「Managing Contracts for Fairness in Buyer-Supplier Exchanges,」 Strategic Management Journal,forthcoming Zhou, KZand D. Xu (2012), 「How Foreign Firms Curtail Local Supplier Opportunism inChina? Detailed Contracts, Centralized Control, and Relational Governance,」 Journal of International Business Studies, 43(7): 677-692 (PDF) Zhou, KZand CB Li (2012), 「How Knowledge Affects Radical Innovation: Knowledge Base, Market Knowledge Acquisition, and Internal Knowledge Sharing,」 Strategic Management Journal, 33(9): 1090-1102 (PDF) Sheng, S,KZ Zhou,and JJ Li (2011), 「The Effects of Business and Political Ties on Firm Performance: Evidence fromChina,」 Journal of Marketing 75(1): 1-15 (Lead Article,PDF) Zhou, KZand F Wu (2010),「Technology Capability, Strategic Flexibility, and Proct Innovation,」 Strategic Management Journal,31(5): 547–561 (PDF) Li, JJ, L Poppo. andKZ Zhou(2010), 「Social Capital, Contractual Arrangement, and Local Knowledge Acquisition by International Subsidiaries,」 Strategic Management Journal, 31(4): 349–370 (Lead Article,PDF) Zhou, KZand L Poppo (2010), 「Exchange Hazards, Relational Reliability, and Contracts inChina: The Contingent Role of Legal Enforceability,」 Journal of International Business Studies,41(5): 861-881.(PDF) Li, JJ,KZ Zhou, and A Shao (2009) 「Competitive Position, Managerial Ties, and Profitability of Foreign Firms inChina: An Interactive Perspective ,」 Journal of International Business Studies, 40(2): 339-352 (PDF) Zhou, K.Z., J.J. Li, N. Zhou, and C. Su (2008), 「Market Orientation, Job Satisfaction, Proct Quality, and Firm Performance: Evidence fromChina,」 Strategic Management Journal, 29(9): 985-1000. (PDF) Li, J.J.,L. Poppo, andK.Z. Zhou(2008) 「Do Managerial Ties inChinaAlways Proce Value? Competition, Uncertainty, and Domestic vs. Foreign Firms,」 Strategic Management Journal, 29(4): 383-400. (PDF) Zhou, K.Z., L. Poppo, and Z. Yang (2008), 「Relational Ties or Customized Contracts? An Examination of Alternative Governance Choices inChina, 」 Journal of International Business Studies, 39(3): 526-534. (PDF) Poppo, L.,K.Z. Zhou,and S. Ryu (2008), 「Alternative Origins to Interorganizational Trust: An Interdependence Perspective on the Shadow of the Past and the Shadow of the Future,」 Organization Science,19(1), 39-55 (PDF) Zhou, K.Z.,J. R. Brown, C.S. Dev, and S. Agarwal (2007), 「The Effects of Customer and Competitor Orientations on Performance in Global Markets: A Contingency Analysis,」 Journal of International Business Studies, 38(2), 303-319 (PDF) Zhou, K.Z., D.K. Tse, and J. Li (2006), 「Organizational Change in Emerging Economies: Drivers and Consequences,」 Journal of International Business Studies, 37(2): 248-263. (PDF) Zhou, K.Z, C.K. Yim, and D.K. Tse (2005), 「The Effects of Strategic Orientations on Technology- and Market-based Breakthrough Innovations,」 Journal of Marketing, 69(2), 42-60. (PDF) Brown, J., C. Dev, andZ. Zhou(2003), 「Broadening the Foreign Market Entry Mode Decision: Separating Ownership and Control,」 Journal of International Business Studies, 34(5), 473-488. (PDF)
❸ 周政的個人簡介
❹ 周政為什麼被殺
❺ 中糧地產周政出生地
民 族
職 業
籍 貫
❻ 周政的簡介
周政為工商管理碩士、航空宇航製造工程碩士,高級工程師,享受國務院政府特殊津貼專家。周政歷任中糧杭州美特容器有限公司副總經理、常務副總經理、總經理; 2008年6月起任公司總經理。
❼ 怎麼舉報欠錢不還的人他的老家是,四川省南充市儀隴縣馬鞍鎮岐山村。周政。在2011年1月5號向我哥
❽ 周政與秦政哪個對中國的影響大
❾ 周政這名字有什麼含義,好不好
成語周情孔思 政簡刑清擴展了名字的意境。
❿ 周政的人物簡介