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① 英語作文你知道火車是由誰發明的嗎火車是由英國人喬治斯蒂芬森發明的

The first person to successfully create steam locomotive,Stephenson is a British engineer and train (13) (George Stephenson ,1781-1848) invention. He started the engine and pump research work in the coal mines near Castle Britishtwist. In 1825, he established a factory procing steam locomotive. There, he designed and built the first steam locomotive passenger can drag, traveling the world fromDarlington to Stockton's first public railway line. Stephenson's most famous locomotive called "Rocket." In 1829, the car wonthe race, the speed of 46 kilometers per hour. Later steam locomotive driving this car in Liverpool to Manchester railwayline.
Several tests, the use of steam engines. The first day drivingalong the road people hear the sound of it, to see it the way you run believed to be a monster, ran home, shut the door, afraid togo out
Today: One of the most important mode of transport

② 並且他成功發明了世界上第一輛火車英文


③ 發明火車的德里維斯克名字全稱的英文名

飛機是人類在20世紀所取得的最重大的科學技術成就之一,有人將它與電視和電腦專並列為20世紀對人類影響最大的三大發明,關於世界上最早的飛機到底是由誰發明? 法國人認為世屬界最早的飛機是由法國人克雷芒·阿德爾(Clément Ader)發明,於1890年10。

④ 史蒂芬森和他發明的火車,用英語介紹,急!!!

1814 George Stephenson invents the first practical steam powered railroad locomotive.

George Stephenson was born on June 9, 1781, in the coal mining village of Wylam, England. His father, Robert Stephenson, was a poor, hard working man, that supported his family entirely from wages of twelve shillings a week.
Wagons loaded with coal passed through Wylam several times a day. These wagons were drawn by horses -- locomotives had not yet been invented. George Stephenson's first job was to watch over a few cows owned by a neighbor which were allowed to feed along the road; George was paid two cents a day to keep the cows out of the way of the coal-wagons; and also, to close the gates after the day's work of the wagons was over.

George Stephenson - Life in the Coal Mines
George Stephenson's next job was at the mines as a picker. His ty was to clean the coal of stone, slate, and other impurities. Eventually, George Stephenson worked at several coal mines as a fireman, plugman, brakeman, and engineer.
However, in his spare time George loved to tinker with any engine or piece of mining equipment that fell into his hands. He became skilled at adjusting and even repairing the engines found in the mining pumps, even though at that time he could not read or write. As a young alt, George paid for and attended night school where he learned to read, write, and do arithmetic. In 1804, George Stephenson walked on foot to Scotland to take a job working in a coal mine that used one of James Watt's steam engines, the best steam engines of the day.

In 1807, George Stephenson considered emigrating to America; but he was too poor to pay for the passage. He began work nights repairing shoes, clocks, and watches, making extra money that he would spend on his inventing projects.

George Stephenson - First Locomotive
In 1813, George Stephenson became aware that William Hedley and Timothy Hackworth were designing a locomotive for the Wylam coal mine. So at the age of twenty, George Stephenson began the construction of his first locomotive. It should be noted that at this time in history, every part of the engine had to be made by hand, and hammered into shape just like a horseshoe. John Thorswall, a coal mine blacksmith, was George Stephenson's main assistant.

The Blucher Hauls Coal
After ten months' labor, George Stephenson's locomotive "Blucher" was completed and tested on the Cillingwood Railway on July 25, 1814. The track was an uphill trek of four hundred and fifty feet. George Stephenson's engine hauled eight loaded coal wagons weighing thirty tons, at about four miles an hour. This was the first steam engined powered locomotive to run on a railroad and it was the most successful working steam engine that had ever been constructed up to this period, this encouraged the inventor make further experiments. In all, Stephenson built sixteen different engines.

First Public Railways
George Stephenson build the world's first public railways: the Stockton and Darlington railway in 1825 and the Liverpool-Manchester railway in 1830. Stephenson was the chief engineer for several of the railways.

George Stephenson - Other Inventions
In 1815, George Stephenson invented a new safety lamp that would not explode when used around the flammable gasses found in the coal mines.
Also in 1815, George Stephenson and Ralph Dodds patented an improved method of driving (turning) locomotive wheels using pins attached to the spokes to act as cranks. The driving rod was connected to the pin using a ball and socket joint, previously gear wheels had been used.

