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⑴ 博客興起於什麼時候

最早,是由Jorn Barger在1997年12月提出博客這個名稱。但是在1998年,互聯網上的博客網站卻屈指可數。那時,Infosift的編輯Jesse J.Garrett想列舉一個博客類似站點的名單,便在互聯網上開始了艱難的搜索。
終於在1998年的12月,他的搜集好了部分網站的名單。他把這份名單發給了Cameron Barrett,Cameron覺得這份名單非常有用,就將它在Camworld網站上公布於眾。其它的博客站點維護者發現此舉後,也紛紛把自己的網址和網站名稱、主要特色都發了過來,這個名單也就日漸豐富。到了1999年初,Jesse的「完全博客站點」名單所列的站點已達23個。
由於Cameron與Jesse共同維護的博客站點列表既有趣又易於閱讀,吸引了很多人的眼球。在這種情況下,Peter Merholz宣稱:「這個新鮮事物必將引起大多數人的注意。作為未來的一個常用詞語,web-blog將不可避免地被簡稱為blog,而那些編寫網路日誌的人,也就順理成章地成為blogger——博客」。這代表著博客被正式命名。
隨著博客數量的增多,每個博客網站上編寫的網路日誌的內容也混雜起來,以至把每一個新出的站點主要內容和特色都不可能搞清楚。Cameron後來就只在網站上登載熟悉的博客站點了。時隔不久,Brigitte Eaton也搜集出了一個名叫「Eaton網路門戶」的博客站點名單,並且提出應該以日期為基礎組織內容。這也建立了blog分類排列的一大標准。
1999年7月,一個專門製作博客站點的「Pitas」免費工具軟體發布了,這對於博客站點的快速搭建起著很關鍵的作用。隨後,上百個同類工具也如雨後春筍般製作出來。這種工具對於加速建立博客站點的數量,是意義重大的。同年的8月份,Pyra發布了Blogger網站,Groksoup也投入運營,使用這些企業所提供的簡單的基於互聯網的工具,博客站點的數量終於出現了一種爆炸性增長。1999年末,軟體研發商Dave Winer向大家推薦Edit This Page網站,Jeff A. Campbell發布了Velocinews網站。所有的這些服務都是免費的,他們的目的也很明確:讓更多的人成為博客,來網上發表意見和見解。

⑵ 音叉的響度較大時,它的振幅較大,這是什麼法

音叉(tuning fork)是呈「Y」形的鋼質或鋁合金發聲器。
音叉在1711年由英國人約翰·朔爾(John Shore)發明。他是一位宮廷小號手,作曲家格奧爾格·弗里德里希·韓德爾及亨利·普賽爾皆曾在曲子中專門寫下給他表演的段落。他還是一個魯特琴手,魯特琴非常難以調音,朔爾發明音叉來給魯特琴調音。

⑶ 「發明筷子的重要性」英語作文80字

A: In the 17th century, when a British businessman heard that there were 100 million people in China, he was determined to go there and sell spoons. He thought, even if a spoon would only sell for one penny, he would still make 100 million pennies, but he didn』t succeed. The Chinese people used chopsticks, not spoons.
B: Some people did some research on the origin of China』s chopsticks compared to the knife and fork in the West. One theory is that China was an agricultural society and relied on vegetables for food. Chopsticks were very convenient tools for eating. The Westerners, on the other hand, were nomads and lived on meat. The knife and fork were more practical. Others believe that China did not have much instry, and therefore people used chopsticks. The West was an instrial society, so their eating utensils were made of metal.
A: Sounds interesting! When I first learned that the Chinese use a pair of sticks to eat with, I was curious how they would drink soup. Just like the Indians who use their fingers to eat, do they also use their fingers to drink soup?
B: Whatever the reasons why the Chinese use chopsticks and Westerners use knife and fork, it is a result of their respective cultures. Chinese culture is developed around collectivism which stresses communion and harmony. Western culture emphasizes indivialism. In terms of eating customs, chopsticks and knives and forks are two desperate expressions of this cultural difference. The Chinese like to have communal meals where everybody eats out of the same bowl of food. Chopsticks were used in order to discourage people from eating more than others. This was not only a good way to preserve collectiveness, but also to limit indivialism. It is more straightforward in the West. People eat their meals on their own, and there is no restriction on how to eat.
A: That sounds quite reasonable.
B: In addition, table manners are very strict ring the Chinese meal. Respect has to be given to the elderly. Eac

⑷ 求薯片的發明或歷史的英語作文 急需

the history of potato chips

did you konw that potato chips were invented by mistake? Potato chips were invented by a chef called Geoge Crum .They were invented in 1853. First Geoge Crum cut them really really thin, then he cooked them for a long time until they were crispy . And he spinkle lots of salt on them so they were really salty.

he thought the customer would hate them ,but the customer loved them and asked for more .

customer : 顧客
chef : 廚師


⑸ 除了文化因素,中國人為什麼用筷子而非刀叉

What』s the point to eating food withchopsticks instead of knives and forks, apart from the cultural aspect?


Answer Wiki
Easier to cleanen masse.


You can make apair if you find yourself in a pinch.


As with spoons,grasping food does not modify food textures the way piercing food does.


Chopsticksprovide less utensil-to-mouth contact, highlighting the pure flavors andtextures of the food. Steel utensil do not affect flavor, but other materialsmight.


Increase ddevelopment of manual dexterity.


One-handedeating allows freedom of usage for the other hand, just as if using a spoon.


Extra reach whengetting food from communal platters.


