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『壹』 關於中國四大發明的英語作文,要簡單的,80詞左右,初三水平



There are four world famous inventions in China, one is gunpowder, the other is compass, the third is printing and the fourth is papermaking.


This makes our ancient China become an ancient civilization.


China's four great inventions have played an irreplaceable role in various fields of science and technology.


Gunpowder. Gunpowder was invented by us.


What does gunpowder bring us?


It brought fireworks, firecrackers, fireworks, mining, and aerospace.


Up to now, gunpowder has played an important role in our history.


Compass, China's Zheng He with the compass seven voyages, opened up the Chinese culture into the world's first.


The earliest compass was called "Sinan" in China.


The compass is also used in navigation, as well as for military personnel to locate.


Printing, it is said that a man named Bi Sheng invented letterpress printing.


With the development of modern instry, laser Phototypesetting, digital technology and other new printing technologies will be used in modern life.


Cai Lun is a great inventor of papermaking in China. He invented papermaking.


With the invention and spread of papermaking, the carrier cost of characters has been greatly reced, thus greatly promoting the development of science and technology and economy in the world.


The four great inventions have made us proud and promoted the continuous development of Chinese civilization, but now we have some inventions which are backward. For example, papermaking and printing are very advanced in foreign countries. Therefore, we should study hard and master knowledge to make our motherland stronger.


『貳』 中國四大發明用英文寫怎麼寫

分別是paper making,compass,gunpowder,typography

『叄』 有關發明的英語作文

1、In modern life we have many inventions.Thesemachines are very useful.They can make things better and faster than people.A washing machine can help us wash clothes.We have more time to do that we want to doring this time.A printing machine prints a lot of books,newspapers and other things qiickly.Buses,bikes,cars,trains,planes and shipshelr us travel faster than before.The compter is wonderful machine.It is one of the most important inventions. Today it is used in many ways.It can store innformations and work out math problems millions of times faster than a person can.In a few years,the computer may touch the lives of everyone.Even people in faraway villages.

2、19世紀初,人們開始使用煤氣燈(瓦斯燈),但是煤氣靠管道供給,一但漏氣或堵塞,非常容易出事,人們對於照明的改革,十分殷切。事實上,愛迪生為自己訂定了一個不可能的任務:除了改良照明之外,還要愛迪生發明的電燈創造一套供電的系統。 於是他和夢羅園的夥伴們,不眠不休的做了1600多次耐熱材料和600多種植物纖維的實驗,才製造出第一個炭絲燈泡,可以一次燃燒45個鍾頭。後來他更在這基礎上不斷改良製造的方法,終於推出可以點燃1200小時的竹絲燈泡。 19世紀80年代中期,愛迪生的電燈事業獲得了成功,這一成功比以往任何成就給他帶來的聲譽都大。在80年代中期以前,他很少有失誤,中期以後,盡管他也取得了很大成就,但失敗也是屢見不鮮的。愛迪生最不值得稱贊的行為之一就是他批評交流電,說它有副作用,可能造成死亡與損傷,但他未加具體說明。所以有人說,「像他這樣一個自己搞出了許多發明創造的人竟然對別人的新發明大加攻擊,這是很矛盾的事。」他反對使用交流電而贊成直流電,因而在一場激烈而固執的論戰中敗北。在這方面,反映出了愛迪生成為名人之後漸漸滋生的頑固守舊的缺點。
In the early nineteenth century, people began to use gas (gaslight), but the gas pipeline supply by a leak or blockage, very easy to have an accident, people for illumination of reform, very ardent. In fact, Edison for himself set the mission impossible: in addition to improve lighting, but also of Thomas Edison electric light Create a set of power supply system. And he and the dream LuoYuan buddies, sleepless do 1600 repeatedly heat-resistant material and more than 600 plant fiber experiment, only proced the first carbon wire bulb, can a burning 45 hours. Later he more on this basis, the method of continuous improvement manufacture can ignite 12 hours finally came out with the ZhuSi bulbs. The 19th century the 1980s, Edison electric light career succeeded, this success than any previous achievements brought him reputation. In the 1980s, before he had little mistake, intermediate later, although he has made great achievements, but also common occurance of failure. Edison's most not commendable actions is one of his criticism alternating current, say it has side effects, likely cause of death and injury, but he did not add details. So somebody said, "as he such a mess out many inventions that people about others' new invention saurday attack, this is very contradictory things." He opposes the use of alternating current and direct current, so the approve a fierce debate and stubborn in failure. In this respect, reflects the Edison became a celebrity after the stubbornness of started to foster old-fashioned shortcomings.

