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① 如何提高創造力英語作文

1. 題目要特別:可以標題就亮出自己的觀點;或者用一些比較獨專特的諺語什麼的。
2. 三段論屬:第一段說官話,稍微說幾句後,最後一句亮出自己觀點;第二段展開說,把自己的觀點分成幾小點(2-3個為佳),逐一分析,最好每個都加個小例子;第三段總結,不用太長,最好和第一段相呼應,再強調一下你的題目。
3. 連接詞:這個很重要的。連接詞要翻新,不要老用一個詞,老師會覺得你詞彙量不行,
。however;therefore;first of all;on the one hand, on the other hand;in addition;besides; all in all ...多用哈。肯定加分的~~


② 如何培養創造力.英語作文

How to cultivate our creativity?
It's true that maybe cultivating creativity is difficult to most of the people.Many ways are for this while we can't realize them.cultivating creativity is indeed of great importance to the whole society.What can we do to acquire it?First,it calls for our working,which should be very hard or even unthinkable.This step of course will give us firm basement.Secondly,we'd better try our best to see,to watch,to oberve...everthing around in our lives,from which we can get useful messages.Yet the last one'll be hard,ater all,we should insist! have to think deeply,and compare everthing with each other to find their characters.So,maybe we can't succeed,but to our devotion,we may learn a lot,and it's believed that we will finally creating perfectly.

③ 鼓勵創新的措施







④ 英語作文 關於培養創造力的方式

How to cultivate our creativity?

It's true that maybe cultivating creativity is difficult to most of the people.Many ways are for this while we can't realize them.cultivating creativity is indeed of great importance to the whole society.What can we do to acquire it?First,it calls for our working,which should be very hard or even unthinkable.This step of course will give us firm basement.Secondly,we'd better try our best to see,to watch,to oberve...everthing around in our lives,from which we can get useful messages.Yet the last one'll be hard,ater all,we should insist! have to think deeply,and compare everthing with each other to find their characters.So,maybe we can't succeed,but to our devotion,we may learn a lot,and it's believed that we will finally creating perfectly.

⑤ 鼓勵發明的辦法英語作文

I think the most important modern invention is the Internet.With the Internet,we can do many things.For example,we can shop,learn knowledge,listen to music,and watch movies online.The Internet makes the world smaller.We can meet and talk to friends and relatives far away without spending a lot of money.We can also post our blogs online so our friends can know what we are doing by visiting our websites like QQ Space.Internet makes our life more exciting and easier.I think the most important modern invention is the Internet.With the Internet,we can do many things.For example,we can shop,learn knowledge,listen to music,and watch movies online.The Internet makes the world smaller.We can meet and talk to friends and relatives far away without spending a lot of money.We can also post our blogs online so our friends can know what we are doing by visiting our websites like QQ Space.Internet makes our life more exciting and easier.I think the most important modern invention is the Internet.With the Internet,we can do many things.For example,we can shop,learn knowledge,listen to music,and watch movies online.The Internet makes the world smaller.We can meet and talk to friends and relatives far away without spending a lot of money.We can also post our blogs online so our friends can know what we are doing by visiting our websites like QQ Space.Internet makes our life more exciting and easier.

⑥ 如何鼓勵創新英語小作文如題

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Innovation by commenting on Rosabeth Moss Kanter』s famous remark 「Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation.」You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
The Importance of Innovation
「Mindless habitual behavior is the enemy of innovation. 」 I assume that you are familiar with Rosabeth Moss Kanter』s famous remark. It is obvious that a man who always stick to habit and experience can hardly create new things .
Rosabeth Moss Kanter』s remark aims at informing us of the significance of innovation. Why does innovation play an indispensable role in our life ? innovation can promote the advancement of both indivials and society as a whole. only those who are innovative can make continuous progress and maintain a competitive edge. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: how could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic procts constantly without creative spirit?
We should always bear in mind that the consciousness of innovation is of great significance to us all. Hence, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. 「Innovation is the spirit of human being』s progress.」 A philosopher once said. (202 words)
「不用心思的習慣性行為是創新的敵人」我覺得你對Rosabeth Moss Kanter的這句名言很熟悉。很明顯,一個總是遵循習慣和經驗的人是很難創造出新事物的。
Rosabeth Moss Kanter 的這句名言目的在於告訴我們創新的重要性。為什麼創新在我們的生活中扮演如此重要的角色呢? 創新可以促進個人和整個社會的進步。只有那些創新的人才能去的持續的進步並且保持競爭優勢。相當多的例子可以用來證明創新的重要性,我想不出比一下這個例子更好的了:斯蒂夫.喬布斯,這個改變了我們的通訊方式、娛樂方式甚至是生活方式的天才,如果沒有創新精神,他怎麼可能持續地發布功能強大的電子產品呢?

⑦ 英語作文 如何鼓勵學生創造力


Teachers can do a number of things to make sure students have the chance to show their creativeness. One example would be when students are given a research assignment, teachers could encourage students to either write a paper, do a presentation, perform an experiment, or use technology to present information. This gives all students the chance to complete the assignment in their own creative style. Not only can teachers give options on assignments, they can ask students how they would like to accomplish the task. Giving students this kind of choice empowers them and hopefully motivates them to do their best.

⑧ 六級作文要求寫創新的重要性和鼓勵人們創新的措施兩個點。我側重於寫









⑨ 如何鼓勵大學生的創造性英語作文

1、經典諺語( Proverbs):
Do inRomeas Romans do. 入鄉隨俗。
East or west, home is best. 東方或西方,家是最好的
Romewas not built in a day. 冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。
Where there is a will,there is a way!有志者,事競成。
I think that she/he is fond of…
It is + adj. + to do sth.
It is + 強調成分 + that….
Best wishes for Teachers' Day.
We don't think there is anything of interest in your picture.
The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illness caused by smoking.
在英語寫作教學實踐中,我們不難發現學生有以下幾種通病:1、認為英語中存在與漢語完全對應的詞。實際上,除了一些專業術語外,英漢兩種語言中幾乎沒有完全對應的詞。比如,開發中國西部是很重要的。It』s very important to develop the western China.翻譯這個句子偏愛使用形式主語it來翻譯,真正的主語---動詞不定式短語則放在後面。2、在寫英語作文時,大部分學生往往會用漢語思維構思篇章,然後再按照漢語的意思逐詞逐句譯成英語。有些中式英語妨礙了交流思想,如:世上沒有後悔葯。There is no regret medicine in the world.我們應引導學生用簡單的英語表達來克服母語的干擾,可向學生講解如何將上述句子轉化為正確的英語表達,如:It is no use regretting it.我們也可以給學生提供一個與此相關的諺語,如:覆水難收。It』s no use crying over spilt milk.

⑩ 怎樣鼓勵學生的創造力英文作文

Teachers can do a number of things to make sure students have the chance to show their creativeness. One example would be when students are given a research assignment, teachers could encourage students to either write a paper, do a presentation, perform an experiment, or use technology to present information. This gives all students the chance to complete the assignment in their own creative style. Not only can teachers give options on assignments, they can ask students how they would like to accomplish the task. Giving students this kind of choice empowers them and hopefully motivates them to do their best.



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