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⑴ 中國四大發明的英文

"四大發明」英文名為「The Four Great Inventions」

「印刷術」英文名為「Priniting Technique」

⑵ 發明很多東西的英文

He invented a lot of stuff.
He has a lot of inventions.

⑶ 發明用英語怎麼說


⑷ 發明的英文怎麼寫


create 主要意思是」創造」,即產生新的東西,起對象往往是精神上的, 如藝術,文學作品中的人物以及新的科學領域等,也可指創造出新的具體事物.名詞 creation 創造, creator 創造者;
invent, 主要意思是」發明」是指產生前所未有的東西,其對象往往是物質性的,名詞:invention 發明 inventor發明者

⑸ 尋找5個發明家資料!英文!!







⑹ 英文的發明

"專家透過印歐語系進化樹分析 證明由九千年前農民發展而來


⑺ 發明的英文怎麼說

您好, 發明的英抄文是 Invent
讀音是: 英 [ɪn'vent] ; 美 [ɪnˈvɛnt]

⑻ 發明 (英文版)

Although the real movie with sound in the 1920s, but insisted the film is the voice of, Jiuping this point, Edison the father of modern film well-deserved

More than 100 years ago, people trying to let the film "speak" and try to let voice talent on the screen after that line, but soon be eliminated. Since then commonly used method is the use of the scene shown in the band accompaniment.

Film with sound. This machine-film cameras by the gramophone and a combination of the electrical energy, the camera shading Gramophone linked with the crankshaft, the camera will be able to operate when the gramophone record voices. Shown, the camera behind the scenes, in幕前, the two wires connected to. Members of screening open switch, Gramophone on the screen simultaneously with the operation, making voice and image to achieve a perfect meet. Gramophone's voice and image on film cameras linked to the first time, the audience in appreciation of the screen also heard the voices of sync.

To create "what will the film" Edison persist for many years is a dream. From his initial ideas to final proction to the real film with sound, has undergone more than 30 years time. After the invention of Gramophone in 1877, Edison has committed to the design "as the gramophone in the ears, like the eyes in the role of machinery" and then a combination of both, recording and reproction movement of the screen simultaneously voice. He initially used Gramophone principle, want to use dial record images. Study after year without results, Edison in 1889 absorbed the French people to mine (Maray) of "continuous camera" results, the first to use Kodak's proction of the 50-foot flexible film, guiding assistant Dixon (Dickson) invented the projector. It consists of motor-driven, running at a Jianxing tooth cone driven to the tape of intermittent mobile drilling, drilling. Later developed a "film projectors," this machine using 35 mm film perforations broadband has become the instry standard.

Edison-per-view movies watched by only one person can earn money, and therefore refused to open on the screen showing videos. Dixon to comply with this requirement has proced a box shape of the viewfinder, people from the top of the peep hole Wang Li will be able to see the mobile screen. 1894, the United States around the viewer simply stuffed coins will be able to see a five minute-long films, each one. This invention caused a sensation. Since then, as a competitor, Edison proction of "Victoria is too projectors" (Vitascope), has begun to shift to the screen, a patent battle in the U.S. film instry hegemony, he was able to concentrate on film with sound.

Since then, and in 1912 Edison invented the receiver within 40 feet the size of the sensitive sound wave radio, even in high-speed camera is outside, to create synchronized cameras recording the activities of film-making with sound machine. 1923, the use of wax disc recordings on the film in the film, the 1927 U.S. film company Warner Brothers is a mechanical sound recording, shooting a sound and the success of the dialogue with sound film "Jazz Singer" opened the film with sound The big screen.

Contemporary film far more than the inventor Edison one, but because he insisted on speaking to the film's dream, and let the film out of the laboratory, has been called the father of modern film.

Edison insisted

Edison invented king in the film have invented the idea, they should feel that the film is sound. It is precisely such a insist that he finally invented the gramophone and the camera link up with sound film projectors.

⑼ 中國古代四大發明用英文怎麼講

造紙術 Papermaking

指南針 compass

火葯 Gunpowder also called black powder

印刷術 Movable type the system of printing and typography that uses movable components to reproce the elements of a document (usually indivial letters or punctuation). The first known movable type system was invented in China by Bi Sheng out of ceramic between 1041 and 1048 AD. Metal movable type was first invented in Korea ring the Goryeo Dynasty (around 1230). This led to the printing of the Jikji in 1377 - today the world's oldest extant movable metal print book.

⑽ 發明發明英語




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