導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 我最想知道的5000年偉大發明外國卷


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Ⅰ 歷史:請幫我列舉出一些偉大的發明及其發明過程的故事!


Ⅱ 哪一個東西是外國人發明的,其實早在千年前就已經出現了




Ⅲ 我最喜歡的發明英語作文帶翻譯

My favorite invention
In our life,there are many great inventions,such as the light,the pencil,the bag...
At the age of 6,my father brought a car,he took me to school on the first day of school.It was so exciting.I fell in love with this invention on that day.
The car can go anywhere and save time,but it also pullutes our environment.I holp I can invent "clean" cars.
I hope the cars will enter every family,and I love cars best.

Ⅳ 我最喜歡的發明是手機,他是一個很偉大的發明 英語翻譯

My favorite invention is mobile phone which is a very great invention
Cell phone,the great invention,is my favorite.


My favorite invention is mobile phone,It is a very great invention。

Ⅳ 世界上最偉大的發明是什麼

我認為是電路抄 就像阿塔納索夫曾與莫奇利為誰發明了第一台數字電子計算機而對簿公堂一樣,在究竟是誰最先發明了集成電路這件事上,諾伊斯所在的仙童公司也曾與柯爾比所在的德州儀器公司大打官司。其實,也許可以說諾伊斯和柯爾比都是集成電路之父,因為前者發明了基於硅的集成電路,後者發明的是基於鍺的集成電路。在這場競爭中諾伊斯是笑到最後的人,因為今日的半導體工業已幾乎是硅集成電路的天下了。


Ⅵ 最偉大的發明 英文

Ten Great Inventions of China
In the last two centuries, new cultural discoveries have nearly rewritten history. It』s been an exciting time, full of adventure and surprises. Around every corner there are new responses to questions we had already imagined answered. And of these breakthroughs, none shines as brightly as the impact of ancient Chinese inventions on modern life. As we explore ten of the greatest inventions and innovations of Ancient China, you may be surprised at their influence on recent technology.

1. Paper. Paper, as we know it, was invented in China around the year 105. After seeing earlier attempts made from silk, bamboo sticks and animal skins, Cai Lun came up with his own idea. After mixing mulberry bark, rags, wheat stalks and other stuff, a pulp formed. This pulp was pressed into sheets and dried, becoming a crude form of paper. Paper was such an important invention that the process of making it was a jealously guarded secret. The secret was safe until the seventh century when the art spread to India.

2. The Printing Press. Before Johann Gutenberg 「invented」 the printing press in the 1440』s, China created a type of printing press between 206 B.C. and A.D. 45. It was made using stone tablets to create a 「rubbing」 of famous Buddhist and Confucian texts. Next came block printing in the Sui Dynasty. In block printing, images and words were engraved on wooden boards, smeared with ink and pressed onto sheets of paper. Later, moveable type printing presses were introced. According to the authors of Ancient Inventions, 「By A.D. 1000, paged books in the modern style had replaced scrolls – a good 450 years ahead of Gutenberg.」

3. The First Book. Due to the early advent of the printing press, China also claims the first book. In 868, almost six hundred years before the Gutenberg Bible, the earliest known book was printed. By the end of the Tang dynasty, China had bookstores in almost every city.

4. Paper Money. While today you』d rather carry a lot of cash instead of coin, that hasn』t always been the case. The idea of paper currency was first attempted under Emperor Han Wu-Ti (140-87 B.C.) after war had drained the treasury. He issued treasury notes, worth and in exchange for 400,000 copper coins. Instead of paper, the Emperor used the skin of the white stag. But the creature was so rare that the idea soon lost appeal. In the early 800』s, the idea revived to deter highway robbers. In 812, the government was again printing money. By the year 1023, money had an expiration date and was already plagued by inflation and counterfeiting. Nearly six hundred years later paper money headed west, first printed in Sweden in 1601.

5. The Abacus. Well before Texas Instruments, the first calculator was in the works. The abacus dates from around the year 200 B.C. It is a very advanced tool with a simple design. Wood is crafted into a rectangular frame with rods running from base to top. About 2/3』s from the base, a divider crosses the frame, known as the counting bar. On each of the rods are beads. All of the beads above the counting bar equal five. Those below equal one. The rows of rods are read from right to left. The furthest bar to the right holds the one』s place, the next holds the ten』s place, then the hundred』s, and so on. While its design may sound complex, there are some Chinese today so skilled that they can solve difficult math problems faster than someone using a calculator!

