1. 物權法用英語怎麼說
Property law
Property law is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property (land as distinct from personal or movable possessions) and in personal property, within the common law legal system. In the civil law system, there is a division between movable and immovable property. Movable property roughly corresponds to personal property, while immovable property corresponds to real estate or real property, and the associated rights and obligations thereon.
The concept, idea or philosophy of property underlies all property law. In some jurisdictions, historically all property was owned by the monarch and it devolved through feudal land tenure or other feudal systems of loyalty and fealty.
Though the Napoleonic code was among the first government acts of modern times to introce the notion of absolute ownership into statute, protection of personal property rights was present in more feudalist forms in the common law courts of medieval and early modern England.
Definition of property
One textbook on property law states:
When a layman is asked to define "property," he is likely to say that "property" is something tangible "owned" by a natural person (or persons), a corporation, or a unit of government. But such a response is inaccurate from a lawyer's viewpoint for at least two reasons: (1) it confuses "property" with the various subjects of "property," and (2) it fails to recognize that even the subjects of property may be intangible.
For a lawyer, "property" is not a "thing" at all, although "things" are the subject of property. Rather, as Jeremy Bentham asserted, property is a legally protected "expectation * * * of being able to draw such or such an advantage from the thing" in question [ . . . .][1]
Black's Law Dictionary (5th ed. 1979) states that "[i]n the strict legal sense, [property is] an aggregate of rights which are guaranteed and protected by the government" and that the term property "includes not only ownership and possession but also the right of use and enjoyment for lawful purposes."
By contrast, Barron's Law Dictionary (2d ed. 1984) defines property as "one's exclusive right to possess, use, and dispose of a thing" [ . . . ] "as well as the object, benefit, or prerogative which constitutes the subject matter of that right."
Property law can be divided into personal and real property. Real property concerns itself with rights in rem, or relating to land. Personal property concerns itself with rights in personam, or relating to chattels. Gray & Gray (1998) describe the definition of property in the modern sense as oscillating between 'competing models of property as a fact, property as a right, and property as a responsibility'[2] Declared ownership in and of itself is insufficient to constitute property in a legal sense. Rather, the notion of property arises where one can have his/her right to land or chattels respected and enforced by a court of law. Therefore to possess good title (and thus enforceable rights) on property one must acquire it legitimately, according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which one seeks enforcement.
2. 請英文達人幫忙找下關於〈不動產物權預告登記制度〉的英文資料
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators》 2010-01Add to Favorite Get Latest Update Reflect on China's Real Property Advance Notice RegistrationTIAN Xiao-jiang(Southwest University Of political Science and Law,Chongqing 400031,China)
Real property advance notice registration system is a an important system in civil law,the system is concive to safeguarding the safety of transactions,safeguarding market order.China's "Property Law" advance notice reference the civil law legal system,and establish real property registration system.However,there are many defects in the system,therefore proposing the road to improve is very urgent.
【Key Words】: real property advance notice registration perfect
【CateGory Index】: D923.2
【DOI】: CNKI:SUN:SXZF.0.2010-01-022
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3. ★物權憑證英文怎麼說
Documents of title to the goods
4. 翻譯成英文 論物權法定原則的完善
Numerus clausus principle, the structure of the system in property law in pivotal status. But along with the progress of the society, the numerus clausus principle in practice more and more exposed the shortcomings, displays in: numerus clausus principle and property law itself departure from the legislation, not the value of legal pursuit of the proportion principle, the real right legal principle rigid and lag. So perfect the numerus clausus principle is necessary. So, establish a complete set of real right system, coordination and method of value for the relationship between the proportion principle, to overcome the numerus clausus principle of rigid and hysteresis and further improving numerus clausus principle.
5. 物權法用英文怎麼說 要地道的說法
物權法 :
property law (the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership in real property)
6. 求助,物權憑證英語怎麼說
document of title
英 [ˈdɔkjumənt ɔv ˈtaitl] 美 [ˈdɑkjəmənt ʌv ˈtaɪtl]
They shall apply when adopted by a contract of carriage which is not covered by a Bill of Lading or similar document of title, whether the contract be in writing or not.
7. 什麼是物權法物權法的英文翻譯是什麼
英文:Property Law of the People's Republic of China
8. 物權單據 翻譯成英文是什麼
property documents (certificates,invoices, receipts, and so on)
9. 請問中國官方對物權法的英文翻譯是什麼 對於各種法律能在哪些官網上找到 謝謝!
物權法官方英文表達:Real Right Law