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發布時間:2021-09-25 04:37:37

Ⅰ 寫老師的英語五行詩(懸賞五十分高分)

family 家
familiar,strange 昔日的回憶,異地的思念
firing,boiling,melting 燃燒的沸騰著溶化了
filled with unselfish love 滿載無私的愛
forever 直到永遠
Safe ,uncomfortable
Moving, burning, shooting
Not high,no children


Ⅱ 打著麻將學著英語,詞彙量決定輸贏,你知道怎麼回事嗎


英語麻將由長方體外形的木塊或塑料塊製成的,其一面別離設有大寫和小寫的英語字母或詞根,採用此種設計的英語麻將,既具有通俗麻將的特點,同時又具有弄法簡單、組牌矯捷、方式易記,且能在娛樂中,堆集大量英語詞彙和英語常識,是一種新式的進修英語 的體例。

Ⅲ 英語麻將哪裡有賣的


Ⅳ 麻將英語

Mahjong, chess

英 [tʃes]
美 [tʃɛs]

n. 國際象棋,西洋棋
n. (Chess)人名;(英)切斯


Chess 國際象棋,象棋,國際象棋
Chess Titans Chess Titans,Chess Titans,國際象棋
Chess Player 圍棋少年


Ⅳ 用一段英語描述麻將,四到五句

Mahjong is a game of skill, strategy and calculation and involves a certain degree of chance.

Mahjong is a game that originated in China, commonly played by 4 players (with some 3-player variations found in Korea and Japan).

The main reason mahjong is so popular is because it's a great game.

Now on the market with more than mahjong is Zhusi mahjong, this type of mahjong processing effect is best.

Play mahjong to Hu cards ( winning ), only the winning hand, less gun or not little cannon, in order to gain victory.

Ⅵ 麻將牌里各種花色,不同的牌的英文是什麼~

筒 stones
梭 bamboos
萬 characters

風 Wind tiles(east,south,west,north)
中發白 red,green,white

梅plum, 蘭orchid, 菊Chrysanthemum, and 竹bamboo
春spring, 夏summer, 秋autumn, and 冬winter.

* 自摸 (zì mō) - Known in English typically as a self-pick, the winning tile must be drawn (rather than discarded).
* 獨聽 (dú tīng) - Known in English typically as a one-shot win or a last chance win, this occurs if the winner was looking for one and only one tile to win the hand (eg. the middle tile in a Chow). In some variations, this may extend to cases where two or more tiles could win the hand, but all but one were previously discarded.
* 搶杠 (qiǎng gàng) - Known in English typically as robbing the Kong, the winning tile was also claimed by another player for a Kong. As claiming a tile for the win takes precedence over claiming a tile for a Kong, the player who claimed the winning tile for a Kong is said to be robbed.
* 杠上花 (gàng shàng huā) - Known in English typically as the extra tile win, this occurs if the player wins off the extra tile drawn from replacing a flower or a Kong. In such a case, self-pick is awarded plus an extra point to denote the "self-pick" from the dead wall.
* 杠上杠 (gàng shàng gàng) - Known in English typlically as the Kong on Kong win, this is similar to the extra tile win, except that the tile that was used to make the Kong was itself an extra tile from declaring a Kong. Like the above case, whether self-pick is awarded is based on how the first Kong (the Kong not formed from an extra tile) is obtained. Variations may have further levels of extra-tile victory, and some variations may have similar criteria for extra tiles drawn from flower tiles.
* 天胡 (tiān hú) - Known in English typically as the heavenly hand or the heavenly victory, this occurs when the winner, as the dealer, wins the round on the first turn (ie. with the tiles given after dealing and - in all versions except American - flower replacement). Because of its rarity, this criterion is often the one worth the greatest number of points.
* 地胡 (dì hú) - Known in English typically as the earthly hand or the earthly victory, this occurs when a non-dealer wins off the dealer's first discard. This is typically the rarest and most valuable criterion for non-dealers. In Japanese variations, chi hō may also refer to a non-dealer winning on their first turn.
* 屁胡 (pì hú) - Also known in some circles as 推倒胡 (tuī dǎo hú) or 雞胡 (ji hú; "Chicken Hand"), this is used to describe a winning hand worth zero fān, or no points.
* 詐胡 (zhà hú) - Known in English literally as a trick hand, used to describe a "false alarm" when a player claims to have won but in fact has not.

* 混一色 - - Known in English as the mixed one suit hand, the winning hand must have only honor tiles and tiles from one suit.

* 清一色 - Known in English as the pure one suit hand, the winning hand must be either all honor tiles, or tiles all of the same suit. This is traditionally the highest value non-special hand, although newer variations have subsets that are of a higher point value. Some variations splinter hands of all honor tiles into a separate rule (below).

* 字一色 - Known in English as the pure honor hand, the winning hand must consist of all honor tiles.

Or the methods in which melds are formed:

* 門清 - Known in English as a pure hand or a purely concealed hand, this occurs if the winner wins without taking a discarded tile to form a meld. Depending on variation, there may also be the additional requirement of winning by self-pick, in which case, this is known as men qing zi mo, or purely concealed self-drawn hand.

The most common criteria, however, are criteria based on the presence of certain melds, or certain combinations of melds:

* 門風 - The winning hand contains a meld of the winner's seat wind.

* 圈風 - The winning hand contains a meld of the prevailing wind. In some variations, a double wind, where a certain wind is both the winner's seat wind and the prevailing wind, may result in a point bonus.

* 紅中 - The winning hand contains a meld of the red dragon.

* 青發 - The winning hand contains a meld of the green dragon.

* 白板 - The winning hand contains a meld of the white dragon.

* 平胡 - Known in English as the sequence hand, this occurs when every meld is a Chow.

* 對對胡 - Known in English as the triplets hand, this occurs when every meld in the winning hand is either a Pong or Kong. Variations allowing for Joker tiles will also permit melds of five or more, but disallow an all-Joker meld.

Ⅶ 麻將的英語是什麼


Ⅷ 成都有哪些小學外國語(英語)最好啊謝謝大家啦!


Ⅸ 成都校長發明「英語麻將」,並教學生打「麻將」,你贊同嗎









Ⅹ "麻雀雖小,五臟俱全"英語怎麼講




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