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⑵ 開關是什麼時候發明的

1879年愛迪生發明了電燈,發光45小時後隨即而逝,為了使這種跨時代的光輝能永恆,德國電氣工程師奧古斯塔·勞西(Ros August)創造了電氣開關的概念。

⑶ 開關電源的原理和發展趨勢

1)脈沖寬度調制式,簡稱脈寬調制(PulseWidth Molation,縮寫為PWM)式。其主要特點是開關周期恆定,通過改變脈沖寬度來調節占空比,實現穩壓目的。其核心是脈寬調制器。開關周期的固定為設計濾波電路提供了方便。但是,它的缺點是受功率開關最小導通時間的限制,對輸出電壓不能作寬范圍調節;此外,輸出端一般要接假負載(亦稱預負載),以防止空載時輸出電壓
2)脈沖頻率調制方式,簡稱脈頻調制(PulseFrequency Molation,縮寫為PFM)式。其特點是將脈沖寬度固定,通過改變開關頻率來調節占空比,實現穩壓的目的。其核心是脈頻調制器。在電路設計上要用固定脈寬發生器來代替脈寬調制器中的鋸齒波發生器,並利用電壓頻率轉換器(例如壓控振盪器VCO)改變頻率。它的穩壓原理是:當輸出電壓Uo升高時,控制器輸出信號的脈沖寬度不變而周期變長,使占空比減小,Uo降低。PFM式開關電源的輸出電壓調節范圍很寬,輸出端可不接假負載。
3)混合調制方式,是指脈沖寬度與開關頻率均不固定,彼此都能改變的方式,它屬於PWM和PFM的混合方式。它包含了脈寬調制器和脈頻調制器。由於 和T均可單獨調節,因此占空比調節范圍最寬,適合製作供實驗室使用的輸出電壓可以寬范圍調節的開關電源。
以上3 種工作方式統稱為「 時間比率控制」(Time Ratio Control,簡稱TRC)方式。需要指出的是,脈寬調制器既可作為一片獨立的集成電路使用(例如UC3842型脈寬調制器),亦可被集成在DC/DC變換器中(例如LM2576型開關穩壓器集成電路),還能集成在AC/DC變換器中(例如TOP250型單片開關電源集成電路)。其中,開關穩壓器屬於DC/DC電源變換器,開關電源一般為AC/DC電源變換器。
5)低輸出電壓技術。隨著半導體製造技術的不斷發展,微處理器和攜帶型電子設備的工作越來越低,這就要求未來的DC-DC變換器能夠提供低輸出電壓以適應微處理器和攜帶型電子設備的供電要求。開關電源的發展從來都是與半導體器件及磁性元件等的發展休戚相關,高頻化的實現,需要相應的高速半導體器件和性能優良的高頻電磁元件。發展電力M O S F E T、I G B T等新型高速器件,開發高頻用的低損磁性材料,改進磁元件的結構及設計方法,提高濾波電容的介電常數及降低其等效串聯電阻等方面的工作,對於開關電源小型化始終產生著巨大的推動作用。

⑷ 誰有開關電源方面的資料要中英文對照的!!!!十萬火急啊!!謝謝




由式可知,改變開關接通時間和工作周期的比例,AB間電壓的平均值也隨之改變,因此,隨著負載及輸入電源電壓的變化自動調整TON和T的比例便能使輸出電壓V0維持不變。改變接通時間TON和工作周期比例亦即改變脈沖的占空比,這種方法稱為「時間比率控制」(Time Ratio Control,縮寫為TRC)。
一、脈沖寬度調制(Pulse Width Molation,縮寫為PWM)
二、脈沖頻率調制(Pulse Frequency Molation,縮寫為PFM)
第三節 開關電源的發展和趨勢
1955年美國羅耶(GH.Roger)發明的自激振盪推挽晶體管單變壓器直流變換器,是實現高頻轉換控制電路的開端,1957年美國查賽(Jen Sen)發明了自激式推挽雙變壓器,1964年美國科學家們提出取消工頻變壓器的串聯開關電源的設想,這對電源向體積和重量的下降獲得了一條根本的途徑。到了1969年由於大功率硅晶體管的耐壓提高,二極體反向恢復時間的縮短等元器件改善,終於做成了25千赫的開關電源。

