導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 紙的發明英語作文


發布時間:2021-11-14 01:05:58

A. 英語作文關於發明紙的作文80詞就好了 最好有漢語

They had no paper in the world, people have to bamboo, animal bones, stone and other items on the write; said to be China's Cai Lun invented paper, but now there is another way of saying that the invention of paper should be about 200 years earlier than Cai Lun; No matter who the real inventor, the invention of paper so that more people can get read, so as to promote the development of human civilization.

B. 大家看看關於紙的發明的英語作文怎麼寫

In its beginning age, paper was used as the the tool for recording the important events and data. Before the invention of paper, the turtle shell, animal bone, golden stone, bamboo slips, wood and cloth were used for recording and remembering things. AD 105 is often cited as the year in which papermaking was invented. In that year, historical records show that the invention of paper was reported to the Chinese Emperor by Ts'ai Lun, an official of the Imperial Court. Recent archaeological investigations, however, place the actual invention of papermaking some 200 years earlier. Ancient paper pieces from the Xuanquan ruins of Dunhuang in China's northwest Gansu province apparently were made ring the period of Emperor Wu who reigned between 140 BC and 86 BC. Whether or not Ts'ai Lun was the actual inventor of paper, he deserves the place of honor he has been given in Chinese history for his role in developing a material that revolutionized his country. The invention of paper was a great contribution to the Chinese civilization and to the civilization of the world. The supply of cheap paper meant that great thoughts could be written on the paper and read by people. Advanced and new ideas could be passed quickly and widely to the majority of people. It has promoted and quickened the steps of human civilization and development. Invention of the paper has enriched the culture and and literature. More and more great works were proced and passed to the majority of people.

C. 英語作文:造紙術的發明

I believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper, because the need to use every day. However, the one before us a clean slate, we all know, do and how is it made of? Today, when I was a little guide for everyone who introced.
According to legend, in BC 105 yuan, Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking, paper predecessors, he summed up the experience, through trial and error, with the bark, hemp, rags, old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming, , arch, etc. 72 craft, and finally made a practical fiber paper was called "Caihou paper." This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking have much to contribute.

Later, the continuous development of papermaking, another left-Bo paper, rattan paper, through continuous improvement, and finally became the white we are now common.

After the above introction I papermaking, we all have a certain understanding on paper, right? During this presentation, I realized the wisdom of the ancients, papermaking is one of the crystallization of their labor; the same time, I would like to remind you, paper hard-won, and we have to cherish to use it.漢譯:我相信,大家對紙是再熟悉不過了,因為每天都需要用到。可是,擺在我們面前的一張張白紙,大家都知道它是怎樣做成的嗎?今天我就當個小解說員,給大家介紹介紹。相傳,在公元前105元,蔡倫成功地發明了造紙術,他總結了前人造紙的經驗,經過反復試驗,用樹皮、麻繩、破布、舊魚網等原料經過挫、搗、抄、拱等72道工藝,終於做出了實用的纖維紙,當時稱做「蔡侯紙」。這種紙對改革和推廣造紙術有很大貢獻。後來,造紙術不斷發展,又有了左伯紙、藤紙,經過不斷改良,終於成了我們現在常見的白紙。經過以上我對造紙術的介紹,大家都對紙有一定的了解了吧?在這段介紹中,我體會到了古人的智慧,造紙術也是他們的勞動結晶之一;同時,我還要提醒大家,紙來之不易,我們大家要好好珍惜使用它。

D. 關於紙的發明的英語作文

蔡倫約東漢永平四年(公元61年)生;建光元年(公元121年)卒。宋陽地處今湘江支流來水流域,是穀米之鄉。出身於普通農民家庭的蔡倫,從小隨父輩種田,但他聰明伶俐,很會討人喜歡。漢章帝劉旭(公元56~58年)即位後,常到各郡縣挑選幼童入宮。永樂十八年(公元75年)蔡倫被選入洛陽宮內為太監,當時他約15歲。他讀書識字,成績優異,於建初元年(公元76年)任小黃門(宦官中職務較低者)。此後作黃門侍郎,掌管宮內外公事傳達及引導諸王朝見、安排就座等事。正宮竇太後無子,指使蔡倫誣陷章帝妃宋貴人「挾邪媚道」,通令她自殺。宋貴人所生太子劉慶被貶為清河王。竇後又指使人投「飛書」(匿名信)誣陷章帝妃梁貴人,強奪其子劉肇為養子並立為太子。章帝於公元88年卒,10歲的劉肇登基,為和帝,由竇太後聽政。蔡倫因功被提拔為中常侍,隨侍幼帝左右,參與國家機密大事,秩俸二千石,地位與九卿等同。中國歷史上宦官干預國政,也正由此開始。 永平九年(公元97年),竇太後卒,和帝親政。永元十四年(公元102年)和帝立鄧綏為皇後,蔡倫立即投靠鄧皇後。鄧綏喜歡舞文弄墨,蔡倫為投其所好,甘心屈尊兼任尚方令,主管宮內御用器物和宮廷御用手工作坊。在此期間,他總結西漢以來造紙經驗,改進造紙工藝,利用樹皮、碎布(麻布)、麻頭、魚網等原料精製出優質紙張,於元興元年(公元105年)奏報朝廷,受到和帝稱贊,造紙術也因此而得到推廣。同年,和帝卒,鄧後所生百日嬰兒即位,不到二年又卒。鄧後再立13歲皇侄劉祜(公元94~125年)嗣位,為安帝。劉祜是清河王劉慶之子,但由於他即位初期仍由鄧太後把持朝政,蔡倫繼續受到重用,被封為「龍亭侯」(封地在今陝西洋縣),從此進入貴族行列。由他監制的紙被稱為「蔡侯紙」。約於元初五至六年(公元118~119年)蔡倫又被提升為長樂太僕,相當於大千秋,成為鄧太後的首席近侍官,受到滿朝文武的奉承。 正當他權位處於頂峰之際,建光元年(公元121年)鄧太後卒,安帝親政。蔡倫因為當初受竇後指使參與迫害安帝皇祖母宋貴人致死、剝奪皇父劉慶的皇位繼承權而被審訊查辦。蔡倫自知死罪難免,於是自盡而亡。蔡倫一生在內廷為官,先後侍奉4個幼帝,投靠兩個皇後,節節上升,身居列候,位尊九卿,卻以慘死告終。但他在兼管尚方時,推動了手工業工藝的發展,被稱為東漢時期的科學家。因而留名後世,得到史學家的首肯