6. The Decimal System. In the West, the decimal system appeared quite recently. Its first believed instance was in a Spanish manuscript dated around 976. But, the first true example goes back much further. In China, an inscription dated from the 13th century B.C., 「547 days」 was written as 「five hundred plus four decades plus seven of days.」 The Chinese likely created the decimal system because their language depended on characters (like pictures) instead of an alphabet. Each number had its own unique character. Without the decimal system, the Chinese would have had a terrible time memorizing all of these new characters. By using units of ones, tens, hundreds, etc., the Chinese saved time and trouble.

7. The Mechanical Clock. In the year 732, a Buddhist monk and mathematician invented the first mechanical clock. He named it 「Water-Driven Spherical Bird』s-Eye-View Map of the Heavens.」 Like earlier clocks, water gave it power, but machinery cased the movement. But, after a few years, corrosion and freezing temperatures took their toll. It wasn』t until 1090, when astronomer Su Sung designed his mechanical marvel 「Cosmic Engine」, that a more dependable timepiece was made. Created for Emperor Ying Zong, this clock had a tower over 30 feet tall. It housed machinery that, among other things, caused wooden puppets to pop from one of five doors at regular intervals throughout the day. (Much like the modern idea of a Cuckoo clock.) The entire machine was powered by a giant waterwheel. This clock ran until 1126, when it was dismantled by the conquering Tartars and moved to Peking for another several years. The first clock reference in Western history was in 1335, in the church of St. Gothard in Milan.

8. The Planetarium. A planetarium is a big enclosed space that shows the stars and constellations on the inside. Orbitoscope was the name of the first projection planetarium. It was built in Basil in 1912 by Professor E. Hinderman. But, once again, China is the mother of this invention. The first planetarium is attributed to the design of an early emperor. As one source states, an astronomer named Jamaluddin created a planetarium ring the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368), along with a perpetual calendar and other important astronomical devices.

9. The Earthquake Sensor. The earliest earthquake sensor was also an interesting piece of art. It was a bronze cylinder about 8 feet around, with 8 dragons perched above 8 open-mouthed frogs. In the mouth of each dragon rested a bronze ball. When an earthquake struck, a penlum inside the cylinder would swing. It knocked the ball from the mouth of the dragon and down into the frog』s mouth. That frog』s back was then facing the direction of the center of the quake. Chang Heng invented it in A.D. 132 (ring the Han Dynasty), almost 600 years before the first western sensor was made in France. Later, in 1939, Imamura Akitsune recreated the invention and actually proved it effective.

10. The Helicopter Rotor & Propeller. While the Ancient Chinese didn』t actually invent the helicopter, they were involved in its creation. In the 4th century A.D., they invented a toy called the 「Bamboo Dragonfly」. You』ve probably seen them as prizes at local fairs or carnivals. It was a toy top, with a base like a pencil and a small helicopter-like blade at the end. The top was wrapped with a cord. When you pulled the cord, the blade would spin around and soar into the air. This toy was studied by Sir George Cayley in 1809 and played a role in the birth of modern aviation. It wasn』t until the early 1900』s that the first helicopter took flight.

Ⅶ 我最喜歡的發明(英文)

My Favorite Invention

To me,everything is so interesting in my life.Such as some inventions,

which act important roles at everywhere.My favorite invention is light

.It is simple but useful to everyone.It can shine that make people can

see in the night and hence I think it is a symbol of hope.That's why

it's so fantastic in our life.

Finally,I hope the light can keep shining in everywhere and at everytime.

