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發布時間:2021-08-12 04:52:55

『壹』 馬鞍山景點英文介紹

Anhui Tour - Colorful Stones Rock (Caishiji)

Anhui Tour - Colorful Stones Rock
Rising precipitously beside the rolling Yangtze River seven kilometers southwest of Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province, this rock used to be called Bull Islet Rock (Niuzhuji) because a legendary gold bull is said to have appeared here in ancient times.

The present name was adopted ring the period of the Three Kingdoms (220-280) because the area abounded in colorful stones.

The rock occupies a position of strategic importance. Its scenery is dominated by pines, bamboos, and the steep cliffs of Cuiluo Hill.

Caishiji is one of the three most famous such rocks along the banks of the Yangtze River, the other two are Chenglingji in Yueyang, and Yanziji in Nanjing.

It was here that Li Bai wrote many immortal poems. There are such places of interest as Tai Tower, the Memorial Hall to Li Bai, and the Tower to Catch the Moon.

Add: Caishi Township, Ma'anshan, Anhui
Anhui Tour - Tomb of Li

Lying at the foot of Mt. Qingshan southeast of Dangtu County, Ma'anshan, the Tomb of Li Bai (701-762), a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, covers an area of three hectares, in the shade of ancient pines and willow trees. Near the tomb there is a memorial hall named Tai, which houses stone inscriptions of past dynasties and paintings and calligraphy by distinguished artists. Through the ages, numerous men of letters came to show their respect to Li Bai.

Green Snail Hill (Cuiluoshan)

This hill, which faces the Yangtze and the Niuzhu rivers seven kilometers southwest of the city, got its name because it is shaped like a snail. The huge Tai Tower on the hill was dedicated to the memory of the famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai (701-762). It is said that after a drinking spree Li Bai plunged into the Yangtze in an attempt to catch the moon, only to drown. The terrace from which he leaped is called Catching the Moon Terrace (Zhuoyuetai). Fishermen fetched his cap and clothes from the river and buried them in a tomb on the hill.

『貳』 馬鞍山高中英語教材


『叄』 馬鞍山中學英語教材

馬鞍山初中是牛津譯林版 高中時北師大版本

『肆』 馬鞍山小學英語從幾年級開始用的是哪個版本的教材


『伍』 請問:2008年馬鞍山高一英語教材用的什麼版本是牛津的人教版的還是北師大的

是牛津的 不過我告訴你 我是09屆的 也就是現在高三的 用的也是牛津的教材 我在當塗一中借讀 我們英語老師上課文 一個單元3節課搞定 生詞2節課搞定 剩下的就是做課外的習題 所以你知道應該怎麼做了

『陸』 馬鞍山市用英語怎麼寫

[地名][中國]Ma』anshan City
[地名][中國]Ma』anshan City

『柒』 急!馬鞍山初中英語教材

剛剛上到第四單元welcome to the unit!
(welcome to the unit! 是牛津8AUnit 4 A Charity Show ??中的第一節!你說版的是單元名稱!)權

『捌』 馬鞍山市補習高中英語




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