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1. 用英語來說愛迪生的發明故事

Alvaro Thomas Edison (ThomasAlvaEdison) -- The United States is a world-renowned scientists and inventors.In addition to his gramophone Electric, telephone, telegraph, inventions and contributions to the movie, in the mining, construction,chemical and other fields to create a well-known and a lot of insights.Edison invention lifetime total of about 2,000 items, and the progress of human civilization made a great contribution.Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio, a small town in the Midwest.The Dutch were the descendants of his father, his mother worked for school teachers, is the Scots descendants.Edison 7 years old, my father was a loss-making business operations roof tiles.Michigan State will move the whole family Geladiaote northwest of Fort Huron settled.Move here soon, with Edison on the scarlet fever, a disease for a very long time.People think this disease is caused his deafness reasons.Edison 8-year-old school, but I only read the book three months, and was derided as "imbecile" and out of school leavers.Since then, his mother is his "family teachers."The mother of a good ecation, he makes a strong interest in reading."He not only Expo book group, but glance, Guomuchengsong."8 years old when he read the most important Renaissance British playwright Shakespeare.Dickens books and many important historical books, to nine years of age, he quickly understood quite a difficult book,Parker as the "natural and experimental philosophy".10 am fond of chemicals.11 years old, he experimented with his first telegraph.To earn money to buy chemicals and equipment, he began his work.The 12-year-old when he agreed on the sale of the train, travel to Port Huron and Michigan between Detroit.He reportedly sold the one hand, while also offering fruit and vegetable business, as long as the time he went to the library and read.He bought an old printing press, the Herald began publishing its own magazine -- "Phase 1 of the magazine is printed on the train.He used the money earned in the baggage build a chemical laboratory.Unfortunately, there is a chemical fire, he was thrown out of the equipment together with his vehicle.Another time, when Edison was attempting to board a series of freight trains, a train waiter seize his two ears help him.This action led to the Edison become a lifelong mb.In August 1862, Edison displayed a heroic vision rescued a boy who died in a train track soon.The child's father this disaster, but can reward money, he's willing to telegraph technology.Since then, Edison and the mysterious -- it happened in the New World, embarked on a scientific journey.1863, Edison serve as hubs Telecom Operators Sitelafute Link Railway.From 1864 to 1867, served as radio operator in the central and western localities, led similar street life.Footprint, including Sitelafute, Mr. Adrian, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Nashville,Tennessee, Memphis, Louisville, Huron area.In 1868, Edison came to the identity of a Boston radio operator.The same year, he received the first patents for their invention.This is a device automatically records the past few years.Edison that Taiwan will speed up the installation of the Congress, it will be welcome.However, the Member of Parliament told him that they had no intention of speeding up the agenda, sometimes slowly to the voting out of political needs.Since then, Edison decided not to pursue the people could not invent any.Early June 1869, he went to New York to find jobs.When he was summoned to wait in a broker office, a telegraph worse.Edison is the only one where the telex machine can be repaired, and he gained a better job than he had expected.He, together with the Pope in October to set up a "Pope -- Edison Company," specialized in electrical engineering scientific instruments.Here, he invented the "Edison Putin used printing press."He dedicated this printer Wall Street, a major manager of the company, like the price of 5,000 U.S. dollars.but lacks the courage to say exports.So he let the manager to prices, and managers to 40,000 U.S. dollars.Edison spent money in the Ward Street, Newark, New Jersey, to build a factory that specializes in the manufacture of various electrical machinery.His work through the night.He cultivated many talented assistants, and also met a diligent Mary, the first of his future bride.In Newark, he has made such as waxed paper sheets may, mimeographs and other inventions from 1872 to 1875.Edison invented the two-and four telex machine, but also to help others become one the world's first English typewriters.1876 