Ⅷ 寫出你所知道的古代中國的偉大發明創造(6種)

印刷術,指南針,火葯,造紙術這四大發明除了四大發明以外,還有如下發明創造: 魯班(建築)——春秋戰國時代魯國人,姓 公輸,名般,是中國古代著名的建築師。魯班他有很多發明創造,如木工用的 鋸子、曲尺、墨斗、刨子、鏟子、鋪首、鑽、鑿等,攻城用的可活動的雲梯。相傳,鎖也是魯班發明的。

喻皓(建築)——亦稱預浩,是中國五代末年,北宋初年的建築師。出生於杭州,他設計的最傑出的建築是北宋國都汴梁(今河南省開封市)安遠門內開寶寺中的靈感塔。他還寫了一部木工手藝的書《木經》,共 3 卷。他有造塔魯班之稱。
祖沖之(數學)——南朝的祖沖之利用劉微的割圖術提出了 л的更精確的上下界。 即3.1415926〈л〈3.1415927。


朱世傑(數學)——中國元代數學家。1299 年編撰成中國第一本算學啟蒙,從四則運算到天元術,形成了較完整的體系。1303年,他又寫成了 《四元玉鑒》,把天元術推廣為「四元術」,這是一種高次方程的解法(最高可包括4個未知數)。歐洲到 1775 年才提出同樣的解法「消元法」。美國科學史家薩頓評價他所著的《四元玉鑒》是整個世界中最傑出的數學著作之一。


郭守敬(天文學)——是中國元代傑出的天文學家。他創制了高表、玲瓏儀、觀象台計 16 種儀表,儀器專門測量天體使用。還製作了簡儀,現存紫金山天文台。郭守敬測定了黃赤交角。法國科學家 Laplace 提出黃赤交角變小理論,引用的根據就是郭守敬的。丹麥天文學家第谷所做的同類測量比郭守敬晚300年。

石申(天文學)——戰國時期的天文學家,石申第一部天文巨著「天文」。西漢後,人們尊稱「天文」一書為「石氏星經」。書中標有 121 顆恆星的位置,書中還記有水、木、金、火、土五大行星的運行及交食等情況。石申編制了最早的星表。並稱之「少陽」已認識到能自身發光。

劉焯(天文學)——隋代天文學家。創制了《皇極歷》,他首先考慮到了日、月視運動的不均勻性,創立了等間距二次差內插法。計算日月視運動的速度。同時他把差歲改為 75 年差一度。

一行(天文學)——唐代天文學家。他編制出一部新的歷法《大衍歷》,它包括十篇歷議,是古代非常先進的歷法。早在公元前 13 世紀,中國人以太陽和月亮運動為依據,創立了一種陰陽歷法。

楊忠輔(文學家)——中國南宋時期天文學家。他創制了《統天歷》,他確定回歸年長度為 365.2425 日。並發現回歸年長度有消長現象。


蘇頌(天文學)——中國宋代天文學家。和韓公廉合作製成了天象儀及水運儀象台,是中國古代第一架天象儀。有 8 人高,每層有門,一到時間門開,木人出來報時(後面有漏壺和機械繫統)。


裴秀(平面繪圖)——224~271 在中國最早創立了繪制平面地圖的理論「制圖六體」。並繪制了《禹貢地域圖》。


李春(橋梁設計)——605~617 年,首創了在主拱圖上設小腹拱的敞肩式拱橋。有名的趙州橋就是他設計的。

丁緩(發明家)——漢代,在 180 年生於長安。發明的物品有被中香爐、常滿燈、旋轉風扇,有長安巧工之稱。

沈括(科學家)——1031~1095 年,宋朝科學家,石油命名最早由他提出。

杜詩(水力鼓風機)——91~不祥,河南人。首創了水力鼓風設備水排。即利用水力推動風扇鼓風。是世界上最早的水力鼓風機,比歐洲早了 1100 年。




墨子(思想家)——公元前 400 年,墨子一書論述了杠桿平衡,提出光是直線傳播的論點。 《墨經》中記載的研究成果有:光的直線傳播、物影的生成、雙影的生成、光的反射現象、物象大小所關涉的條件、平面鏡成像、凹面鏡成像和凸透鏡成像等若干方面,其中最著名的是「小孔成像」理論。數學(已科學地論述了圓的定義)、力學(提出了力和重量的關系)等自然科學的探討,可惜的是,這一科學傳統也因此書在古代未得到重視而沒能結出碩果。

Ⅸ 中華上下五千年最偉大的發明是什麼




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