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發布時間:2021-12-06 10:12:46

『壹』 「創造奇跡」翻譯成英文怎麼翻譯


work wonders

They are the very people who worked such wonders.

『貳』 "創造奇跡" 用英語翻譯

do wonders或者work wonders

『叄』 他創造了許多「第一」,堪稱世界樂壇的一個奇跡 翻譯成英語

He has created many "firsts" that can be called world music a miracle
He was the first held in Beijing Great Hall of the People's solo pianist

『肆』 創造屬於我們的奇跡英語怎麼寫

make wonders of our own

『伍』 創造奇跡用英語怎麼說


work miracles;work wonders;do wonders更多釋義>>


創造奇跡 make wonders;do wonders;Create Miracles
吳碧霞專正屬在創造奇跡 Wu Bixia Is Doing Wonders
時間能創造奇跡 Time works wonders


『陸』 求一篇努力創造奇跡的英語作文!謝謝!

Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, finally we made it. Now we are also successful in winning the right to hold the winter Olympic Games. Our insistence helps us to make so many miracles.
Beijing has become the only city to hold the summer and winter Olympic Games so far, we are so proud of it. But the road to achieve this amazing phenomenon is such tough. Early in the 1990s, we started to compete for the vote, but the world did not know our country, the judgers believed that our country was far away from the qualification. So we were rejected again and again. Thanks to the insistent effort, we won the vote and fulfilled this dream. Two days ago, we won another vote for holding the winter Olympic Games. Two times to win the rights is such inspiring news, we are creating miracle all the time.
Insistent effort will bring good luck, I believe that we can creating more miracles.


『柒』 "有信念的人可以創造更多的奇跡"怎麼用英語翻譯

翻譯成英文是:Those who have faith can create more miracles.
faith 英[feɪθ內] 美[feθ]
n. 忠誠; 信用,信任容; 宗教信仰; 信念; 宗教;
int. 實在,確實;
[例句]She had placed a great deal of faith in Mr Penleigh
[其他] 復數:faiths

『捌』 創造奇跡 的英文怎麼說

Create miracles

『玖』 創造了一個又一個奇跡英語

To create one after another miracle

『拾』 「奇跡」的英文翻譯

表示奇跡的英語單詞有miracle; wonder; marvel這三個單詞,一般miracle和wonder使用較多。

1,miracle,英[ˈmɪrəkl],美[ˈmɪrəkəl] ,做名詞,n.意思是奇跡,聖跡,神跡; 令人驚奇的人(或事); miracle of sth.意思是非凡的事,驚人的事,令人驚嘆的人(或物)。

形容詞為miraculous,常用的習語有work/perform miracles,意思是創造奇跡,有奇效的意思。例句如Her exercise programme has worked miracles for her.她的健身計劃對她很有效。

2,wonder,英[ˈwʌndə(r)],美[ˈwʌndɚ] ,可做形容詞,名詞和動詞,做形容詞adj.時意思為奇妙的;欽佩的;遠超過預期的,做名詞時n.意思是奇跡;驚奇;奇觀;奇人,做動詞時v.表示驚奇;對…感到好奇;感到詫異;想弄明白。

常用短語有wonder about sth 意思是想弄明白某事,wonderat sth譯為感到詫異;非常驚訝 ,do wonders (for sb/sth)(為某人 / 替某事)創造奇跡;產生神奇作用 ,(it's) no/little/small wonder (that)不足為奇;並不奇怪 。

wonders will never cease(表示驚喜)真是無奇不有,怪事何其多,work wonders創造奇跡;取得優良的成績;產生良好的效果 ,a nine days' wonder曇花一現;轟動一時的人(或事物)。

3, marvel,英 [ˈmɑ:vl],美 [ˈmɑ:rvl],做名詞時n.表示奇跡;令人驚奇的事物(或事例);成就;做動詞時表示對…感到驚奇。

常用短語有marvelat sth感到驚奇;大為贊嘆 ,例句如Everyone marvelled at his courage.人人對他的勇氣都驚嘆不已。



1,miracle做奇跡神跡的意思時,指未預料到的或認為不太可能發生的幸運之事,也可指神創造的奇跡。例句如It was a miracle that they managed to catch the train.他們趕上了火車,這真是個奇跡。

2,marvel表示奇跡的意思時,指令人驚異的人或事物,含極為有用或靈巧之意。例句如He continued to work on his research as he reached the age of 90 - he was an absolute marvel!他90歲高齡了還在繼續自己的研究工作,他絕對是個了不起的人!

3,wonder做名詞表示奇跡的時候,指令人驚異、贊嘆的事物,包括自然奇觀和人創造的奇跡,作此義解時可與 marvel 換用。例句如According to you, what are the top 10 technological wonders/marvels?你認為哪些是十大科技奇跡?



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