spring, and again moved to Edison, New Jersey, he moved to the "Menlo."Here he built the first "invention factory", it "marks the beginning of collaborative research."1877, Edison improved early by Bell's telephone, and make it into a practical use.He also invented a project -- his beloved gramophone.Telephone and telegraph "is a revolutionary expansion of human sensory function."Gramophone one of the three great inventions is to change people's lives, "since the invention of the imagination,This is his most important achievements of the invention. "By this time, people have been calling him "Menlo magician."Edison invented the gramophone at the same time, experienced many failures of the Electric has finally made a breakthrough in the study.October 22, 1879, Edison first lit a beacon extensive real practical value to the lights.In order to extend the life of filament, he re-testing, about some of the 6000 Multi-Fiber Materials,found a new luminous body -- Japan Zhu - si, sustainable over 1,000 hours to reach a rable purposes.From a certain point of view, this is the invention of Edison's life of achievements reached the pinnacle of perfection.After that, he created a distribution system, power stations, distribution centers so that the distance from the lamp.This is a major achievement in the process.He first found in pure science in 1883.Experimental Electric, he observed that the effects of the phenomenon he called Edison :brightened with a light bulb in the room after arriving cooling-plate charge from the hot filament.Edison discovered in 1884 applied for the patent, but did not further study.Scientists adjacent to the Edison effect and the development of the electronics instry, especially radio and television.Edison gramophone made for the ears and attempts to make the eyes, a movie camera that emerge.Eastman use of a new invention Sailuluo film, he took a series of photographs of them quickly.continuous screening of the theater curtain, to proce the illusion of movement.In his first film in the laboratory test in 1889, applied for a patent in 1891.In 1903, his company proced the first feature films "train robbery."Edison for the organization and standardization of the film instry has done a lot of work.Edison's lab in 1887 he moved to West orange, for his invention into a variety of procts and marketing.He set up a number of commercial companies; These companies later merged into Edison General Electric Company.later known as the General Electric Company.Since then, his interest has shifted fluorescence study ore smash planes from the magnetic iron, batteries and railway signaling devices.During World War I, he developed a torpedo mechanical devices throwers and underwater periscope.October 21, 1929, the 50th anniversary of the invention of the Electric,Edison people held a grand celebration,Einstein and Marie Curie in France, Germany and other well-known scientists have to congratulate him.Unfortunately, in this meeting, when Edison's reply, were too excited, he suddenly lost consciousness.Since then, his health deteriorating.October 18, 1931, this made a great contribution to mankind upon the death of the scientist, outlast 84 years.Edison's ecational level is very low, but such a huge contribution to mankind, here's "secret" is?A curious addition to his heart, the instinct of a pilot himself,He is exceptionally bright with the boundless energy of hard work and determination.When Edison was called "genius", but he explained :"genius is 98% perspiration with 2.0 inspiration. "In his" invention factory "The integration of many different professional organizations, there are scientists, engineers, technicians, a total of more than 100 workers.Many of the major inventions Edison is only on the success of this collective effort.His success is mainly e to his hard work and creativity as well as a collective effort, in addition,His wife had played a very significant role.Chronology : Edison created on October 11, 1868 invention "vote counter."Life is the first franchise.In October 1869, and a friend with "the Pope -- Edison Company."Used printer made universal suffrage in 1870, sold the franchise, was 40,000 U.S. dollars.Set up factories in the New Yorker.1872-1876 -- invented animation electromechanical reported that the automatic answering reporters telegraph, double, four cable,manufacturers such as waxed paper sheets may carbon resistors.1875 invention acoustic resonator analysis.1876 in the state of New Jersey to establish a laboratory in Menlo -- the first instrial research laboratory.It is a modern-day "study group" of the founders of the concept.Precision delivery