3、I will invent a time machine in the as it 's been my dream in my life. Time machine allows people to travel back in time to prevent disaster to happen. It also allows people to tavel into dinstant future to find out solution for Incurable illness including cancer and aids. However, this machine may be abused by people to create chaos in our world or even completely change our history. Therfore, security features are essential for my invention. The future invention of time machine will definately bring more advantages for human being.我會因為它是我的夢想在我的生活中,發明時間機器。時間機器允許人們旅行回來的時間來防止災難的發生。它也允許人們對tavel入dinstant未來發現無法治癒的疾病包括癌症和艾滋病的解決方案。然而,這台機器可能被濫用的人創造了我們的世界甚至完全改變我們的歷史的混亂。因此,安全的特點是我發明的關鍵。未來的時間機器肯定會為人類帶來更多的優勢。

『肆』 關於發明的英語作文

The average number of somatic mutations in pancreatic is considerably less than that in breast cancer or colorectal cancers,even though fewer genes were sequenced in the latter two tumor types.One plausible explanation for this lower rate is that the cells that initiates pancreatic tumorigenesis have gone through fewer divisions than colorectal or breast cancer cells.It has been previously shown that the majority of mutations observed in colorectal cancers are likely to have occurred in the normal stem cells that gave rise to the initiating neoplastic cell.Our data are thus consistent with observations showing that normal pancreatic epithelial cells divide infrequently.

We further evaluated 39 genes that were mutated in more than one of the 24 discovery screen cancers in a prevalence screen consisting of 90 pancreatic cancers.In the screen,we detected 255 nonsilent somatic mutations among 23 genes.The nonsilent mutation rate of the genes in the prevalence screen was higher than that in the discovery screen (3.6 versus 1.47 nonsilent mutations per Mbase,P<0.001).The fraction of nonsilent mutations observed in these 19 genes was also higher than that observed in the genes assessed in the discovery screen .These data are consistent with the hypothesis that a greater fraction of the genes tests in the prevalence screen were positively selected ring tumorigenesis.

『伍』 中國四大發明翻譯成英文

中國四大發明的英文:The four great inventions of ancient China

一、 invention


n. 發明;發明物;虛構;發明才能

Such changes have not been seen since the invention of the printing press.




adj. 古代的;古老的,過時的;年老的

n. 古代人;老人

They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.





美 [ˈpæpərˌmeɪkɪŋ]


Straw can be used both for fodder and for papermaking.



英 [ˈɡʌnpaʊdə(r)] 美 [ˈɡʌnpaʊdər]




3、printing techniques

英 [ˈprɪntɪŋ tɛkˈniːks] 美 [ˈprɪntɪŋ tɛkˈniks]


In the future, we will have a better a better understanding if our world through the effect of globalization, new media, cheaper printing techniques and so on.



英 [ˈkʌmpəs] 美 [ˈkʌmpəs]


Without a compass, it is easy to lose one's bearings in the woods.


