導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 發明了電話用英語怎麼說


發布時間:2021-10-10 23:54:13

Ⅰ 手機發明英文翻譯

the invention of phone

Ⅱ 電話是什麼時候發明的,誰發明的,用來干什麼的,英語

When was the telephone invented, by whom, and what for ?

貝爾( Alexander Graham Bell在 1876年發明的, 用來在長距離的專人與人之間交談屬.
First patented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and further developed by many others, the telephone was the first device in history that enabled people to talk directly with each other across large distances. Telephones rapidly became indispensable to businesses, government, and households, and are today some of the most widely used small appliances.

Ⅲ 電話是在1876年發明的,用英語怎麼說

The telephone was invented in 1876.

Ⅳ 電話是什麼時候發明的翻譯成英語

When was the telephone invented ?

祝你學習進步,更上一層樓! (*^__^*)

Ⅳ 一般情況下我們認為是貝爾發明了電話用英語怎麼說

In general, we think it was Baer who invented the telephone

Ⅵ 你知道電話是誰發明的嗎英文翻譯

Do you know who invented the telephone ?

Ⅶ 你知道電話是什麼時候發明的嗎用英語怎麼說

Do you know when the telephone was invented?

Ⅷ 發明電話用了什麼 用英語句子

What was used by the invention of telephone?

Ⅸ 致力於電話的發明的英語單咋說了

commit oneself to invent telephone

Ⅹ 你知道電話是誰發明的嗎英文翻譯

Do you know who invented the telephone



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