High-frequency switching power supply circuit of high frequency switching power supply from the following components : a main circuit from the exchange network input, DC output of the entire process, including : an import filter : its role is to network the clutter filtration, but also hindered the plane of the clutter feedback to the public grid. 2, rectifier and filter : direct AC power rectifier for smoother DC, for under a transformation. 3, the inverter : Rectifier the high frequency alternating current into direct current, high-frequency switching power supply is the core component of the higher frequency, size, weight and output ratio smaller. 4, and the rectifier output filter : Under load the need to provide stable and reliable DC power supply. 2, the control circuit while output from the sample, with the set standards, then controlled inverter, change its frequency or pulse width output achieve stability, on the other hand, according to test data provided by the circuit by circuit protection identification, Control circuit for the unit for various protection measures. Third, in addition to providing detection circuit protection circuit is running various parameters, but also provide information display instruments. 4, the auxiliary power supply circuit for the single power supply to the different requirements. Switching Control Switching Regulators K principle to a certain time interval repeatedly connected and disconnected, connected to the switch K, Input voltage E and K through switching circuit filter to load RL, the entire switch connected, Power E to provide energy load; When K disconnect switch, the input power is interrupted E. energy delivery. This shows that the importation of power to provide energy load is intermittent, for the load can be provided for the energy, Switching power supply must be a set of storage devices, the switches will be connected to a part of the energy stored in the switch disconnected. Load to the release. Map from the inctance L, capacitance diode D and C2 components of the circuit, it is such a function. Inctor L for energy storage in switch disconnected, stored in the inctor L of energy release through diodes D to load, so that load is continuous and stable energy, diode D enable continuous load current, known as the continued flow diode. AB in the average voltage EAB can be given by : EAB=TON/T*E where TON connected to the switch each time, T-off switch for the cycle (that is, access time TON switch and turn-off time and TOFF's). - We can see from the change switch connected to the work cycle time and the ratio of the voltage between the AB average change also, therefore, With the load and input supply voltage changes and automatically adjust TON T ratio, it will cause the output voltage V0 unchanged. Change the access time and cycle TON percentage change is the pulse ty cycle. This method, known as "time ratio control" (Time Ratio Control, for the initials TRC). TRC under control principle, there are three ways : 1. Pulse width molation (Pulse Width Molation, acronym for PWM) switching constant cycle by changing the pulse width to change the ty cycle approaches. 2, pulse frequency molation (Pulse Frequency Molation, acronym for the PFM) conction pulse width constant by changing the switching frequency to change the ty cycle approaches. 3, mixed conction molation and pulse width switching frequency not fixed are, they change the way It is more than two hybrid models. Section III SMPS developments and trends in the United States in 1955 Roje (GH.Roger) invention of the self-excited oscillation push redeem transistor single transformer DC converters, high-frequency conversion is the beginning of control circuit, 1957 United States investigation tournament (Jen Sen) since the invention of the push-pull double Flyback transformers, 1964 American scientists proposes to abolish the frequency transformer series switching power supply scenario, This power to the right size and weight of the decline was a fundamental way. To the 1969 high-power silicon transistor because the pressure increase diode reverse recovery time shortened, and other components improve, and finally turned into a 25 kHz switching power supply. Currently, switching power supply to small, Light volume and the characteristics of high efficiency has been widely used in electronic computer-driven variety of terminal equipment, Communications equipment almost all electronic equipment, the electronic information instry indispensable to the rapid development of a power mode. Currently the market for sale in the switching power supply using bipolar transistors made of 100kHz. use made of 500kHz MOS power, though practical, but its frequency to be further enhanced. To improve the switching frequency, it is necessary to rece the switching loss, and to rece the switching loss, you need to have high-speed switching devices. However, the switching speed, will be affected by the circuit inctance and capacitance diode or stored charge arising from the impact of the surge or noise. This will not only affect the surrounding electronic equipment, but also greatly rece the reliability of the power supply itself. Among them, with the switch to prevent Kai-closed by the voltage surge, it is R-C or L-C Composite bumpers, and the storage charge by the diode current surge caused by the use made of amorphous cores such as magnetic bumper. However, the high frequency of 1 MHz and above, using resonant circuit, Switch to enable the voltage or current through the switch was a sine, which could rece the switching loss, This can also control the surge occurred. Switches such as resonant mode switching. Currently such SMPS of very active, because this means no significant increase switching speed can theoretically put switching loss fall to zero. and the noise is small, is expected to become high-frequency switching power supply of one of the main ways. At present, many countries in the world are working on several trillion Hz converter practical research.

⑸ 開關電源設計從入門到精通 作者是誰


⑹ 電磁爐是什麼時候發明的




⑺ 請內行解釋一下這個開關電源的原理,在淘寶買了幾個12v2a開關電源裸板,到手測試,發現電路板上沒有任何i




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