devices for carbon rod invention.Recorded message of patent applications.Menlo improved in 1877 by Bell invented the telephone early, and make it into a practical use.T obtained three patents : piercing, aerodynamic crowbars and ordinary crowbar.August 20 was certified Edison invented a pet project -- a gramophone.Edison declared in 1878 -- to solve the lighting problem.British Royal Society Gramophone exhibition.Gramophone improved design micro sounded loud air loudspeakers, voice engine tuning engines, micro heat.experience flavor from 1991.February 19 was Gramophone patent.Parker, a professor with the University of Pennsylvania in July to observe the day - all Wyoming,He invented and used all around the sun, the temperature measurement of the temperature.Menlo return in August to rejoin the research experiment.Britain approved Edison "Playback" for patent applications.September visit to New Haven, CT William Wallace.Electric invented the study began.October 5 put such a platinum wire on the "Electric" in the patent application.1879-1880, invented by thousands of setbacks high resistance incandescent lamp.Improved generator.Current design of the new distribution method, and calculate the true circuit.Block invention Electric Switch.Analysis of magnetic ore invention.August 30, 1879 Edison and Bell each demonstration town hall in the city of Saratoga Creek on the phone deviceEdison results of the Bell Telephone than clear.October 21 inventions high resistance incandescent lamp, which ignited the 40 consecutive hours.November 1 carbon filaments lights patent applications.December 21 "The New York Express," the white heat of the Edison Electric.December 25 3000 from the New York City public Electric visitors in Menlo performances.Helicopter 1880.Electric obtain patents for their invention.Screen mine proced magnetic devices.January 28 "Power Transmission and Distribution System" patent book.February 18 "1949 Legislative Parkinson's Digest," the "Edison Electric," an article published by Electric invention.The first electric lighting in May by the "Columbia" Ferry was successful.Established Edison Electric Light Company in New York in December.1881 Fifth Avenue, New York headquarters.An incandescent lamp factory in the New Yorker.Setting up generators, underground wiring, Electric components factory.In Menlo test tram.1882 invention current three-lane distribution system.141 patent applications.September 4 establishment of the first central plant.By the end of December all over the United States have established more than 150 small power stations.May 23, 1885 proposed wireless patents.1887-1890, improved cylinder gramophone, made 80 copies of the franchise on the gramophone.Operating gramophone records, the awarding language aircraft manufacture and sale of utilities.1888 invention singing Barrel Gramophone.Paris 100 years to participate in Expo 1889.Electric Railway various inventions.Completed activities movie machine.Design 1890-1899, large crushing plant, grinding machine.Ogden personally in command with a new method to mine iron ore development of a large scale.1891 invention "Edison concentrator" to begin operating the mining instry.Was "projector" patent.May 20 successful first film as a mirror activities in the West orange Edison, New Jersey laboratory to the public.Edison in 1893 and established the world's first laboratory in the courtyard of a movie, "the studio."April 14, 1894 in New York, opened the first theater projector activities.The first mid-1896 on April 23 in New York Costas-thanks to the use of the Great Hall of Earle's music is "too projector" films.warmly welcomed by the public.New vehicles for the use of force in 1902 battery tests for the 5,000-mile trip, every time -- fully,can go 100 miles to be successful.1903 Edison proced the first feature films of the "train robbery".1909 took ten years, batteries, finally succeeded.Fax telegraph made.Raw materials, machines, plus small mill, a long kiln design patent.1910-1914 completed disc gramophone records and diamonds with no loss record.Completed the audio movie machine.1910 invented "disc recording."1912 invention "sound film."Chuan developed language Gramophone.1914-1915 invented Carbolic integrated manufacturing, and the performers Gramophone award as a distant machine language written machinesAutomatic telephone records of the other side can speak.Manufacture benzene, Indigo oil.1915-1918 as many as 39 years to complete inventions, the most famous of which was the torpedo plant.throwers and other underwater periscope.1927 record time to complete.Rubber successfully extracted from the plant in 1928.