E. 英文作文《紙的發明史》

I believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper,because the
need to use every day.However,the one before us a clean slate,we all
know,do and how is it made of?Today,when I was a little guide for
everyone who introced.
According to legend,in BC 105 yuan,Cai Lun
successfully invented papermaking,paper predecessors,he summed up the
experience,through trial and error,with the bark,hemp,rags,old fishing
nets and other materials through the down of ramming,,arch,etc.72
craft,and finally made a practical fiber paper was called "Caihou
paper." This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking
have much to contribute.
Later,the continuous development of
papermaking,another left-Bo paper,rattan paper,through continuous
improvement,and finally became the white we are now common.
After the
above introction I papermaking,we all have a certain understanding on
paper,right?During this presentation,I realized the wisdom of the
ancients,papermaking is one of the crystallization of their labor; the
same time,I would like to remind you,paper hard-won,and we have to
cherish to use

F. 關於紙的發明英語作文!!! 快快快!!!! 急急急急!!!!

In its beginning age, before the invention of paper, the turtle shell, animal bone, golden stone, bamboo slips, wood and cloth were used for recording and remembering things.
AD 105 is often cited as the year in which papermaking was invented. In that year, historical records show that the invention of paper was reported to the Chinese Emperor by Ts'ai Lun, an official of the Imperial Court. Recent archaeological investigations, however, place the actual invention of papermaking some 200 years earlier. Ancient paper pieces from the Xuanquan ruins of Dunhuang in China's northwest Gansu province apparently were made ring the period of Emperor Wu who reigned between 140 BC and 86 BC. Whether or not Ts'ai Lun was the actual inventor of paper, he deserves the place of honor he has been given in Chinese history for his role in developing a material that revolutionized his country. The invention of paper was a great contribution to the Chinese civilization and to the civilization of the world. The supply of cheap paper meant that great thoughts could be written on the paper and read by people. Advanced and new ideas could be passed quickly and widely to the majority of people. It has promoted and quickened the steps of human civilization and development. Invention of the paper has enriched the culture and and literature. More and more great works were proced and passed to the majority of people.

G. 造紙術的發展史英語作文350


H. 英語作文造紙術

I believe that everyone is all too familiar on paper,because the need to use every day.However,the one before us a clean slate,we all know,do and how is it made of?Today,when I was a little guide for everyone who introced.
According to legend,in BC 105 yuan,Cai Lun successfully invented papermaking,paper predecessors,he summed up the experience,through trial and error,with the bark,hemp,rags,old fishing nets and other materials through the down of ramming,,arch,etc.72 craft,and finally made a practical fiber paper was called "Caihou paper." This kind of paper on the reform and promotion of papermaking have much to contribute.
Later,the continuous development of papermaking,another left-Bo paper,rattan paper,through continuous improvement,and finally became the white we are now common.
After the above introction I papermaking,we all have a certain understanding on paper,right?During this presentation,I realized the wisdom of the ancients,papermaking is one of the crystallization of their labor; the same time,I would like to remind you,paper hard-won,and we have to cherish to use it.漢譯:我相信,大家對紙是再熟悉不過了,因為每天都需要用到.可是,擺在我們面前的一張張白紙,大家都知道它是怎樣做成的嗎?今天我就當個小解說員,給大家介紹介紹.相傳,在公元前105元,蔡倫成功地發明了造紙術,他總結了前人造紙的經驗,經過反復試驗,用樹皮、麻繩、破布、舊魚網等原料經過挫、搗、抄、拱等72道工藝,終於做出了實用的纖維紙,當時稱做「蔡侯紙」.這種紙對改革和推廣造紙術有很大貢獻.後來,造紙術不斷發展,又有了左伯紙、藤紙,經過不斷改良,終於成了我們現在常見的白紙.經過以上我對造紙術的介紹,大家都對紙有一定的了解了吧?在這段介紹中,我體會到了古人的智慧,造紙術也是他們的勞動結晶之一;同時,我還要提醒大家,紙來之不易,我們大家要好好珍惜使用它.



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