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發布時間:2021-09-06 19:33:15

1. 私人擁有槍的英語作文

Does your country allow private ownership of guns? Guns are completely banned in China.

2. 求英語作文:關於美國人用槍權利問題

Gun Control Essay Since disarming the citizens of this country is the objective of the federal government, and since the federal government proclaims this to be a democratic country based upon equality, then any gun control measures adopted by the government should be democratically applied. If law abiding citizens are to have their guns taken from them then let the law abiding police agencies of the state be disarmed also. (Those in law enforcement who are crooked can keep their guns just as the drug pushers and criminal elements in the civilian population at large will keep theirs.) Democracy based on equality requires that, so far as possible all are to be democratically equal. Why should the police, FBI, and federal marshals remain armed while citizens are not? Let us look at this issue in an intelligent, reasonable manner and examine the arguments. It will be said of those in favor of non-democratic gun control that the police come into contact with dangerous criminal elements and need guns to defend themselves as well as to enforce the laws. This is, of course, quite true, but is it not equally true for the citizens of this country? Are they not the chief victims of crime? Do they not need to protect themselves? In most cases, the policeman or FBI agent is much more able to defend himself as a result of training, physical conditioning, and experience than, say, a woman at a shopping mall who is dragged into an attacker's van and raped while her child is beaten unconscious by the assailant. Why, in a equal democratic society, would laws be passed that would provide a pistol for the police officer and not for the woman? Does not the woman as a citizen enjoy the same right to self defense as a police officer? Do not citizens have the same right to defend themselves as FBI agents? For every law enforcement officer that comes into contact with a criminal there are 7,653 citizens that are victimized by criminals. A citizen is 800 times more likely to be the victim of crime than a law enforcement officer, yet those who control the Federal government in Washington wish to make it illegal for any citizens to defend himself! The best place to stop crime is at the time of it's occurrence; in other words, were the 7,653 citizens armed they could in most cases prevent the crime at the point of it's occurrence. The police almost always arrive at the scene of a crime after the occurrence of the crime. Logically speaking, if the rules governing gun ownership are to be un-democratically applied, it makes far more sense to disarm the police than the citizens. The police can of course, once the one week waiting period is over, obtain a firearm just like citizens. Their arms should, however, be kept under lock and key at the police station. Then, just like citizens, if they get into trouble they can call 911 for armed help to come save them. One week waiting periods before the purchase of a firearm should be democratically applied. If it makes sense for a citizen to be required to wait a week in order to buy a firearm for protection, then it makes equally good sense for the police and FBI to do the same. Innocent people are killed every year by both agencies. If enforcement agencies had to wait a week before they could get a pistol, countless lives would be saved. A true example of this type of situation occurred recently in Houston, Texas where two armed robbers held up a large super market. The police advised of a hold up in progress placed officers at all exits. As the holp progressed and shoppers became aware of the stickup, several tried to flee the robbers. The first three shoppers out the door were shot by a female police officer, two died. How does a one week waiting period sound for this police officer? Now, it can be argued that most officers never shoot an innocent person with their side arms. Quite true. The same is true for most citizens who own guns. If our cites are so safe that citizens do not need guns, then the President's secret service guards should be disarmed. Is the president any more deserving of his life than the citizens who elected him? Democracy, where art thou? It seems clear that government elitists don't trust citizens who own guns. Can citizens trust a government who owns all the guns? Perhaps the federal government has something planned for the citizens of America that requires them to be disarmed? Bought any stock in the "New World Order" yet? It's originators, socialist elitists in Washington D.C., specify that worldwide disarmament must be instituted for the NWO to begin. You did not really think that this just meant foreign armies did you? Of course the enforcers of the NWO are to be allowed to keep their guns. How else can they see that you, a simple citizen, go along with their program? One has to ask himself what kind of country this would be if only criminals and government agents have arms. Perhaps the simple peasants who were in Tienanmen Square, or the Croatian and Slovakian citizens seen throwing rocks at tanks can best answer this question. Gun control works. Ask any government agent from Red Square to the steps of the White House. For those who can think, the words "gun control" or "New World Order" instinctively cause us to throw a thirty round clip into our weapon, for we are aware that the biggest criminals are the ones who live in Washington D.C.


