導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 創造生命英文


發布時間:2020-12-10 02:30:01

㈠ 生命的意義在於創造 英文怎麼說比較貼切

The essence/meaning of life is to creat / lies in creation / rests with creation / consists in creation / depends on creation. 生命的意義在於創回造答 。

㈡ 我的世界英文版怎麼創造變生存

首先要允許作弊。在允許作弊的情況下按t鍵,出現輸入框。輸入/gamemode 0是生存模式,輸入
/gamemode 1是創造模式。

㈢ 創造生命游戲


㈣ 求英語翻譯 如下 1.圖蘭朵是由義大利作家普契尼在他生命的最後時期所創造的作品。 2.

1. Turandot is the final work written by an Italian author, Puccini,in his late time.
2. However, a prince, named Calaf, fell in love with her, and got the right answers of the three riddles.Turandot was therefore angry because she didn't want to get married. In order to escape from the marriage, she did a lot of unbelievable things, even killing Liù who loved Calaf. However, Calaf still loved Turandot. Finally, Turandot was moved by Calaf, and then married with him.

㈤ 「世界以痛吻我,要我報之以歌。只有經歷過地獄般的磨礪,才能練就創造」。這句詩的英文原版是什麼


The world has kissed my soul with its pain, asking for its return
in songs。


Only experienced a hellish experience , To condensed out of the creation of heaven force .

㈥ 正是這無數雙愛心之手創造了無數個生命的奇跡 英語如何翻譯

It is the very innumerable loving hand created innumerable the miracle of life

㈦ 翻譯 我創造,所以我生存。

I create, therefore I am.

I think, therefore I am.

㈧ 創造生命


㈨ 用元素在地球上創造生命的英文游戲,用金木水火土等元素不斷合成,從而創造出生命的英文游戲叫什麼

塗鴉上帝(Doodle God)吧

㈩ 「我相信生命可以創造奇跡」用英文怎樣翻譯

I believe life can work wonders



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