『陸』 你喜愛中國的那件發明為什麼英語作文六句花

However ardently we believe that these people would be happier and more satisfied following our lead, we should resist the temptation to try to change them. Every human being has been blessed with a unique nature that cannot be altered by outside forces. We are who we are at any one point in our lives for a reason, and no one person can say for certain what another should be like. The reasons we try to change one another are numerous. Since we have learned over time to flourish in the richness of lives we have built

『柒』 中國的「四大發明」用英語怎麼說

Four Great Inventions :


Papermaking ,Commercial Printing ,Gunpowder ,Compass








Gunpowder was first invented in China. In the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was invented in China. In Song Dynasty, it was widely used in military affairs. At the time of yuan and Ming Dynasties, rockets were also built by using the principle of jet. Gunpowder has been abroad since thirteenth Century.

中國首先發明火葯。 早在唐代, 中國就發明了火葯。 到宋代已被大量運用到軍事上。 元、明之際, 還利用噴氣原理製造了「火箭」。 火葯從13世紀起傳到國外。

『捌』 古代中國的發明的英語作文

"四大發明」英文名為「The Four Great Inventions」
「印刷術」英文名為「Priniting Technique」

『玖』 有沒有用英文介紹中國的四大發明

compass 指南
gunpowder 火葯
papermaking 造紙術
printing (movable type) 印刷術

Four Great Inventions of Ancient China -- printing
Block Printing

With the inventions of paper and ink, stamper graally became popular ring the Jin Dynasty (265-420), which was the early form of Carved Type Printing. Block Printing first appeared in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The text was first written on a piece of thin paper, then glued face down onto a wooden plate. The characters were carved out to make a wood-block printing plate, which was used to print the text. Wood-block printing took a long time as a new block had to be carved for every page in a book.

(來源:英語美食指南 http://food.englishcn.com)

It took a lot of time and energy as well as materials to prepare for printing a book, but it worked more effectively afterwards. This technology was graally introced to Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
Yet, Block Printing had its drawbacks -- all the boards became useless after the printing was done and a single mistake in carving could ruin the whole block. The frontispiece of the world's oldest surviving book, the Diamond Sutra printed in the year 868, was discovered at Dunhuang Cave, along the Silk Road. The book, in the form of a roll, is the earliest woodcut illustration in a printed book.
Movable Type Printing

Block Printing was a costly and time-consuming process, for each carved block could only be used for a specific page of a particular book, besides, a single mistake in carving could ruin the whole block. However movable type changed all of that.

In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), a man named Bi Sheng carved indivial characters on identical pieces of fine clay. Each piece of movable type had on it one Chinese character which was carved in relief on a small block of moistened clay. After the block had been hardened by fire, the type became hard and rable and could be used wherever required. The pieces of movable type could be glued to an iron plate and easily detached from the plate. Each piece of character could be assembled to print a page and then broken up and redistributed as needed. When the printing was finished, the pieces were put away for future use.
By the year1000, paged books in the modern style had replaced scrolls. Two color printing (black and red) was seen as early as 1340.
This technology then spread to Korea, Japan, Vietnam and Europe. Later, German Johann Gutenberg invented movable type made of metal in the 1440s. Movable Type Printing developed very fast. Based on clay type, type made of wood, lead, tin and copper graally appeared.
The invention of gunpowder had a close relationship with the advanced ancient workmanship of smelting instry. People began to know a lot of chemistry knowledge about the nature of different mineral materials ring the process of smelting operation. With the knowledge, ancient necromancers tried to seek the elixir of immortality from certain kinds of ores and fuel. Although they failed to get what they were looking for, they discovered that an explosive mixture could be proced by combining sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). This mixture finally led to the invention of gunpowder although its exact date of invention still remains unknown. (來源:英語麥當勞www.EnglishCN.com)

Many historical materials indicate that gunpowder first appeared before the Tang Dynasty (618-907). From 300 to 650AD several recipes were written about inflammable mixtures. Some historians date the invention of gunpowder at 850AD when a Taoist book warned of three specific elixir formulas as too dangerous to experiment.
The military applications of gunpowder began in the Tang Dynasty. Explosive bombs filled with gunpowder and fired from catapults were used in wars. During the Song and Yuan dynasties (960-1368), the military applications of gunpowder became common and some other weapons like "fire cannon", "rocket", "missile" and "fireball" were introced.
In the Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), the method of powder-making was introced to the Arab world and Europe, bringing a series of revolutions to weapon manufacturing, as well as to stratagem and tactics on the battlefield. From Italy the making of gunpowder soon spread to other European countries, and by the 1350s it had become an effective weapon on the battlefield.