3. 應英文寫一篇關於槍支安全問題的文章...

Currently I've noticed a piece of news that a man is killed by an 8-year-old child. There are good and bad things in this case. Bad thing is the child is the son of that man and difinitely they are not going quite well but the good thing is I don't have son. That's a joke and I know it's cold. Any way let's get down to the topic--is it safe to keep a gun? You might say no now cause I've mentioned a case above but it is a debatable topic since a few different reasons as follows.

First of all, it's not the fault of a gun neither the bullet but the fault of the man who used it. So the question would be with whom will it be safe to keep a gun. Obviously it will not be the bad guys like murderers cause they are quite good at killing but is it safe with innocent people? The answer might be no. Refer back to the case I said above, I actually do not know the reason why the kid was so upset and had to make his father disappear to solve the problem but there is still possiblities that the man was killed by accident. Kids usually do not know how to fire a gun and they are not brave enough to kill. Maybe the trigger was the only thing can be moved and the only thing to control the bullet. So the murders are trained with using guns, the innocent should do that as well.

Secondly, most citizens especially in America argue that the guns are used against break-in robberies. If guns are banned by the legislation, the gunholders would only be the robbers. To my point this point is quite interesting since it indirectly indicated that the government cannot control the usage of guns at all except the on the guys who are willing to be controled. But as it is totally banned like the government promises, knives or steel strips will become quite popular in robbers and the victims would enjoy a much lower possibility of death.

Thirdly is related to ecation. It's quite arguable that some schools have already started courses of using guns.Generaly some schools may intend to become famous through murder training. To my point the best thing to do with ecation is to inform students the concept of killing and guilt. In other words, everyone would know that it is wrong to use guns to kill but not to be an expert in killing. Try to think it in converse. When no one in this world knows how to use a gun, will it be any killing with this weapon? To say yes in this question definitely could take a while but that could be the right way to go.

In one word, there is no certain conclusion of gun-control policies.

4. 高分求高人幫忙寫一篇關於槍給人類帶來的兩面性的英文作文 800詞左右

The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters not safe. Mr. Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to compete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the Netherlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new instries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning.

Vincent van Gogh, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, was born in Groot-Zundest, Holland. The son of a pastor, brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere, Vincent was highly emotional and lacked self-confidence. Between 1860 and 1880, when he finally decided to become an artist, van Gogh had had two unsuitable and unhappy romances and had worked unsuccessfully as a clerk in a bookstore, an art salesman, and a preacher in the Borinage (a dreary mining district in Belgium), where he was dismissed for overzealousness. He remained in Belgium to study art, determined to give happiness by creating beauty. The works of his early Dutch period are somber-toned, sharply lit, genre paintings of which the most famous is "The Potato Eaters" (1885). In that year van Gogh went to Antwerp where he discovered the works of Rubens and purchased many Japanese prints.

In 1886 he went to Paris to join his brother Théo, the manager of Goupil's gallery. In Paris, van Gogh studied with Cormon, inevitably met Pissarro, Monet, and Gauguin, and began to lighten his very dark palette and to paint in the short brushstrokes of the Impressionists. His nervous temperament made him a difficult companion and night-long discussions combined with painting all day undermined his health. He decided to go south to Arles where he hoped his friends would join him and help found a school of art. Gauguin did join him but with disastrous results. In a fit of epilepsy, van Gogh pursued his friend with an open razor, was stopped by Gauguin, but ended up cutting his own ear off. Van Gogh then began to alternate between fits of madness and lucidity and was sent to the asylum in Saint-Remy for treatment.

In May of 1890, he seemed much better and went to live in Auvers-sur-Oise under the watchful eye of Dr. Gachet. Two months later he was dead, having shot himself "for the good of all." During his brief career he had sold one painting. Van Gogh's finest works were proced in less than three years in a technique that grew more and more impassioned in brushstroke, in symbolic and intense color, in surface tension, and in the movement and vibration of form and line. Van Gogh's inimitable fusion of form and content is powerful; dramatic, lyrically rhythmic, imaginative, and emotional, for the artist was completely absorbed in the effort to explain either his struggle against madness or his comprehension of the spiritual essence of man an

5. 槍的英文

Sniper狙擊手, Sniper Rifle狙擊步槍, Sniping狙擊

1L, 2L sharpshooter的意思是"尖子射手", 或者叫"神槍手". 這是英式英語的慣用稱呼, 是在Sniper流行以前對狙擊手的稱呼. Sharpshooter源自德語Scharfschütze, 是指19世紀初期的神槍手, 當時用的還是前裝黑葯槍.

