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發布時間:2021-10-06 05:32:48

A. 「創造力」除了creativity用英文怎麼說


B. 英語菜鳥求翻譯,萬分感謝 創造力是產生被特定的社會文化所接受的新穎且適用的產品的能力,創造力的發

Creativity is the ability to be accepted by the specific social culture of the novel and suitable procts, creativity is not only related to the development of personal growth and value realization, it is particularly important to the development of the country, is one of the important topics of common concern of scholars at home and abroad, self construal refers to how indivials view their relationship with others research shows that, it has predictive effect on creativity, but previous studies rarely on self construal influence creativity mechanism, this research takes 255 students from Shandong Normal University were tested by using the method of questionnaire investigation of College Students' creativity and self concept development, and explore the relationship between self construal, critical thinking and creativity of College students.

C. 發揮創造力用英語怎麼說

expand creativity

D. 培養創造力英語怎麼說

[網路] Cultivate Creative Vision;
To cultivate divergent thinking is an important part of cultivating creativity.

E. 寫一篇關於什麼是創造力的英語作文

What's Creativity ?
According to the dictionary definition of "create", ordinary people are creative every day. To create means "to bring into being, to cause to exist" something each of us does daily.
We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our senses to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal.
Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.
A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. If we believe the expression, "There is nothing new under the sun," creativity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.
A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to apply them to achieve some new resuits. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.
These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our day-to-day activities.

F. 激發創造力用英語怎麼說

激發創造力:stimulate creativity

We will implement the "Four Respect" policy to stimulate creativity;


This is because you can laugh more sensitive to capture the life of a marginal fun and fresh, thus stimulate creativity.


Organizational unity is a company's ability to overcome challenges, stimulate creativity and achieve peak proctivity and profitability.


G. 有創造力的英文怎麼說

have creative power

H. 急求一篇關於創造力的英語作文

What is CREATIVITY?1.An Ability. A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new.As we will see below, creativity is not the ability to create out of nothing but the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas. Some creative ideas are astonishing and brilliant, while others are just simple, good, practical ideas that no one seems to have thought of yet.Believe it or not, everyone has substantial creative ability. Just look at how creative children are.In alts, creativity has too often been suppressed through ecation, but it is still there and can be reawakened. Often all that's needed to be creative is to make a commitment to creativity and to take the time for it.
2.An Attitude. Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve it. We are socialized into accepting only a small number of permitted or normal things, like chocolate-covered strawberries, for example. The creative person realizes that there are other possibilities, like peanut butter and banana sandwiches, or chocolate-covered
3.A Process. Creative people work hard and continually improve ideas and solutions, by making graal alterations and refinements to their works. Contrary to the mythology surrounding creativity, very, very few works of creative excellence are proced with a single stroke of brilliance or in a frenzy of rapid activity. Much closer to the real truth are the stories of companies who had to take the invention away from the inventor in order to market it because the inventor would have kept on tweaking it and fiddling with it, always trying to make it a little better.The creative person knows that there is always room for improvement.

I. 關於創造力的英語作文







J. 「有創造力的」英文是什麼



英 [kriˈeɪtɪv]美 [kriˈetɪv]




1.Some thought must be given to the method of validation.


2.For him, the rest of the decade was acreativewrite-off.


3.Creativepeople are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.


4. Hiscreativedrive has been strangled by his sense of political guilt.


5. This validation process ensures that the data conforms to acceptable formats.




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