Four Great Inventions of Ancient China -- Paper

(來源:英語問答中心 http://ask.englishcn.com)

China was the first nation who invented paper. The earliest form of paper first appeared in the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-23AD), but the paper was generally very thick, coarse and uneven in their texture, made from pounded and disintegrated hemp fibers. The paper unearthed in a Han tomb in Gansu Province is by far the earliest existing ancient paper, tracing back to the early Western Han Dynasty.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220), a court official named Cai Lun made a new kind of paper from bark, hemp, rags, fishnet, wheat stalks and other materials. It was relatively cheap, light, thin, rable and more suitable for brush writing.

(來源:英語資料下載 http://download.englishcn.com)

The art of paper-making spread east to Korea and Japan at the beginning of the seventh century (the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty). In the eighth century, along with the Silk Road, the Arab countries began to learn how to make paper. It took about 400 years for paper to traverse the Arab world to Europe. In the 14th century many paper mills were established in Italy, from where the workmanship of paper-making spread to the European countries such as Germany. The Italians vigorously proced the material and exported large amounts of it, dominating the European market for many years. In the 16th century, the art of paper-making appeared in Russia and Holland, and it spread to Britain in the 17th century.

Before paper was invented, Qin Shihuang, the first emperor in Chinese history, had to go over 120 kilos of official documents written on bamboo or wooden strips. With the invention of paper, the popularization of knowledge has turned into reality. The invention of paper is an epoch-making event in human history.
Early in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), while mining ores and melting copper and iron, Chinese people chanced upon a natural magnetite that attracted iron and pointed fixedly north. In the Warring States Period (206BC-23AD), after constant improvement the round compass came into being. Referred to as a "South-pointer", the spoon- or ladle- shaped compass is of magnetic lodestone, and the plate is of Bronze. The circular center represents Heaven, and the square plate represents Earth. The handle of the spoon points south. The spoon is a symbolic representation of the Great Bear. The plate bears Chinese characters which denote the eight main directions of north, north-east, east, etc. This type of compass has been scientifically tested and found to work tolerably well.
By the time of the Tang dynasty (618-907) and the beginning of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Chinese scholars had devised a way to magnetize iron needles, by rubbing them with magnetite, and then suspending them in water. They also observed that needles cooled from red heat and held in the north-south orientation (the earth's axis) would become magnetic. These more refined needle compasses could then be floated in water (wet compass), placed upon a pointed shaft (dry compass) or suspended from a silk thread, etc. Consequently, they were much more useful for navigation purposes since they were much more portable.
During the Song Dynasty (960-1279) many trading ships were then able to sail as far as Saudi Arabia without getting lost. The compass was introced to the Arab world and Europe ring the Northern Song Dynasty. The spread of the compass to Europe opened the oceans of the world to travel and led to the discovery of the New World.

