導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 創造機會英文怎麼說


發布時間:2021-12-02 17:39:56

① 英語翻譯不要等待機會,而要創造機會

you should creat but not wait for an opportunity .

注: 一般講到機會(機遇)時,都要用opportunity,而不要用chance.

② 機會用英語有幾種說法呢

opportunity 機會, 機遇, 時機, 機, 會, 隙
chance 機會, 偶然, 偶然性, 運氣, 機, 運

occasion 場合, 機會, 時機, 場面, 度, 辰

odds 可能性, 優勢, 機會, 優越性, 或然性

③ 機會還是要等自己來創造用英文怎麼說

The opportunity still has to wait for oneself to create

④ 愚者錯失機會,智者善抓機會,成功者創造機會用英文怎麼說 如題,不要用翻譯工具直接翻譯,

The stupid loses opportunity,the wise grabs it and the achiever makes it.

⑤ 怎麼創造機會說英語

It is so easy, just think English in the brain, that is all. If the thinking in the brain is correct, the mouth will give out correct English. If the thinking in the brain is quick, the mouth will give out quick English. Very simple.

⑥ (沒有機會要學會創造機會)翻譯英文

If you don't have enough chances , you should try to make opportunities by yourself . 望採納 謝謝

⑦ 創造 英文翻譯

創造 [chuàng zào]
create; proce;

⑧ 愚者錯失機會,智者善抓機會,成功者創造機會用英文怎麼說

The stupid loses opportunity, the wise grabs it and the achiever makes it.

⑨ 英語翻譯:「創造更多的就業機會」

1 to make more opportunity for employment
2 making more opportunity for employment



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