2. 關於發明燈的英語作文


愛迪生(1847~1931)Edison,Thomas Alva

美國發明家。以創辦工廠實驗室、開辟使技術開發與科學研究緊密結合的途徑而名垂史冊 。1847 年2月11日生於俄亥俄州的邁蘭的一個荷蘭移民家庭。1931年10月18日於新澤西州西奧蘭治逝世 。幼時只受過3個月正規教育 。12歲起做過報童、小販、報務員等以自謀生計。因受M.法拉第的影響,一生從事電學實驗研究和發明。1868年他發明了一台選票記錄儀想推銷給國會,但沒有被採用。愛迪生的第一項發明沒有找到市場使他更注意發明的實用性。1869年,愛迪生由波士頓移居紐約。他改進了金指示器電報公司的電報機,得到公司經理的賞識 ,受聘月薪300美元( 這在當時是很高的月薪 )。1870 年 ,移居新澤西州 ,開始他的高效發明時期 。1874年改進了打字機 。1876年 ,給A.G.貝爾發明的電話加裝了炭粒話筒,提高了受話的聲響。

1876年,創辦了他著名的實驗室。在這個實驗室里,他 打破了以往科學家個人獨自從事研究的傳統,組織一批專門人才(包括N.特斯拉等人),由他出題目並分派任務,共同致力於一項發明 , 從而開創了 現代科學研究 的正確途徑 。1877年,發明了留聲機,這使他名揚四海。1878年,開始白熾燈的研究,在十幾個月中經過多次失敗後,於1879年10月21日成功地點亮了白熾炭絲燈,穩定地點亮了兩整天。1882年,在紐約珍珠街創辦世界第二座公用火電廠,建立起紐約市區電燈照明系統,成為現代電力系統的雛形。電照明的實現,不僅大大改善了人們生產勞動的條件,也預示著日常生活電氣化時代即將到來。1883年,愛迪生在試驗真空燈泡時,意外地發現冷、熱電極間有電流通過。這種現象後來稱為愛迪生效應,成為電子管和電子工業的基礎。1887年,移居西奧蘭治,並於同年在該市創建規模更大、裝備也更新的實驗室,即著名的愛迪生實驗室(後人稱之為發明工廠)。在這里,根據G.伊斯曼的發明,製作了自己的照相機。1914年 ,用留聲機和照相機製成了最早的有聲電影系統。晚年,他的發明和革新包括蓄電池、水泥攪拌機、錄音電話、雙工式和多工式電報系統、鐵路用制動器等。第一次世界大戰期間,他任海軍技術顧問委員會主席,指導魚雷和反潛設備研究,發明了幾十種武器。為此,美國政府於1920年授予他卓越服 務獎章 , 法國政府授 予他軍團榮譽勛位 。1928年,美國國會授予他榮譽獎章。終其一生,愛迪生和他的實驗室共獲1093項發明專利權。愛迪生一生發明眾多,但他畢竟缺乏系統的科學知識 ,因而對現代技術的發展不能作出正確判斷。19世紀末,交流輸電系統已經出現,但他仍堅持直流輸電,並在與G.威斯汀豪斯發生的激烈競爭中喪失了承建尼亞加拉水電站的合同 ;他的實驗室盲目試制磁力選礦設備,耗盡了發明電燈所得的資金,最後不得不放棄。但是,愛迪生在電力開發、電器製造推廣電能應用等方面所作的貢獻,使他成為人類歷史上最偉大的發明家之一。

