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發布時間:2021-12-20 04:56:35

Ⅰ 進化論的英文是什麼


Ⅱ 高分求達爾文進化論常識性英文簡介


Darwin's model of evolution, known as "the survival of the fittest", is widely accepted by most of the contemporary scientific community, as well as the general public, as a "fact of life" as there is little doubt this process does play a significant part in changing the characteristics within the pre-existing gene pool of a species. (a process known as micro-evolution within species) On the face of it, Darwin's theory is so elegantly simple and in accordance with so many of the day-to-day observations of modern genetics that it does indeed appear to be self evident.

However, close examination of a whole raft of scientific data reveals the absence of virtually any empirical scientific evidence in support of the theory, either regarding the alleged spontaneous generation of life in first place, let alone the evolution of life forms from one species into another. If anything, the fossil evidence to date indicates the spontaneous appearance, without the existence of any earlier related life forms, of a vast number of life forms around 600 million years ago known as the 'Cambrian explosion', followed by very long periods (tens of millions of years) of minor changes occurring within species (a process known as Stasis) and the absence of any examples of possible evolutionary links between species prior to, ring, or after this period.

Ⅲ 求翻譯成英文 一、進化論是尚未被證實的假說 進化論被寫進很多書里,不少學校也在課堂上宣講進化論。

One, the hypothesis that the theory of evolution has not yet been proved
Evolutionary theory has been written into many books, and many schools have been preaching the theory of evolution in the classroom. It is natural to think that evolution is fact of (evolution the), that the theory of evolution is the law of science. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Evolution is not a scientific law, it is only a hypothesis based on Darwin's observations. This hypothesis has not been confirmed, is currently under serious challenge.
When it comes to the last chapter, scientific research (especially experimental science) a condition necessary for the object is repeated. The origin of the universe, life, human is already done, can not be repeated, so it is beyond the scope of scientific research. The universe evolved or created by God to answer this question, science. In this regard, the theory of evolution and creation of scholars and scholars have considerable consensus.
Henry 'Mo Rui Dr. (Dr. Henry M. Morris) pointed out: "recent edition of Darwin's" origin of species "in the preface, British evolutionary theory, one of the leaders of the biological Mathews Professor admitted:' trust evolution and trust special create exactly the same - both of which are the letter is really as true, but so far there is no way to confirm '.
So, the theory of evolution is just a hypothesis, which has not been confirmed, can not be confirmed by the method of scientific research hypothesis. This is the first need to clarify.

Ⅳ 進化的的英語翻譯 進化的用英語怎麼說


Ⅳ 達爾文提出的進化論是被廣泛接受的理論,定語從句用英語怎樣寫

The theory of evolution proposed by 達爾文 is accepted 廣泛地?

Ⅵ 創造進化論 哪個譯本好


Ⅶ 達爾文的進化論英文名字是什麼

《The Origin of Species》

Ⅷ 達爾文的進化論英文版原著哪裡有賣


Ⅸ 進化論的基礎是物競天擇英文

natural selection,應該叫「物競天擇」不是「天競物擇」.

Ⅹ 達爾文提出的進化論是被廣泛接受的理論,定語從句用英語怎樣寫

The theory of evolution proposed by 達爾文 is accepted 廣泛地?



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