Stephenson and William Losh, who owned an ironworks in Newcastle patented a method of making cast iron rails.

In 1829, George Stephenson and his son Robert invented a multi-tubular boiler for the now-famous locomotive "Rocket".

⑤ 火車的發明人是誰


⑥ 火車的發明人 是誰











⑦ 世界上第一輛火車的發明者是誰


⑧ 火車的發明者是誰

火車和所有其他發明一樣,都是為了滿足社會需要而問世的。 18世紀初,隨著社會生產力的發展,人們急需一種比馬車裝得多、跑得快的新型車輛。在這種情況下,英國人瓦特發明了蒸汽機。這種機器比馬的力氣可大多了,它一問世就引起了人們的注意。 有些人就想將「大力士」蒸汽機裝在車上,代替人力或者畜力來使車輛前進。說來有趣,這種大膽設想首先在軍事上得到實現。當時,歐洲各國的軍隊為了滿足作戰需要,紛紛採用口徑和射程越來越大的大炮。由於炮的重量不斷增加,用人推馬拉的辦法很難保證大炮能及時跟隨部隊作戰。法國一位名叫居尼奧的炮兵軍官,針對這一問題就研製成用蒸汽機推動的「蒸汽汽車」來牽拉,從而開辟了以機器為動力的現代車輛蓬勃發展的道路,也為火車的誕生打下了基礎。 這種將蒸汽機裝在車子上的機械車是怎樣推動車輛行駛的呢?我們從它的外形上可以看到,蒸汽機有一個大鍋爐,裝在車架的前端。在鍋爐下面燒著煤火,用來將鍋爐裡面的水加熱成蒸汽。由鍋爐上的一根管子將蒸汽引入車子前輪上方的汽缸里,蒸汽的力氣很大,便推著汽缸里的活塞向前移動,而活塞通過連桿和曲軸與前輪連在一起,於是隨著曲軸的轉動,車輪就跟著轉起來,從而使車子前進了。 此後不久,這種冒著黑煙、喘著粗氣的車子先後在英國和德國出現了,如英國1804年製成的蒸汽機車。不過,它的模樣和先前不大一樣了:有的將鍋爐移到車子的中間,並罩上罩子,兩頭還裝上幾排座位;有的把鍋爐移到車後部,而在前面坐人的地方裝了一個車廂,等等。蒸汽車有點近代車的氣派了。 與大多數新事物出現所受的遭遇一樣,在當時馬車佔主要地位的歐洲各國,蒸汽車處處受到非難和排擠。 就說英國吧,那時各城市的郵政廳都使用大量的馬車來運送郵件。為了維護自身的利益,郵政廳便和大大小小的馬車主聯合起來共同對付新出世的蒸汽車,並要求政府對蒸汽車加以種種限制。後來,英國政府也站在馬車主一邊來反對蒸汽車,並規定了許多條條框框。例如,對蒸汽車下了這樣的命令:蒸汽車在行駛時,必須有手持小紅旗的人在車前55米處跑步前進,以招呼行人避讓;在有馬的地方,不許蒸汽車的鍋爐放氣;不許蒸汽車在街上鳴汽笛;蒸汽車在農村路上行駛,車的時速不得超過6千米,在城市不得超過3千米……這簡直比老牛車還慢呢!現在看起來確實令人發笑。 後來,盡管人們對蒸汽車進行了改進,但是由於它有著先天不足的弱點,例如車上裝的那又大又重的蒸汽機,既要經常停下來添煤加水,操作很不方便,又大量排出濃煙和蒸汽,而且還佔了車上很大地方,裝運不了多少貨物,所以人們逐漸對它失望起來。 就在人們為蒸汽車的前途擔心的時候,有人就想到了16世紀中期在礦山上用木頭做軌道,以人力和畜力拉動的車子,提出也給蒸汽車鋪上軌道(木頭軌道顯然不行,需要用鐵軌),讓它拖帶幾節車廂在鐵軌上行駛的設想。這可是個好主意,不僅使車廂里可裝很多的貨物和人員,而且可發揮蒸汽機力氣大的特長,使車子跑得快。 1825年9月27日,從英國斯多克頓到達林頓的世界上第一條鐵路正式通車了。由蒸汽汽車改製成的蒸汽機車(我們平常所說的火車頭)開始大顯身手了,蒸汽機從此派上了大用場。這同時也宣告了世界上第一列火車正式問世。 那天上午,由斯蒂芬遜製造並駕駛的「運動號」蒸汽機車拖帶著33節車廂,從斯多克頓出發了。車廂里裝載煤和乘客,而看熱鬧的人站滿了鐵道的兩旁。人們有的步行,有的騎馬,追追跑跑,簇擁著這長蛇般的龐大怪物在緩緩行駛。 1828年,期蒂芬遜和他的兒子共同製造了「火箭號」蒸汽機車,並參加了一次比賽。當時有3台機車參加比賽,其中一台在比賽開始不久,鍋爐接縫的地方便破裂了;另一台走了40多千米因汽缸破損而停駛;只有「火箭號」機車以每小時22千米的平均速度,牽引著10多噸的貨物,跑完了112.6千米的路程,順利地到達終點,獲得了冠軍。此後,火車便受到人們的重視,在世界各國相繼發展起來。 火車剛出世不久,跑得比較慢,本來就對火車冷眼相待的一些馬車主,更加傲氣起來,經常要跟火車比個高低,以顯示他的馬車跑得快。然而,馬車有時的確會揚揚得意地跑在火車的前頭,這就進一步促使人們對火車進行不斷改進。 早期的蒸汽機車,外形各種各樣:有的像個壓路機,有的與四輪馬車相似(如英國「一號蒸汽機車」),有的和原始的汽車類同……這些機車的運載能力都還不大,跑得比馬車快不了多少。由於它們都是用煤炭或木材做燃料,行駛時鍋爐里的火焰熊熊,煙氣沖天,所以人們習慣上把它稱做「火車」。它雖然「吃」的是「粗糧」——煤,但力氣很大,而且煤的成本又較低,來源豐富,因而蒸汽機一直延用了很長時間。 作為工業生產發展產物的蒸汽機車,自然就要受到一些工業發達國家的重視。它們紛紛修鐵路,造火車,很快便使蒸汽機車風靡全世界。到19世紀中葉,這股築路造車風掀起了熱潮,英、美、日、德等國除了自己製造蒸汽機車外,感到修築鐵路有利可圖,便向世界各地宣傳推銷,承攬修路造車工程,從而使火車得到日益廣泛的應用。