Edison (1847~1931) Edison,Thomas Alva American inventor. To the creation of factory laboratories, technology development and to open up avenues of scientific research in close connection with the name lowered history. February 11, 1847 in the Ohio Mailan a Dutch immigrant family. October 18, 1931 in New Jersey Xiaolan in death. Proced only three months of formal ecation received. 12-year-old has done Bao Tong, hawkers, Rapporteur, to fend for themselves. Because M.
Faraday effect in life science research experiments and inventions. In 1868 he invented a recording device to sell to Taiwan votes Congress, but has not been used. Edison first invented so that he did not find the market more attention to the relevance of the invention. 1869, Edison moved to New York from Boston. He improved the indicators cable companies telegraph, the recognition by the manager of the company, employed 300 US dollars monthly salary (which at the time was very high salary). 1870, moved to New Jersey to begin his efficient invention period. 1874 improved typewriters. 1876, to the latter.
Bell invented the telephone with a carbon Reap route, and raised the words beep. 1876, founded his famous laboratory. In the laboratory, he broke the previous indivial scientists to engage in research tradition, organized a group of professionals (including N.
Tesla and others), and the subject of his assignment, a common commitment to the invention, thus creating the correct way to modern scientific research. 1877, invented gramophone, which makes him original. 1878, the study began incandescent lamp in the 10 months after many failures, October 21, 1879 in the successful location of incandescence light lights carbon silk, stable location between two days. 1882, in New York pearl Street Block communal fire was the world's second plant, built in New York Urban Electric lighting, a modern electricity system to take shape. Mar lighting achievement has not only greatly improved the working conditions of proction, but also herald an era of daily life electrification forthcoming. 1883, Edison bulbs in a vacuum test, accidentally discovered the cold, there is a current hot electrode. This phenomenon was called the Edison effect, become electron tube and electronic instries. 1887, from Xiaolan government, and in the same year in a larger city, the laboratory equipment is also updated the famous Edison Laboratory (later known as the invention factory). Here, according to G.
School invention, proced its own camera. 1914, by Gramophone and camera film proced by the first audio system. Old age, his inventions and innovations including batteries, cement mixer, sound recording telephone, double - and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes. First World War, he served as Chairman of the Technical Advisory Committee to guide torpedoes and anti-submarine equipment research, invented dozens of weapons. To this end, the United States government in 1920 conferred on him the Distinguished Services Medal serving, the French government awarded honorary medals to his Corps spaces. 1928, the United States Congress to grant him honorary medals. Throughout their entire life cycle, Edison and his laboratory received 1,093 patents for their invention. Edison invented many life, but he is after all a system of scientific knowledge, and thus to the development of modern technology can not make the right judgment. In the 19th century, the exchange of transmission system has emerged, but he still insisted on direct current transmission, and with G.
Westinghouse Niehaus fierce competition occurred lost Niagara hydropower project contracts;
He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be abandoned. However, Edison electricity in the development, application of electric appliances manufacturing promote the contribution that he became the history of mankind's greatest inventor the world.

3. 愛迪生發明電燈的故事









4. 電燈的發明 英文短文

愛迪生 一生只上過三個月的小學,他的學問是靠母親的教導和自修得來的。他的成功,應該歸功於母親自小對他的諒解與耐心的教導,才使原來被人認為是低能兒的愛迪生,長大後成為舉世聞名的「發明大王」。
「浪費,最大的浪費莫過於浪費時間了。」 愛迪生常對助手說。「人生太短暫了,要多想辦法,用極少的時間辦更多的事情。」
過了好半天,他問:「容量多少? 」他沒聽見回答,轉頭看見助手拿著軟尺在測量燈泡的周長、斜度,並拿了測得的數字伏在桌上計算。他說:「時間,時間,怎麼費那麼多的時間呢?」愛迪生走過來,拿起那個空燈泡,向裡面斟滿了水,交給助手,說:「裡面的水倒在量杯里,馬上告訴我它的容量。」
愛迪生 說:「這是多麼容易的測量方法啊,它又准確,又節省時間,你怎麼想不到呢?還去算,那豈不是白白地浪費時間嗎?」

5. 介紹愛迪生的英語作文帶翻譯

Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time on the job concting experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity. However, the vote recorder was not a success. In 1870, he sold another invention, a stock-ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints stock prices on a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey.
Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himself a "two-shift man" because he worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.
Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world.
愛迪生 (1847-1931)
19世紀被譽為科學的世紀,也是以科學的技術化和社會化為突出特徵的世紀。科學在這個世紀開始成為社會生活的一個重要組成部分。風起雲涌的偉大創新轉變成為技術科學的巨大威力。這個世紀的一些科技巨擘繼續活躍於20世紀。托馬斯·阿爾沃·愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison),就是其中之一。美國《生活》周刊不久前評出的過去1000年的100位最有影響力人物中,愛迪生名列第一。







6. 把愛迪生發明電燈的故事翻譯成英文

On one occasion, his mother a disease, therefore, Edison got a doctor : is your mother have appendicitis, surgery, must turn, then, he is very much at home from the hospital, but soon the darkness Edison moved brains, and cabinets on the chant. put a large mirror on the cabinet, therefore, a mirror reflecting light to save his mother, the doctor moved to say : "You save your mother, your mother, your life is to again! Thus, out of the Edison Electric!