Increasedefficiency when transferring foods from platter to plate, unless rice, peas orliquids are concerned, in which case a spoon is a clear winner.


Some diners mayeat slower, which may make food taste better and may cause them to eat less.And eating slower means better digestion


Somefoods are easier to grasp with chopsticks (single long beans, noodles in soup,etc.)


Increaseshygiene and decreases messiness when eating some "finger-foods."


Máté Kovács,curious cat
Updated Sep 21
Chopsticks havea non-obvious advantage over a fork and a knife. This advantage will becomemore widely appreciated with the growth of space tourism. Yep, that』s right. Inspace, chopsticks are more practical than a knife and a fork.


I predict thatchopsticks will be vastly more popular as the choice of utensil in space. Theyaren』t widely used in space yet because most of the human spaceflight to datewas done by nations who have a cultural preference for other utensils. As spacebecomes more accessible to people from other cultures, the usage of forks andknives in space will be relegated to a fun fact in history books.


What』simpractical about using a fork and a knife in space?


First of all, tocut a piece of food in space with a fork and a knife, you need to stab it withthe fork then slice it with the knife. Both of these actions require you topress down on the piece of food you』re cutting. And that』s a problem rightthere, because Newton』s third law predicts that when you push something, thatsomething also pushes you back. Down here on the surface that isn』t a problem,because the piece of food is supported from below while Earth』s gravity isconstantly pulling you down. In micro-gravity (e.g. in a spacecraft in lowEarth orbit) however, where both you and the piece of food are in free fall,you』d very noticeably push yourself away from the table while stabbing the foodwith a fork, let alone cutting it with a knife. You』d have to hook your feetunder a railing and pull yourself towards the table using your legs, whichsounds rather annoying.


Long storyshort, cutting food in space isn』t easy. Likely for that very reason,non-liquid space food is already packaged as small bite-sized chunks that canbe eaten without cutting. That makes knives unnecessary. Forks are also rarelyused for stabbing, because the water-content of the food makes it simply stickto utensils, which means that a spoon works just as well. Also, chopsticks.


What』s practicalabout chopsticks in space?


Most peopledescribe the experience of eating with chopsticks as 「having really longfingers that you don』t mind getting sticky.」 As it turns out, that』s exactlywhat you want in space. Anything you can eat with your fingers, you can eatwith chopsticks; they』re extremely versatile. In fact, they』re more versatilein space than down here! Don』t believe me? Watch astronaut Don Pettit drink teawith chopsticks:


「But you canalso do that with a fork, or even a knife!」, I hear you say. Sure, but can youeat pieces of Cheetos straight out of the bag with a fork and a knife? Exactly!


Here』s Don Pettit』s testimony of using chopsticks in space:


「I like toeat with chopsticks, and I bring a pair on every flight. Like some prehensileextension of my fingers, they allow me to pull food out of its gooey pouchwithout getting sticky fingers. In weightlessness I can manipulate a huge chunkof food — maybe an agglomeration of ravioli that would normally fall apartunder the influence of gravity. Here the pieces stay loosely connected, like aminiature collection of asteroid debris.」




Here』s some more cool footage of Don Pettit using chopsticks aboardthe ISS, nking crackers in honey and peanut butter:


Could you do that with a fork and a knife?


RichardO'Connell, lives in China (2007-present)
Answered May 26
Imagine yourhand had a really long index finger and thumb and how useful that would be forpicking up food? Now imagine they were detachable and you could clean themready for your next meal.


This is exactlywhat chopsticks are. Super long, detachable fingers and thumbs for eating food.


They』re notactually part of your body, you don』t even need to make your hands a mess frompicking up food.


It also helpsthat Chinese cooking tends to chop food into the perfect sizes perfect forgrabbing with your finger and thumb-like sticks.


⑹ 三年級日記 我的發明

有句諺語:「需要為發明之母」。看英國《每日郵報》網站上的一篇文章 (日期 2/27 刊登),內容是介紹一些無用的發明。看完這篇文章,雖然會覺得有些發明挺多此一舉且感覺挺搞笑的;不過有些發明個人倒挺想買耶!可能是從來沒看過、沒用過這些產品,會覺得挺新奇啊! (紅色者覺得自己應該是用不到)

1. 夾餐巾紙項鏈 (CAT NAPKIN CHAIN)


2. 披薩叉子 (PIZZA FORK)


3. 寵物按摩器 (PET MASSAGER)







6. 手套靴子烘乾器


7. 廁所閱讀桌 (THE LOO READ)

這個可伸縮的平台應該是造福了上廁所時喜歡看書報雜志的朋友吧!(我也是其中之一) 很方便耶~還可以用來玩拼圖或是當化妝台。

8. 單手看書器

可以單手看書,另外一手忙著吃東西或是做別的事情,是說我單手就可以拿書了,干麻用這東西呀? 且到時翻書還是要用到另一手啊!不如發明一個自動翻書器?

9. 吹乾耳朵器


10. 雷射剪刀


11. 攜帶型冰淇淋球


12. 狗狗護目鏡 (Doggles)


13. 電動冰淇淋盒


14. 分叉筆尾 (Pen Again)


15. 長袍毯 (SLANKET)



如果有意思訂購或是知道價格,請自行上此網站看這則新聞原文版 → 按我 每項發明後面都註明了銷售網站。
Technorati 的標簽:KUSO,發明,創意,設計,產品,有趣,生活

⑺ 男人為什麼要戴領帶,領帶是誰發明的最早是用來做什麼的


⑻ 蒸汽時代的科學發明




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