⑨ 英語作文你知道火車是由誰發明的嗎火車是由英國的喬治.史蒂芬森發明的。請根據如下提示寫一篇80詞左

1, as the inventor George Stephenson
The first person to successfully create steam locomotive,Stephenson is a British engineer and train (13) (George Stephenson ,1781-1848) invention. He started the engine and pump research work in the coal mines near Castle Britishtwist. In 1825, he established a factory procing steam locomotive. There, he designed and built the first steam locomotive passenger can drag, traveling the world fromDarlington to Stockton's first public railway line. Stephenson's most famous locomotive called "Rocket." In 1829, the car wonthe race, the speed of 46 kilometers per hour. Later steam locomotive driving this car in Liverpool to Manchester railwayline.
Several tests, the use of steam engines. The first day drivingalong the road people hear the sound of it, to see it the way you run believed to be a monster, ran home, shut the door, afraid togo out
Today: One of the most important mode of transport

⑩ 英語作文你知道火車是由誰發明的嗎火車是由英國的喬治.史蒂芬森發明的。請根據如下提示寫一篇80詞




動物侵權舉證責任的規定 瀏覽:651
輕卡車報廢年限 瀏覽:311
攜款保證書 瀏覽:226
學士證書要求 瀏覽:526
大連學區房落戶年限 瀏覽:974
成果展示方式 瀏覽:128
刑事申訴案件辦理期限 瀏覽:25
一萬粒投訴 瀏覽:795
一手房轉讓費 瀏覽:889
原始憑證保管年限 瀏覽:627
供熱糾紛信息簡報法院 瀏覽:176
協助期限 瀏覽:41
歷年新聞侵權案件數據統計 瀏覽:743
借條和欠條的有效期是多久 瀏覽:341
轉讓開采技術所有權 瀏覽:216
公明店面轉讓 瀏覽:308
三類證書有效期 瀏覽:241
工程師類證書 瀏覽:97
獃子證證書 瀏覽:926
邵陽無轉讓費門面 瀏覽:16