導航:首頁 > 知識產權 > chinagirl為什麼不給版權了


發布時間:2021-10-04 22:47:16

Ⅰ 是a China girl還是 a Chinese girl為什麼

一般來說 Chinese girl 比較常見,
China girl 不是很正式,而且有點壞壞的感覺。
如果是學習工作的話,用Chinese girl比較好。
不過 David Bowie 好像寫過一首歌叫 "China girl"

Ⅱ 騰訊為什麼不給網易雲周傑倫歌曲版權


Ⅲ s.h.e的super star是不是抄襲sweetbox的china girl

sweetbox的china girl是翻唱she的super star的
這首歌原本是sweetbox為她們寫的,後來super star在國內很紅,sweetbox就自己也唱了英文版的

《Remember》--《Super Star》(本專輯中有收錄)

《愛呢》--《That Night》(本專輯中有收錄)

《愛情的海洋》--《Every Time》(本專輯中有收錄)

《Always On My Mind》--《Read My Mind》(本專輯中未收錄)

《Super Star》--《China Girl》(本專輯中未收錄)


《戀人未滿》--《Brown Eyes》(Destiny's Child)

《I've Never Been to Me》--《I've Never Been to Me》(Charlene)

《Woman In Love》--《Woman In Love》(Rebekah Ryan)

《白色戀歌》--《Come Back》(No Angels)

《天使在唱歌》--《When The Angels Sing》(No Angels)

《遠方》--《How Did I Fall In Love》(Backstreet Boys)



Ⅳ I am a Chinese girl.為什麼不用:I am an Chinese girl.


Ⅳ 為什麼許多中國人版權意識特別差

中國人以為好東西要分享,比如在日本,漢化組和黑社會沒有區別,因為他們回盜了軟體,之後漢化破答解。還有認為打擦邊球沒關系,比如康師傅方便麵,盜版為康帥博方便麵。當然也有比較嚴重的事件,假漢芯事件曝光,詳細去網路搜,居然把美國貨磨了標簽,貼上made in China 。騙取國家上十億。游戲界中迷你世界盜取我的世界代碼,導致游戲界混亂

Ⅵ 版權方為什麼不給trap英文版的

Like a kitty in a cage
Like a puppy in a box on a plane
Like a driver I』m stuck in this lane
On this lane, yeah
I can』t seem to find a way
Like an employee on a minimum wage
Like a broken GPS can』t locate
Can』t locate, Oh
We started out fine, take look at us now
You leave me no choice and I gotta break out
But I』m, I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And I』m losing it I find my inner self, try to stay true to it
Gotta make a way out, 『cause you ain』t true to me, ain』t true to me, I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And now you』re losing me We had a future and a plan
But you don』t stick to it You have changed, but I』m the same
I haven』t changed a bit, haven』t changed a bit I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
I』m Trapped Oh- I』m Trapped Oh-
Prisoner, I can』t escape
Where do I find the strength?
To break away from this ball and chain
This ball and chain
Everyday is same old same
Like I』m locked up and it drives me insane
Like a spider tryin』 to run from the rain
From the rain, Yeah
We started out fine, take look at us now
You leave me no choice and I gotta break out
But I』m, I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And I』m losing it I find my inner self, try to stay true to it
Gotta make a way out, 『cause you ain』t true to me, ain』t true to me, I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And now you』re losing me We had a future and a plan
But you don』t stick to it You have changed, but I』m the same
I haven』t changed a bit, haven』t changed a bit I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
I』m Trapped Oh- I』m Trapped Yeah-
I wanna move on (wanna move on)
Why you make it so hard? (make it so hard)
For me to let go (need to let go)
Every time that you call (Every time that you call)
And I』m losing it I find my inner self, try to stay true to it
Gotta make a way out, 『cause you ain』t true to me, ain』t true to me, I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And now you』re losing me We had a future and a plan
But you don』t stick to it You have changed, but I』m the same
I haven』t changed a bit, haven』t changed a bit I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And I』m losing it I find my inner self, try to stay true to it
Gotta make a way out, 『cause you ain』t true to me, ain』t true to me, I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
And now you』re losing me We had a future and a plan
But you don』t stick to it You have changed, but I』m the same
I haven』t changed a bit, haven』t changed a bit I』m Trapped I』m Trapped
I』m Trapped Oh- Ooh- Ooh-—

Ⅶ the china girl proction ltd有人知道嗎


Ⅷ David Bowie 的China Girl 和中國有關系嗎

可能是一個叫geeling ching的華裔移民,她參演過bowie的音樂錄影帶並和寶爺相愛過,今年已經54歲了。可是china girl這首歌的詞好像不是bowie寫的……

Ⅸ 好聲音的版權,大股東還是中國藍

《中國好聲音——The Voice of China》,是由浙江衛視聯合星空傳媒旗下燦星製作強力打造的大型版勵志專業音樂評論節目權,源於荷蘭節目《The Voice of Holland》,於2012年7月13日正式在浙江衛視播出。中國好聲音不僅僅是一個優秀的選秀節目,更是中國電視歷史上真正意義的首次制播分離。劉歡、那英、庾澄慶、楊坤四位著名歌手將作為明星導師言傳身教,為中國樂壇的發展提供一批懷揣夢想、具有天賦才華的音樂人,樹立中國電視音樂節目的新標桿。節目錄制地點為上海華東師范大學。另外,姜佑澤演唱《中國好聲音》勵志歌曲。我國同荷蘭都是某些保護知識產權締約國,按照幾個保護知識產權和作品版權的公約,如《伯爾尼公約》等,這些作品在一個締約國發表,視為在所有的締約國都發表了,所以要購買版權。

Ⅹ 羅百吉的china girl那裡能下到呢不是中國美眉,就叫china girl!




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