導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 發明了一個電腦游戲英語翻譯


發布時間:2021-10-24 19:11:42

Ⅰ 電腦游戲用英語怎麼說

computer games 電腦游戲
play computer games 玩電腦游戲
That computer game's a honey 那電腦游戲真好玩兒。

Ⅱ 電腦游戲英語怎麼寫

play game

Ⅲ 那是一個有趣的電腦游戲 用英語怎麼說啊 急!!!

It's an interesting computer game

Ⅳ 關於電腦發明的英語作文要有中文翻譯

Nowadays, computer plays a more and more important role in our lives. We can't live without it. However, everything has two sides. So does computer. On the one hand, computer has brought a lot of convenience to our daily lives. We can search imformation for our essays on , discuss issues with friends on qq, and use wikipedia to find professional answers for our problems. On the other hand, computer truly has some negetive effects on some people's lives. Some children can't control themselves so much, so they often spoil hours on the computer games and chatting with friends about some useless topics. Also, there are a lot of imformation online that is not appropiate for young children. All in all, although computer brings all kinds of problems, we should still admit what it has done to improve our daily lives.

Ⅳ 玩電腦游戲(翻譯成英文)

play computer gaem

Ⅵ 關於電腦游戲的介紹,用英語。

「個人電腦」「個人計算機」 Personal Computer 一般都簡稱 PC機
熟稱「 電腦」 Computer
Computer 字面意思 計算機 計算的意思

Ⅶ 電腦游戲怎麼翻譯英文


Ⅷ 電腦游戲用英語怎麼說66666666

Computer games
computer game
A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog computer game

Ⅸ 「玩電腦游戲」用英語翻譯




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