美式英語裡面, 將神槍手 Sharpshooter稱為 Marksman, 或者Designated Marksman, 簡稱DM. 字面意思是"指定射手", 是指步兵班裡面的神槍手, 又叫"特等射手".
很多人喜歡把SVD, 88式那樣的步槍稱為"戰術狙擊步槍"," 精確射擊步槍". 其實他們的正式名字是 Designated Marksman Rifle"指定射手步槍", 簡稱DMR. 中文將它動聽地翻譯為"精確射擊步槍", 再次顯示了中文的獨特魅力. 其實真正名叫"精確射擊步槍"的是Präzisions-schützen-gewehr(德語, 對應英語為Precision Shoot Rifle), 簡稱PSG. 沒錯, 就是德國 HK公司的 PSG-1.

6. 槍支的廣泛使用帶來的社會問題英語作文

Guns are dangerous.So are many of our daily activities.Don't point a gun to anything you don't want to destroy and don't cross the street without checking the traffic.U.S.has the same amount of registered vehicles and estimated guns in civilian's hands.However,auto accidents are much much higher than gun related deaths (murders and accidents).Yet not a single person on earth wants to ban cars.
Guns are not evil.Bad guys using them are.Banning guns to law-abiding citizens,criminals will have illegal guns anyway and have far less concerns to commit their crimes.
Guns are effective.In fact,firearm is the most effective tool for self-protection.There is simply no other better tool or techniques to immediately and reliably deter or stop a violent crime.It is especially true for women and other physically challenged people.Not martial arts,knife nor other edge tools or impact tools,and definitely not a call to the police can save your life instantly.
Guns are fun.Shooting down a small target at a distance will put a smile on everyone's face.

7. 求一篇關於槍的英文作文

Guns are dangerous. So are many of our daily activities. Don't point a gun to anything you don't want to destroy and don't cross the street without checking the traffic. U.S. has the same amount of registered vehicles and estimated guns in civilian's hands. However, auto accidents are much much higher than gun related deaths (murders and accidents). Yet not a single person on earth wants to ban cars.

Guns are not evil. Bad guys using them are. Banning guns to law-abiding citizens, criminals will have illegal guns anyway and have far less concerns to commit their crimes.

Guns are effective. In fact, firearm is the most effective tool for self-protection. There is simply no other better tool or techniques to immediately and reliably deter or stop a violent crime. It is especially true for women and other physically challenged people. Not martial arts, knife nor other edge tools or impact tools, and definitely not a call to the police can save your life instantly.

Guns are fun. Shooting down a small target at a distance will put a smile on everyone's face.

8. 英語作文槍支管理

槍支的管理 The Control of Guns 26 Last week, there was unexpected disaster happened in Kunming, a group of gangster showed up in the Kunming train station, took out their knives, cutting people, many people died of the accident. What a tragical accident. It reminds me of the gun shot accidents happened in campus in America. America is not so strict to the control of guns, people can buy guns when they get registered, people can use the gun to hunt animals. While the lose management of the guns brings many tragedies, there is always news about gun shot accident in campus, the murders are teenagers. People are shocked by the news, they call on the government to control the guns, in case the teenagers have access to the guns. Compared to America, our country is very strict to the guns, so the gangsters of Kunmingdisaster use knives instead of guns. The government has done a good job on gun management.

9. 英語作文,迄今為止最好的發明


10. 玩具手槍英文作文

My favourite toy is a doll.Because a doll like my friend can I talk to her I don't happy.When I am lonely I can talk to it in my happiness I can and share it.I think it is not only a toy it is my closest friend.
我最喜歡的玩具是洋娃娃.因為它像我的朋友一樣.洋娃娃像我在我孤單時我可以跟它說話在我快樂時我可以與它分享 英文翻譯的朋友一樣我能向它傾訴我的不快樂.我認為它不僅是玩具更是我最親密的夥伴.



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