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⑥ History歌詞 Michael Jackson
Dear friends of this academy
Oh, Romeo is bleeding to death..
To see a friend bleed to death
What for, some kind of metaphor
That I can't see..
So I'll drink until I see it.
This sky will make me sick,
So I'll give up on you,
I'll give up on this.
This sky will make me sick,
So I'll give up on this,
I'll give up on you.
Archers in your arches,
Raise your fingers for one last salute..
And bleed this skyline dry
Your history is mine.
So you want to hold me up and bring me down?
Yes, you want to hold me up and break me down
I don't care for your sweet scent
Or the way you want me more than I want you.
I don't care for your sweet scent
Or the way you want me more than I want you.
[Chorus x2]
It's all mine.. it's all mine.. it's all mine...
[Chorus x2]
your revolution is a joke
歌手:funeral for a friend 專輯:casually dressed and deep in conversation
They stand to fight for nothing.
We show them how stupid we've become.
As fortune favours only,
those who care to much to see.
Oh it will never be okay,
as some will say.
We stand to fight for nothing,
so close your eyes and stay away.
Don't believe their headlines
they poison our lives, everyday
Oh it will never be the same,
the purpose bearing everyday.
The lies that lead you into the grave.
As some will say.
And you will never be okay,
as some will say.
Purpose bearing everyday,
as some will say.
Lies that lead you to the grave,
as some will say.
your revolution is a joke,
as I will say..
⑦ 有沒有win7 64位能玩的創造歷史2世界大戰的下載地址最好是1.22或1.23版本的。
⑧ 《創造歷史·奧巴馬傳》最新txt全集下載
創造歷史·奧巴馬傳 txt全集小說附件已上傳到網路網盤,點擊免費下載:
「老實說,我對父親並不了解,他在我很小的時候就回到了肯亞。從那以後,只留給我一個個故事。」2006年8月28日,奧巴馬在肯亞首都內羅畢大學的演講——《一個誠實的政府,一個充滿希望的未來》(An Honest Government, a Hopeful Future)。
每當我們被奧巴馬後文中的「奧巴馬」指「小巴拉克?海珊?奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama, Jr?)」,「老巴拉克」則指奧巴馬的父親「巴拉克?海珊?奧巴馬(Barack Hussein Obama, Sr?)」,特此區分。的個性而吸引、為其優雅的談吐而傾倒、因其淵博的知識而折服的時候,我們都不禁想知道是什麼樣的家庭、是什麼樣的父親教導出了這樣優秀的孩子。2004年奧巴馬在民主黨全國代表……