『拾』 中國從古到今的發明,最好查出英文怎麼說

希望對你有幫助 中國古代發明家 姓名 領域 年代 發明作品 簡介 魯班 建築 春秋戰國 木工用的 鋸子、曲尺、墨斗、刨子、鏟子、鋪首、鑽、鑿等 魯班--春秋戰國時代魯國人,姓 公輸,名般,是中國古代著名的建築師。魯班他有很多發明創造,如木工用的 鋸子、曲尺、墨斗、刨子、鏟子、鋪首、鑽、鑿等。攻城用的可活動的雲梯。相傳,鎖也是魯班發明的。 喻皓 建築 北宋初年 《木經》 喻皓--亦稱預浩,是中國五代末年,北宋初年的建築師。出生於杭州,他設計的最傑出的建築是北宋國都汴梁(今河南省開封市)安遠門內開寶寺中的靈感塔。他還寫了一部木工手藝的書--《木經》,共 3 卷。他有造塔魯班之稱。 祖沖之 數學 南朝 л的更精確的上下界 祖沖之--南朝的祖沖之利用劉微的割圖術提出了 л的更精確的上下界。 即3.1415926〈л〈3.1415927。 劉微 數學 225 ~ 295年 割圖術 劉微--魏晉時期的劉微,發明了割圖術的方法,他取л值3.14。他還發明了介線性方程組的新分法。提出了不定方程問題,建立了等差級數前幾項和公式。劉微應和歐幾里德、阿基米德相提並論。 朱世傑 數學 元代 《四元玉鑒》 朱世傑--中國元代數學家。1299 年編撰成中國第一本算學啟蒙,從四則運算到天元術,形成了較完整的體系。1303年,他又寫成了 《四元玉鑒》,把天元術推廣為「四元術」,這是一種高次方程的解法(最高可包括4個未知數)。歐洲到 1775 年才提出同樣的解法 ——消元法。美國科學史家薩頓評價他所著的《四元玉鑒》是整個世界中最傑出的數學著作之一。 張衡 天文學 東漢時期 漏水轉渾天儀、候風地動儀 張衡--是中國東漢時期的天文學家。對在宇宙結構的認識上,張衡是渾天說的代表人物之一。他認為:天像個雞蛋殼,地像雞蛋黃,天大地小,他認為天殼之外還有無限的宇宙。張衡設計和製造了漏水轉渾天儀、候風地動儀,並對日月星辰做了許多觀測和分析。他測量出了太陽和月亮的角直徑是周尺的1/736,即29'24'。他統計出在中國的中原地區能看到的恆星約有2500顆。國際天文學會為了紀念張衡對天文學的突出貢獻,將月球上的一個環形山命名為「張衡環形山」。 郭守敬 天文學 元代 高表、玲瓏儀、觀象台計 16 種儀表 郭守敬--是中國元代傑出的天文學家。他創制了高表、玲瓏儀、觀象台計 16 種儀表,儀器專門測量天體使用。還製作了簡儀,現存紫金山天文台。郭守敬測定了黃赤交角。法國科學家 Laplace 提出黃赤交角變小理論,引用的根據就是郭守敬的。丹麥天文學家第谷所做的同類測量比郭守敬晚300年。 姓名 領域 年代 發明作品 簡介 石申 天文學 戰國時期 第一部天文巨著「天文」 石申--戰國時期的天文學家,石申第一部天文巨著「天文」。西漢後,人們尊稱「天文」一書為「石氏星經」。書中標有 121 顆恆星的位置,書中還記有水、木、金、火、土五大行星的運行及交食等情況。石申編制了最早的星表。並稱之「少陽」已認識到能自身發光。 劉焯 天文學 隋代 《皇極歷》 劉焯--隋代天文學家。創制了《皇極歷》,他首先考慮到了日、月視運動的不均勻性,創立了等間距二次差內插法。計算日月視運動的速度。同時他把差歲改為 75 年差一度。 一行 天文學 唐代 《大衍歷》 一行--唐代天文學家。他編制出一部新的歷法《大衍歷》,它包括十篇歷議,是古代非常先進的歷法。早在公元前 13 世紀,中國人以太陽和月亮運動為依據,創立了一種陰陽歷法。 楊忠輔 文學家 南宋時期 《統天歷》 楊忠輔--中國南宋時期天文學家。他創制了《統天歷》,他確定回歸年長度為 365.2425 日。並發現回歸年長度有消長現象。 洛下閎 天文學 漢代 赤道式儀器 洛下閎--中國漢代天文學家。