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發布時間:2022-03-29 01:41:50

㈠ 我愛發明里那個發明假肢姓孫的老大爺叫啥 咋聯系 急......


㈡ 幫忙翻譯一下、謝謝了。。 請人譯。。!!!

【1】人們經常發現,當人非常累的時候在任何地方都能睡著. 在公共汽車上或是晚上下班坐地鐵回家的路上,我們可以看到很多人睡睡覺. 一個男人在看報紙但幾秒鍾後他的頭就貼在了報紙上,或者靠在旁邊陌生人的肩膀上睡著了. 另一個能體現無意識睡覺的地方就是大禮堂,有的學生竟然在這里能打出很大的鼾聲,以至於教授經常叫其他人把他推醒. 更尷尬的事是當一個學生睡著後,他的頭把手擠出了課桌獨立支持著身體的其餘部分. 這個學生醒來後竟發現自己莫名其妙地躺在地上. 最惡劣的是喝醉酒後睡著. 警方報道當司機睡著把車子開出路面都將導致事故.如果這些司機幸運的話,他們只會受到輕傷. 舉個例子,一位女士的汽車開到了河裡. 她從4英寸深的水裡醒來第一反應是下雨了. 當人們都非常累的時候,沒有什麼能阻止他們睡著-----不管是在哪裡。

現在Maja准備實現她的許諾。她來到水族館,下到水池裡,向Winter伸出一隻手,Winter 小心地靠近她,然後又遊走了。幾分鍾後,海豚讓Maja撫摸它的後背。最後,Maja和Winter開始一起在水池裡游泳了。

㈢ 人造人,一個裝有假肢的犯人負責抓捕那個人造人,那個犯人是個黑人。那個人造人好像叫什麼什麼007.


㈣ 誰是世界上第一個依靠雙腿假肢登傷珠穆朗瑪峰的人

Mark Inglis(馬克 英格利斯)
Double-amputee New Zealand climber Mark Inglis passed a dying Briton on his way to Everest's summit but realising nothing could be done to save him kept trekking to the top.

Inglis reached Everest's 8,850-metre summit on May 15 and became the first double amputee to reach the peak.

He told NZ television today that about 40 climbers on their way to the top of Everest passed by the dying Briton David Sharp.

On the way up the mountain, about two and a half hours into the final climb from camp four, the Inglis party passed Sharp, who had climbed without Sherpas the previous day, on May 14.

Sharp, 34, an engineer, had climbed alone, after leaving home on March 27 to travel to Everest's base camp. He had had apparently run out of oxygen about 300 metres below the summit, on his way down.

The Briton was outfitted by Asian Trekking, whose expedition manager, Dawa Sherpa, told NZPA.

"He had with him two 4 litre oxygen bottles. He had no Sherpa support."

Inglis said it was very hard to go up Everest.

"It was hard ... it is just so hard just to get there," Inglis said. "I think I can understand people who really do push it, push it, push it, and then don't get home."

One of Inglis' climbing companions, Wayne Alexander, of Christchurch, told the Telegraph newspaper in Britain: "We came across a chap sheltering under a rock, who was perhaps hours from death. That was probably only two and a half hours into the climb. He had made a mistake the day before. He started too late and couldn't get off the mountain."

Today Inglis told TVNZ's Close-up program: "We couldn't do anything. He had no oxygen, he had no proper gloves -- things like that."

Told that it had been suggested in New Zealand that Inglis' party should have stopped their ascent and rescued the man, Inglis replied: "Absolutely, that's a very fair comment.

"Trouble is, at 8,500 metres it's extremely difficult to keep yourself alive -- let alone keep anyone else alive," he said.

"On that morning, over 40 people went past this young Briton -- I was one of the first."

In radio calls, his party was told that if the man had been there any length of time without oxygen, there was nothing that could be done for the climber.

"He was effectively dead ... so we carried on," said Inglis.

"Of those 40 people that passed this young Briton, no one helped him except for people from our expedition."
走在陽光燦爛的日子 --2006老所青藏紀行





大學的時候,我喜歡彈吉他。當時特別崇拜Solo華彩彈的好的人,那種琴述心聲、人琴合一的狀態總讓我激動不已。這種Solo在Blues音樂里表現得尤為突出,B.B.King、Eric Clapton、美國的3G演出、Bob Dylon的乞丐嗓音、吉他英雄Jimi Hendrix、瘋狂的Wood Stock搖滾節,都將密西西比河岸的憂傷表達的淋漓盡致。藝術,總能將生活中的憂傷升華,去掉其中的痛苦,讓人活在希望之中。





㈤ 中國歷史上有記載的第一個全身假肢的人是誰


㈥ 世界第一個用假肢的人是誰


㈦ 找全世界最好的假肢


㈧ 誰是世界上第一個依靠雙腿假肢登上珠穆朗瑪峰的人

Mark Inglis(馬克 英格利斯)

Double-amputee New Zealand climber Mark Inglis passed a dying Briton on his way to Everest's summit but realising nothing could be done to save him kept trekking to the top.

Inglis reached Everest's 8,850-metre summit on May 15 and became the first double amputee to reach the peak.

