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⑴ 雨傘是誰發明的 英文版 不要太長

Legend ruban wife cloud's also a work.
The jade st "on, she is the inventor of the umbrella, the first umbrella is her husband to go out to somebody else's cover houses with.
"傘"字早有出現,她大概是造出了能撐合的傘. 是誰發明的雨傘?

"Umbrella" word appears early, she is probably created can stay close umbrella. Who invented an umbrella?

To this problem has been kiom da hedos, tiom da opinios.
Some said, the men of Egypt, the first to use an umbrella, as early as 1200 BC, Egypt (Egypt) gentry when you travel often to slave (slave) for they sun umbrella (parasol).
The Romans used the umbrella keep out the Mediterranean sun.
In China, an umbrella is 1000 BC by ruban wife invention, umbrella is called "can move house".
In the UK, in the 18th century began to use an umbrella.
佰納斯 傘一度是女性的專用品,表示女人對愛情的態度。
Hundred's umbrella, was once a female designed procts, said the woman to love attitude.
An umbrella to stand up, said to the love remote undying devotion;
Left hand open umbrella, said: "I have no spare time now".
Umbrella move slowly, said no faith or distrust;
An umbrella on the right shoulder, does not want to see you again.

⑵ 李萌,你發明了一個帶電筒的雨傘,向大家介紹一下為題寫一片英語作文

Hello, I'm Li Meng. I invented an umbrella with a flashlight. It can light up the road under my feet in dark rainy days. Forget to bring a flashlight when you go on the night road. As long as you take this umbrella with the flashlight, you can use it as a flashlight.

⑶ 英語作文,內容是:雨傘是在中國被魯迅妻子發明的

Who invented the umbrella?
An umbrella is who invented? The invention of the time? The umbrella invented by accident? How is the invention come out? The invention of the story is what kind of?
Lu legend is a cloud wife's skillful craftsmen. The jade flocks \"also described, she is the inventor of the umbrella, first umbrella is she gave her husband to go out to the somebody else in the building houses. \"Umbrella\" word has long appear, she is probably created the can hold and umbrella.
Who invented the umbrella? To this problem has been people have art. Some said, the men of Egypt, the first to use an umbrella, as early as 1200 BC, Egypt (Egypt) nobles often go out to travel to slave (slave) as they hold the sun umbrella (parasol). The Romans used keep out the Mediterranean sun umbrella. In China, is an umbrella in A.D. 1000 by the wife of lu invented, umbrella is called \"can move house\".
In Britain, in the eighteenth century began to use an umbrella. Andrew kenaz was once the umbrella women special procts, said women to love the attitude. An umbrella to stand up and say to the love yao undying devotion; Left hand open umbrella, said: \"I have no spare time now\". An umbrella move slowly, said no faith and trust; An umbrella on the right shoulder, says don't want to see you again.
Of the 19 th century man started to use an umbrella.
Because many British umbrella is British the indispensable part in life, become the traditional British way of life indicative, become London businessmen and officials will thing, the symbol of British-John bull is holding an umbrella. In literary works, in the movie is indispensable thing. Britain was established in 1969 umbrella museum. An umbrella and many types of USES. An umbrella is sometimes used as a weapon. In 1978, a are exiled Bulgaria (Bulgaria) people in Waterloo Bridge on with umbrella tip assassin stabbed, was poisoned. Some umbrella handle can be used pepper spray, forced to halt after bite. Some umbrella handles a light can convey the lighting.

⑷ 關於雨傘的發明英語作文!跪求

The umbrella is invented in China.
Allegedly, early in the spring and autumn carrying in ancient China famous craftsman lu, often in fieldwork, often be rain drenched. Lu wife cloud, seeing her husband's so hard, he want to do a can block rain things. She put the bamboo chopped into researchers, the researchers on the covered skins, looking like "pavilion", and receive zhang freely, is really "furl such as bars, open as cover". This creates a later umbrella. Ancient umbrella also San San namely, writing umbrella also.

⑸ 雨傘的發明故事

在英國,在18世紀才開始使用雨傘。佰納斯 傘一度是女性的專用品,表示女人對愛情的態度。把傘豎起來,表示對愛情遙堅貞不渝;左手拿著撐開的傘,表示「我現在沒有空閑時間」。把傘慢慢晃動,表示沒有信心或不信任;把傘靠在右肩,表示不想再見到你。



英國有一種催淚傘,若遇到歹徒,一按傘柄即可噴出催淚瓦斯(tear gas),把歹徒驅跑。傘也能預示人的運氣。如果傘掉在地上,不要自己揀起來,否則壞運氣就會到來。如果在陽光明媚的日子裡打開傘,那就意味你把雨帶來。不要在屋裡撐開傘,也不要把傘放在床上。

⑹ 「雨傘是用來遮風擋雨的,你知道它是由誰發明的嗎」翻譯成英文

Umbrellas keep out the wind and rain。Umbrella keeps out the wind and rain.
每人都用了 「is used to" 或 「are used to" 那是你們被 「用」 字騙了。
雨傘是遮風雨的。如果加上 be used to 就成了
But ---- 有反差的意味。 He's rich but he's old. Her skin is beautiful but too dark.
發明一定是第一個才叫發明。 所以不用 」first「

⑺ 雨傘是誰發明的用英語說

who invented the umbrella?主動 兩者都可以 樓主在學被動語態么?初三?用被動比較好(對你 來說) 用熟點 ^_^ 祝樓主越學越好 被動的 在上面兩個答案的結尾加個by ,by 不能省 這是被動語態的重點 我知道是魯班發明了這個東西 但不知道魯班的拼音luban? 我拼音不太好

⑻ 傘的發明故事




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