7. 英語小短文帶翻譯(關於愛迪生發明電燈)

19世紀初,人們開始使用煤氣燈(瓦斯燈),但是煤氣靠管道供給,一但漏氣或堵塞,非常容易出事,人們對於照明的改革,十分殷切。事實上,愛迪生為自己訂定了一個不可能的任務:除了改良照明之外,還要創造一套供電的系統。他和夥伴們,不眠不休的做了1600多次耐熱材料和600多種植物纖維的實驗,才製造出第一個炭絲燈泡,可以一次燃燒45個鍾頭。後來他更在這基礎上不斷改良製造的方法,終於推出可以點燃1200小時的燈泡In the early 1900s. people started using gaslamps, which were supported by gas. Accidents would come quite easily as soon as the pipeline was blocked, so the enthusiasm for a new revolution of lighting was very high. In fact, Thomas Edison set up an immpossible mission himself that he would set up a power supply system, apart from the lighting improvement. With the cooperation of his coworkers, they invented the first carbon filament lamp by many experiments with more than 1,600 heat resisting and fibrous plant materials. which could last for 45 minutes. Finally, they invented the bulb which could light for more than 1,200 hours.

8. 愛迪生的故事(要求英語)


Edison and the lamp
The world famous "king of the invention" of Edison's life had only threemonths of primary school, habit of asking questions is the people think he isa moron, and his knowledge is on the mother's ecation and self-study. His success, largely e to the mother of his child's understanding and patience to teach.
In 1879 October, in a fortuitous opportunity, old friend Mccann Edison to see him. Edison looked at e spoke flash flash long beard, suddenly a bright eyes,said: "the beard, sir, I want to use your beard." Mccann cut a lock to Edison. Edison confidently picked up a few thick beard, was carbonized, and then installed in a bulb. Unfortunately, the test results are not ideal."Then my hair have a try, maybe." E said. This sentence is deeply touched Edison, but he knew, hair and beard like nature, so did not adopt the views of the elderly. Edison walked, ready for the good old man off. He meant tohelp the old man up wearing cotton jacket. Suddenly, he cried: "why not trycotton, cotton?"
Mccann not hesitate to unbuttoning his overcoat, tore off a piece of cottonwoven fabric, to Edison. Edison put the thread in the U shape sealedcrucibles, by high temperature treatment. Edison forceps clips carbonized cotton thread. Prepare it in a bulb. But because of the carbonized cotton thread and thin and brittle, and Edison was too nervous, take tweezers hands trembled, so cotton is pinched off.
Finally, had a tremendous effort, Edison turned a carbonized cotton threadinto the bulb. At this time, night was falling, Edison aides of the bulb of the air, and the bulb in the lamp holder, all is ready, we quietly waiting for the results. Connect the power supply, lighting shining in gold, the entire laboratory illuminated. 13 months of work hard and perseveringly,tried more than 6000 kinds of materials, test 7000 times, finally a breakthrough.
However, the lamp will shine last? 1 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours need to need a second time in the past, this lamp for 45 hours before dawn, the filament is burnt. This is the first lamp has the practical value of the lamp.
Edison's life is a great life, not because of his flamboyant, but because of his outstanding achievements. The invention of the electric light a littleknowledge of his great inventions, but its impact is brought it there is nothing comparable to this.

9. 一篇關於愛迪生的英語作文

Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor and businessman who developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including the phonograph and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb. Dubbed "The Wizard of Menlo Park" by a newspaper reporter, he was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass proction and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first instrial research laboratory. One of his famous quotes 「Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.」



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軟體著作權需要代理嗎 瀏覽:591
沒有版權的照片 瀏覽:422
使用權具有什麼特性 瀏覽:68
侵犯著作權是經偵還是治安 瀏覽:686
上海市軟體著作權資助獎勵政策 瀏覽:685
著作權保護期限後 瀏覽:446
著作權法修改的必要性 瀏覽:245
物權的贈與 瀏覽:185
關於土地使用權估價入賬的報告 瀏覽:276
軟體著作權申請專利 瀏覽:363
物權和質權 瀏覽:967
宅基地使用權的使用方法 瀏覽:648
在實際運用中自物權比他物權更重要辯論題材 瀏覽:951