He told NZ television today that about 40 climbers on their way to the top of Everest passed by the dying Briton David Sharp.

On the way up the mountain, about two and a half hours into the final climb from camp four, the Inglis party passed Sharp, who had climbed without Sherpas the previous day, on May 14.

Sharp, 34, an engineer, had climbed alone, after leaving home on March 27 to travel to Everest's base camp. He had had apparently run out of oxygen about 300 metres below the summit, on his way down.

The Briton was outfitted by Asian Trekking, whose expedition manager, Dawa Sherpa, told NZPA.

"He had with him two 4 litre oxygen bottles. He had no Sherpa support."

Inglis said it was very hard to go up Everest.

"It was hard ... it is just so hard just to get there," Inglis said. "I think I can understand people who really do push it, push it, push it, and then don't get home."

One of Inglis' climbing companions, Wayne Alexander, of Christchurch, told the Telegraph newspaper in Britain: "We came across a chap sheltering under a rock, who was perhaps hours from death. That was probably only two and a half hours into the climb. He had made a mistake the day before. He started too late and couldn't get off the mountain."

Today Inglis told TVNZ's Close-up program: "We couldn't do anything. He had no oxygen, he had no proper gloves -- things like that."

Told that it had been suggested in New Zealand that Inglis' party should have stopped their ascent and rescued the man, Inglis replied: "Absolutely, that's a very fair comment.

"Trouble is, at 8,500 metres it's extremely difficult to keep yourself alive -- let alone keep anyone else alive," he said.

"On that morning, over 40 people went past this young Briton -- I was one of the first."

In radio calls, his party was told that if the man had been there any length of time without oxygen, there was nothing that could be done for the climber.

"He was effectively dead ... so we carried on," said Inglis.

"Of those 40 people that passed this young Briton, no one helped him except for people from our expedition."

㈨ 中國排名前四位的假肢公司

咨詢記錄 · 回答於2021-07-18

㈩ 世界上第一個依靠雙腿假肢登上珠穆朗瑪峰的人是哪國人

馬克 英格利斯 紐西蘭:「無腿男子」成功登上珠穆朗瑪峰 http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年05月17日15:11 金羊網-羊城晚報 據英國廣播公司16日報道,紐西蘭47歲男子馬克·因格利斯是一名雙腿截肢患者,得靠假肢才能行走。然而日前,他竟然靠一雙假肢成功攀登上了8850米高的珠穆朗瑪峰,成了有史以來第一個靠一雙假肢登上珠峰的「無腿英雄」。 遭遇事故「痛失雙腿」 據報道,馬克·因格利斯本來是紐西蘭最高峰庫克峰附近的一名登山搜救向導,然而1982年的一場登山事故,卻讓他失去了雙腿。當時,他和另一名登山夥伴菲利浦·杜爾在登山途中,突然遭遇惡劣天氣,馬克和菲利浦在一個狹小的冰窟中被困了13天。 直到近兩個禮拜後,搜救小組才終於救出了他們倆。兩人知道自己遭遇了霜凍,但都樂觀地認為只需截掉幾個腳趾頭而已。可事實上,當兩人被送到醫院後,醫生卻告訴他們,他們壞死的雙腿必須全部截除掉。 裝上假肢繼續登山 接受截肢手術後,經過了漫長的恢復期,不堪被命運擊敗的馬克竟然戴上假肢,又開始了魂牽夢縈的登山生涯。馬克對記者說:「這一切很難解釋,一開始我只是駕車在山邊行駛,眺望著每一座山峰,我知道每一個峭壁都不一樣,我的心中涌動著一種渴望,我想盡可能地了解它們。」 馬克開始靠假肢攀登著一座座山峰,2004年,馬克靠一雙特殊假肢成功攀上了喜馬拉雅山8201米高的卓奧友峰,當時,他朝著遠處的珠穆朗瑪峰遙遙地凝望,並將攀上珠峰視做他最後的目標。 從今年初,馬克就開始為攀登珠峰作準備,包括發明了一種可以從管子中擠出來的特殊食物。40天前,馬克開始了挑戰珠峰的行程。 上圖:馬克用一雙假肢創造了奇跡 向妻子電話報喜 5月15日早晨,馬克經過艱苦的攀登,終於成功地憑一對假肢攀登上了8850米高的珠穆朗瑪峰。不久後,馬克從珠峰打電話給紐西蘭的妻子安妮,告訴了她自己登上了珠峰的喜訊,並稱他已經返回了4號探險營。安妮稱,由於電話信號不好,她無法確定丈夫登上珠峰的確切時間,她猜可能是15日正午時分。 據妻子安妮稱,為了防止假肢在登山事故中發生故障,馬克還帶了幾個備用假肢,但卻並沒有派上用場。安妮說:「他成功登上了峰頂,他的假肢毫無問題。」 創造「無腿英雄」奇跡 安妮為丈夫的成績深感快樂和驕傲,安妮對英國廣播公司說:「當他安全返回家中時,我會感到更加高興。」 據悉,在此之前,從來沒有人嘗試用一雙假肢登上過珠穆朗瑪峰,馬克因此成了有史以來第一個靠假肢登上珠峰的「無腿英雄」。 ·沈志珍·



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