改創了赤道式儀器,定下了赤道式渾儀的基本結構。 蘇頌 天文學 宋代 天象儀 蘇頌--中國宋代天文學家。和韓公廉合作製成了天象儀及水運儀象台,是中國古代第一架天象儀。有 8 人高,每層有門,一到時間門開,木人出來報時。(後面有漏壺和機械繫統)。 莘七娘 10 世紀 孔明燈,走馬燈 莘七娘——在10世紀時發明了松脂燈(孔明燈)作為打仗時的信號燈,這是中國人最早利用熱氣球。同時發明了走馬燈,這是航空燃氣渦輪的始祖。 裴秀224~271 創立了繪制平面地圖的理論「制圖六體」 裴秀——在中國最早創立了繪制平面地圖的理論「制圖六體」。並繪制了《禹貢地域圖》。 馬鈞 機械設計 三國時代 龍骨水車(又叫翻車) 馬鈞——魏國人,傑出機械設計和創造家。三國時代創制了龍骨水車(又叫翻車),他能連續提水,灌溉用的水機具——桔槔。結構非常巧妙,有天下之名巧之稱。 姓名 領域 年代 發明作品 簡介 李春 橋梁設計 605~617 趙州橋 李春—— 605~617 年,首創了在主拱圖上設小腹拱的敞肩式拱橋。有名的趙州橋就是他設計的。 丁緩 發明家 漢代 被中香爐、常滿燈、旋轉風扇 丁緩——漢代,在 180 年生於長安。發明的物品有被中香爐、常滿燈、旋轉風扇,有長安巧工之稱。 沈括 科學家 宋朝 石油命名最早由他提出 沈括—— 1031~1095 年,宋朝科學家,石油命名最早由他提出。 蔡倫62~121 紙 蔡倫—— 62~121 年,蔡倫採用樹皮、麻頭、破布、舊魚網為原料造紙成功。 105 年將此發明報皇帝。於 114 年被皇帝封為龍亭侯。當時人稱紙為蔡侯紙。 12 世紀,造紙術間接傳到歐洲。 13 世紀,蒙古人用蔡侯紙在波斯發行第一批紙幣。 14 世紀,朝鮮、越南、日本也開始使用紙幣。紙牌然後經由阿拉伯國家再傳到歐洲。 畢昇1041~1048 活字印刷術 畢昇—— 1041~1048 年,中國北宋人。發明了活字印刷術。 杜詩91~不祥 水力鼓風機 杜詩—— 91 年,河南人。首創了水力鼓風設備水排。即利用水力推動風扇鼓風。是世界上最早的水力鼓風機,比歐洲早了 1100 年。 浦元 三國時期 淬火技術 浦元—— 300 年,三國時期。首創淬火技術,使鋼刀堅而有彈性。 孫子 三國時期 孫子算經 孫子—— 300 年,乘余定理的起源一題為「物不知數」,寫了「孫子算經」一書系統論述了籌算記數制。 秦九韶 數學 1202~1247 創立解一次同餘式的「大 衍求一術」和求高次方程數值解的正負開方術 秦九韶—— 1202~1247 年,中國數學家。寫有《數書九章》,創立解一次同餘式的「大 衍求一術」和求高次方程數值解的正負開方術。 李治 數學 測園海鏡 李治——中國數學家,著有「測園海鏡」是中國第一本系統改述「天元術」的巨書。 沈括 宋朝 沈括發現用細線系在磁針的中央(指南針),並將其懸掛起來。經過觀察、發現,寫進了他的著作《夢溪筆談》中。以後人們把用磁鐵製作的針成為指南針,還有指南桌。 13世紀到東方玩的義大利人馬可、波羅見到了指南針,並把它傳到了歐洲。 墨子 公元前 400 年 提出光是直線傳播的論點 墨子——公元前 400 年,墨子一書論述了杠桿平衡,提出光是直線傳播的論點。



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營業執照最有效期4幾年 瀏覽:402
創造與魔法湛藍星空發 瀏覽:100
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幼兒園小班創造游戲 瀏覽:37
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