導航:首頁 > 創造發明 > 英語管理大師德魯克好的公司滿足市場需求偉大的公司創造市場英語


發布時間:2021-09-23 08:56:00

1. 我們公司主要經營國內市場,英語翻譯

Our company is mainly oriented to domestic customers.
oriented to是面向的意思

2. 翻譯成英語 多謝 不要機器翻譯1.存在著未滿足的需求:企業進入某一市場是期望能夠有利可圖,如果市場

1. The existence of unmet needs: enterprises to enter a market is expect to be profitable, if the small size of the market or tends to shrink in the state enterprises into difficult to obtain development. At this point, you should carefully consider and should not be entered into lightly. Of course, the enterprise should not be to the attractiveness of the market as the only choice, especially should strive to avoid the 'most fallacy', namely enterprise competition and follow the same logical thinking, the scale is biggest, the attraction of the largest market as the target market. We all share the same customer base as a result, resulting in excessive competition and social resources for the waste, while some of the needs of consumers to meet the needs of the neglect and neglect. 2. Customer demand is relatively stable, the market needs of customers should remain relatively stable for a longer period of time, so as to ensure enterprises to effectively develop the market, in order to obtain the expected benefits; on the contrary, if the change of demand of market segments too frequently, bring greater business risk to the enterprise.

3. 關於海爾新型熱水器,德魯克說的 好的公司滿足需求,偉大的公司創造市場 如何理解


4. 用英語寫一篇公司市場邀請專家介紹產品

Huawei,the full name is huawei technologies co.,LTD.,headquartered in guangdong province,is committed to provide customers with innovative procts,services,and to satisfy its needs solutions,for clients to create long-term value and potential growth,belong to the telecommunications network solutions provider.President ren,director ChangSunYaFang.In June 2011,a \"huawei's 40000 employees a 11% raise\" message on the Internet caused a strong reaction,also let the hot topic in fermentation again.

5. 英語作文,假設你是市場經理,給市場部經理johnson寫一份電子郵件,內容,上半年公司營銷報告,

Although the composition material is short and the event is small, but close to life, close to reality, both emotional and ideological. It carry forward the socialist core values, the passengers had understanding, considerate, caring, showing the precious affection, understanding the precious, precious love, reflecting the social harmony and warmth, permeated with the positive energy era.

6. 這個市場的需求非常大 英語怎麼說

The market demand is very big. 望採納

7. 英語介紹一個公司的發展歷史,內容有關規模,創始人,目前的市場�

Huawei, the full name is huawei technologies co., LTD., headquartered in guangdong province, is committed to provide customers with innovative procts, services, and to satisfy its needs solutions, for clients to create long-term value and potential growth, belong to the telecommunications network solutions provider. President ren, director ChangSunYaFang. In June 2011, a \"huawei's 40000 employees a 11% raise\" message on the Internet caused a strong reaction, also let the hot topic in fermentation again.

8. 求一篇1000字左右的英語作文 內容是,自己創建一個品牌,並把它推向國際市場的有關內容


9. 為了適應不斷變化的市場需求,我們公司……翻譯成英語~

To adapt to the changing market demand, our company...

10. 「有需求就有市場」用英語怎麼說

The market is always generated by the demands

The market is always proced by the demands



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